Marriage In Qatar
By peter_j_lawrence •
Hi - I am a British Citizen living & working here in Qatar, and wish to get married to a Phillipino who is also living and working here. I have contacted the British Embassy here and they have refered me to a non-donominational church here (Church of Epiphany). I would prefer to have a simple civil cereomony and wonder if anyone can suggest some alternatives? For example is there anyone who is licenced to conduct civil ceremonies here? All suggestions welcomed! Thanks
My Finances Embassy might be able to do it at the Phillipine Embassy. I did nt get along with Father Bill
There is no other place to get married.
I got married earlier in the Year, we initially wanted it in the Embassy but they stopped doing weddings... so we went to Father Bill at the Church of Epiphany... and he was great.
This I believe is your only option, or maybe your Fiances embassy can do the wedding there.
Mr.Peter J Lawrence,
Our advance wishes for your happy married life.
civil marriage - through the embassy-- i think. Congratulations!
You can get married (civil) in your embassy.