Concerned about Medical Commission
I had been in Doha from past 7years working with a reputed company as an engineer, I have an job offer from another reputed company, I have got the NOC and my new company has suggested me to proceed to the Medical Commission and CID... I have some queries to make regarding medical Commission, I am physically handicap with a polio in one leg but can walk with out any support on my own but I limp during walking. 7years back when i went for medical commission for my previous employment, Doctor at the medical commision had reported an objection for my physical Handicapness and sent a letter to my previous employer and it took a lot of time to finish my medical fitness running around as my previous employer was kind enough to issue No Objection for my Handicapness. Is it the same procedure that doctor will examine the physical fitness again.
My Question is, If an employer is ready to hire you on the basis of your experience and Qualification and has no problem in accepting you as you are, as they are Equal Oppurtunity Employer, what is medical commission to do with you Handicapness, recently I read in gulf times that Sheikha Hessa al Thani (UN special rapporteur for Qatar) has encouraged for the society of Qatar to accept person with disabilities and give them equal oppurtunity in work places and give equal social lifes. I am not against the working of Medical Commission, just wanna say, person with disabilities has already some kind of discomfort in life dont make them running around every where. Thanks in Advance
Thanks MAGAN...
Medical commission doesnt bother abour physical disability . They are only concern about communicable dieseases . AIDS , TB , HEPATITIES etc.. SO DONT WORRY