Is it fair salary? all opinions will help

Dear All,
I am offered a job in Qatar. The job is in management level and salary offered is 5,000 QR. They also offer me accomodation and transport. Do you think it is fair offer taking into consideration worlwide situation or I am being underestimated? I am from post-soviet-union region, may be that's why they offer lower salary? Important to add working hours will be 10 or more per day. Please reply, all opinions will be helpful. Thanks
can i bring my wife to qatar with the offer?
can someone give me a feedback with employment of Qatar airways?
5500 - basic
500 - transpo allowance
70 - laundry allowance
5000 or company accomodation.
is enough offer for aircraft mechanic?
if u married i dont thing this offer will help u
My friend has an offer as below;
Base- QR 12000
Bachelor Acc- free
Transport -Free
Mobile Phone -Free
30days/12 month leave = Family tickets
Is it good offer for 5yrs experience Engineer with wife and 1 child. Can it cover education + food and savings.
Ericmarian, you should receive QR4,000 minimum for that position.
I want to ask if a salary of QR 1,700 a month fairly enough to survive in Doha? that is inclusive of transpo and accomodation, I dont have vices and nightlife..I am to be hired as document controller and I am a fresher from Manila. thanks guys...
Its a good decision that you will accept the offer.Because, something is better than nothing.After gaining experience in middle east, you can demand more and as you might be knowing, due to the economical global meltdown, there are so many people still jobless.
So, your decision is right and you can try for saving also eventhough the salary offer is very low.It all again depends on how you spend for your basic living in Qatar.Anyhow, welcome to Qatar.Best of Luck.
Could clarify as what is your qualification and what job has been offered to you and what type of business is the company in to...????
Management level cadre personnels are paid quite fairly, not as what you have quoted..
U r gettin a job at the management level and u r gettin only 5K...??? Thts Funny... Seriously..!!! Cos, if u r goin 2 sit in a place where u just mentioned, i bet der wudnt b nothing below 8-10K. I think u need to redo ur contract if u wanna get wot u deserve.
When I come (or if I come?) I will be happy to talk to all of you more on other issues of life in Qatar. I am sure I will have lots of questions :)
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
to be honest with u...we need to know how many years of experience u have and what r ur skills! 5000 might be under estimated in some conditions! and also depends on the employer! the company! if its not very known and not ISO:9001 certified or multinational, it looks ok but if it is a great company... not enough! anyway goodluck and nowadays its hard to find a good job as my colleague said. it is fair i think for now...
It is a fair salary.
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
You don't have to say it in Russian. She understands English.
Good decision Nargo.
Hai Miss.Nargo,
Welcome your thanks.Further we welcome you to Doha very soon.We are awaiting to receive your message that you were landed Doha.We all QL's welcome you.Best of luck.
You are going to land in the world of opportunities.
Again welcome you.
I dont know how to say in russian longuage.
Thanks everyone again,
I decided to accept it, anyway I dont have anything else in hand now. May be will see some of you over there soon!
Thanks for response.Accomadation means sharing / individual?.If your company is a MNC you can Bargain for betterment.How many years contract they are providing?
What is the increment pattern? Medical insurance or actual medical expenses of individual should be provided by the employer.
If you are unemployed means accept the offer.If your economic condition is strong means wait for the big fish.
But understand world economic crises.somebody will come for this salery too.
Once you join means , you have to think about what is your potential of saving to send money to your family.Here telecommunication + food = Qr 1000/ - may be spend by you.Remaining only will be in your hand.
Think the positive and negative according to your family situation and decide.
My advance welcome wishes to Doha /qatar.
That's true. Most of the companies, even large corporates do not post vacancies on their website while they do advertise open positions somewhere or they get filled internally, but not all of them. In any case you should forward your CV if you find their e-mail address on their website. It sometimes works. You can look for jobs in the GCC by recruitment agencies websites, most of them are located in the UAE. check out, and
thanks a lot! I think it is good idea to come but still search for better opportunity outside of Qatar. As I know there are so many international companies in Qatar, but strange that they don't post vacancies anywhere. For example, KBR, cannot find anything in their website except engineering jobs.
You are right you might not be able to transfer your visa within Qatar. But you can always look for better opportunities outside Qatar e.g. other GCC countries and if you get one, move. The salary according to your qualifications is very low. You should ask for more.
Just calculate how much u will spend a month. Think if it's enough or not.
I would be happy to negotiate, but it is getting scary - I don't have many offers. I don't think that I am low qualified person - I have bachelor degree and in the process of getting mba, have experience in middle east.
However, cannot find anything decent for long time already. That's why started to consider at least this one. Do you think it is possible to get NOC after some time? I am sure I will find smth better when I am in qatar. But if it wont be possible to get NOC then I will put myself in slavery as many other people.
If you are still unemployed and they provide you with the housing and transportation, you should accept the offer. If you don't like it you can quit; there is no opportunity cost involved in your case.
Kumaran, thank you very much for your answer! They will give private car and some amount for petrol as I understood. I am single, so didnt even check on family status. Accomodation without food. Yes, they will provide ticket to and from Doha as well as only 21 days leave / 12 months.
I am still hesitating to accept or not
there's not much u can do with a 5k salary in qatar if u looking at saving any,esp if u hv family..its definitely not management level sal..depends on the company who u applied to..but its definitely low for any kind of managerial position..
As far SALARY is concerned, its very less as compare to Qatar current market standards. Managers must have more than 15k atleast but it also depends upon ur exact position and company's business potential in Qatar.
Anyhow, major problem for u is that u will never be able to bring ur wife till ur salary gets Qar.7000 and if it does then at that time the govt might raise the criteria further making impossible for u to bring ur wife in Qatar again.
So be very careful b4 accepting such job unless your planning to leave Qatar for higher prospective in other GCC countries
dont think it is enough
if you want the job, take it. If you want to negotiate keep negotiating.
whats you qualifications? companies base their offer on candidates educations and experience.
Hai Nargo,
Accomodation with food or not?What about medical and to and fro Air ticket? What about family status?
Transport means they provide you car? or in staff car?
If they provide car means what about petrol allowance?
And official mobile with communication allowance will be given for official use or not?
Accomodation with transport+ Salery + Medical allowance+communication allowance+30 days paid holiday /12 months with to and fro air ticket to go your home city = ok.
Check all this.
Dont think since you are post soviat union and offered less salery.
If you have real ability certainely you will get good salery.
I hope you are fresh to Middle east country.For freshers they will offer like this only.Once you got experienced here then you can demand as per market reqirement.
Any how welcome to doha.
If you want any details again ask here.
at least u r being offered that is very difficult to find a job nowadays.