wht would ur first reaction??

By Silvia Abdullah •
How would u feel if one day you were browsing in Google, and for the heck of FUN....u type ur BF name and U found his picture or news about him appear in Google....????and u found out about tht after u dated the guy for few months........it turns out the guy tht u dated is a famous guy.....wht would ur first reaction??? will it b fun dating this guy where all ppl know about him??????
any comment?????
if he is famous tht mean tht u will be famous as well...can i have ur autograph.....so i can sell on ebay.....
I have to agree with Cap. Doha being so small as well, on a forum like this isn't the best place to discuss personal relationship matters - I would hit the roof if I had come across my relationship being discussed so openly... If he is famous - and for what, we don't know - then he seems to have wanted to keep things private as much as possible anyway.. I'm pretty sure that is a good trait to have..
who cares if he's famous(???)..if you enjoy his company then "GO GIRL"..good luck..
keep a close eye on him.u said he is famous,u should c wat kind of people knows him.ofcourse if the people who know him belongs to normal educated and decent guys,ofcourse he is famous 4 good reason.but if he is famous in PLAYERS and street wanderers.then he can b a player too
Okay 'tiger' let me know :-)
Oh... and F**** was FART of course...
I just hope he is not playing u or messing with ur head.however i wish things go the way u wish :)
My words were kind of 'blunt', your reaction however very respectable.
I wonder, and I apologize for poisoning your mind...
what if you turn out to be very passionate and a natural born 'tigerrrrr', and he turns out to be flexible as a piece of wood that bursts as soon as you touch him....
Only love?
Silvia.good luck with this guy,u look so excited,eh??
lo0ol............the dude........about he being a good F**** or not ....I DUNO and dont wana know. i'll find out about tht IF i end up marrying him.
Famous or not famous...
Was he a good F***?
No, nothing lost
Yes, Life is a bitch.
Hai silvia,
What is the difference of famous/unfamous.He is a man. Is it not?.whether you afraid about his fame? Are you feel inferior for that fame?
otherwise you feel unsecure by his popularity?
Why do you feel guilty about your dating?
Did you like his company or not? Why do you worry for others?
Yor heart is the right judge for you.
Have a nice dating experience and be happy.
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
didnt know ur dating a guy :) thought ur single and not in love .. based on the info i got :) wahahah Well the reaction would be shocking and u must be happy dating a famous guy! Goodluck and congratulation for the fame :)
by knowing this guy thru google made you now feel 'insecure' towards him. Don't be, "just be yourself" dear.
He should look at you that you can handle his 'popularity' by treating him as before.
OMG............now can u plz break the magic.....and tell us who is this GREEK GOD:)
ma'am there are richest business tycoons, media lords, princes, land lords, gang lords, warlords, (brothers of all these guys included coz they wud also be immensely rich and powerful) and all of 'em have girl freinds....
everybody is having their lives quite happily....so why dun u live happily with a guy who is only famous in a part of doha.....may be no body wud recognize him if u go to al- wakra hehehehehe. they r people who r recognized all along the continents....so be calm...and enjoy ur time :))
Sorry. Cannot tell. I do not date guys
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well i dont think he was "fair" to her in the first place by not telling her something so big as in him being FAMOUS. He should have come clean with that to start with, and not let you have found out about it later. You need to ask him why didnt he tell u about this from the beginning. Then if you feel he has a valid reason behind it then u can move on to other important issues like other girls and his dedication towards you and the relationship, is he being serious with you or are YOU the other girlfriend that he's seeing on the side? :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
His fame obviously wasn't a big enough deal to have affected your relationship before you knew about him, therefore what does it matter now that you do? You liked him before you knew, and he's still the same guy you liked from the beginning. It's a little unfair to reconsider your relationship based on some thing that had no effect on your relationship earlier. It's like him turning around and saying "I like you, but I'm not going to date you because you're not famous". He probably wishes there were more people who liked him for him, rather than factoring the fame part into the equation.
well being popular dun mean he wud be doing all bad things...
frankly the only thing that bothers u is tht "HE IS SOMEBODY" and u r not
its absolutely natural its human psychy..... no offense
but the thing tht matters is tht he is fair wid u or not!!!!!
Look there are disadvantages of dating a famous person if YOU are not famous yourself. If your trying to now become famous at his cost then forget about it as you are a nobody to the world and you are just 'THAT GIRL' that he is dating. If you get dumped tomorrow no one will even remember u. If he is very popular and as u say is famous coz of his work then i'm sure there will be many other females trying to get with him and that is going to stroke his ego a lot and he's not going to give your relationship 100% as you dont have that leverage over him to say i'm gonna leave u coz he'll just be fine with that as 10 other girls will be waiting in line.
So it upto you how you want to take the next step. he could be a wonderful guy if he kept himself being famous a secret may be coz he wants to find the right girl who isnt after him fame and fortune or he just doesnt want his name to be spoilt in the media if people start to see him with someone and start to spread rumors about him etc.
Now pm and tell me why is he famous for..my money is still on him being a football player..that the only thing someone in Qatar can be famous for :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
time for a photo op...
then will ask him to marry me... :D
LOL at smoke..
silvia eludes..
Silvia, are you scared because you can google him, or because of what you found out about him?
You can google anyone.
You shouldn't let it affect your relationship (unless he's committed a crime or something)
You still havent told us what is he famous for?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
....(googling my husband)....
Hey Silvia....
Hope its all fine in your dating.....If the guy is serious with you..doesn;t matter famous or rich or poor..
Important is how is he as a Human Being and a Loyal partner to you. Everyone has their own status in life.
So Enjoy your Life.....
NFH...was about to say the same...lol
But then... I thought I am not dating anyone ..so its irrelevant..lol
for brit.....
i just found out about it few days ago and now am scared.
i feel alot relax when i didnt know about i can GOOGLE him on the net. now i hv lots of doubt..........
or better start get rid of GOOGLE heheheheheh
of that guy's identity will not affect your relationship.
Wish you both well:)
Silvia you are a sweet old-fashioned girl.
Nowadays most girls Google the guy BEFORE they decide to date him... just to make sure he's not famous for the wrong reasons ;-)
You still didnt mention ..what is he famous for??
Actor? singer? ...what??
You know me too well.. Arabic speaking and FAMOUS .. what more could one ask for ?
Brit i know what you are trying to do, you want him all to yourself dont u?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
waittt let me try to google my exes ;-)
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving!!!
Ok.. This is getting to wierd for this time of the morning..
You are still dating the guy and you only found out via google that he is famous...
Time to get rid of him I think...
Hmmm thought you said you dated him as in its over now. anyways yep i'm sure now that u know he's famous its going to be even more exciting and not to forget if he's famous then he's rich and u can demand to be taken to more 5 star restaurants :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
why dya still worry as britex pointed out???
shouldn't you be jumping up and down with glee that YOU have dated a famous guy???
but as i have said, if he is all that (only famous) then good riddance LOL
disadvantages??? people have a tendency to criticise you more...esp the eeerr WOMEN - make up and fashion wise LOL
The way your talking sounds like u were dating a football player..i'm 80% sure he was a football player :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
"........it turns out the guy tht u dated is a famous guy....."
This assumes that you've broken up with him... So why worry ?
I googled my name and found myself appear in Facebook, portugal, the white pages of USA and in the year book of a school i never went to :(
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
how famous??? people can be on google for a lot of reasons...
initially i'd be more curious and then go DANG! and berserk...
if he didn't tell you that he is indeed famous while you were dating, it's either he is a humble dude, which means FAT chance that you can get back with him again...coz u let go of a "famous guy" (if he is all that, then good riddance)
or he was just not into you that he didn't think it's important to tell you...
Brit googling the Rolling stones again?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
you sound so Gay
I had the same thing with an ex boyfriend.. I was flabbergasted.. Turned out he was "famous", but for all the wrong reasons :(
He is a celebrity then ....:)