The Worlds Hardest Riddle
I got this email and for the life of me - I cannot figure out what it is!! So I thought I'd throw it to the clever people here on QL. Any ideas??
I turn polar bears white
And I will make you cry.
I make boys have to pee
And girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
And normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
And make your champagne bubble.
If you squeeze me, I'll pop
If you look at me, you'll pop.
Can you guess the riddle?
mai lain pa!
The time has come,
winter is here
and those yellow bears disappear.
The time has past
as man looks back with a sigh
and a tear in his eye.
As time is held
boys cross their legs
but of course the toilet begs
As time marches on
Girls loose their blush
and swap a comb for their brush
As time passes
For those held high
their end is nigh
As time catches up
Everyone is equal
when we get to the final sequel
As time turns
Without it we have flour and water
With it we have breakfast for my daughter
As time revolves
How does one turn water and wine
into something so fine
As time runs out
The more in a minute you try and squeeze
the less you can do with ease.
As time ticks
All the time that has past
man cannot comprehend something so vast.
chichi, there was a method to my madness.
1. Polar bears - gay old men are referred to as polar bears so i'm guessing they drink beer.
2. I will make you cry - some people get emotional when they drink beer.
3. I make boys have to pee - no explanation needed.
4. Make girls comb their hair - they're getting ready to go out drinking.
5. I make celebrities look stupid - no explanation required.
6. And normal people look like celebrities - beer goggles usually at this stage.
7. I turn pancakes brown - beer is good for cooking, even better if you're drinking while you cook.
8. And make your champagne bubble - beer has bubbles.
9. If you squeeze me I'll pop - beer can make a person fart.
10. If you look at me, you'll pop - well I get excited when I see beer.
the answer is NO
parating na si kaka bubukabukaka
Beer is good.
mai lain pa!
World's hardest riddle to crack? YES, I approve
That's easy H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide)... Just inhale it. It's good for you.
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom
OK I was a little confused.. Its not Polar Bears, but the Romulans that have a cloaking meachanism - Pretty common mistake to make, I might add.
Ok I think polar bear skin is actually black, and it's an under layer of fur that is white, but the outer layer is transparent.
Actually polar bears do not have white fur. Their fur is transparent and it is the skin underneath that is white.
Well, that's if certain internet sources are to be believed.
Brit boy
1. Polar bears dont have any cloaking mechanism, they wear white coats, just like penguins wear tuxedos, and when then come down to the warmer climates they slip into something more brown.
2. Heat produced from the fire is transferred to the frying pan which in turn heats up the frying pan. Pancakes get burnt when u leave them on the frying pan to go answer the phone and its your wife/gf giving u a list of things to do for the rest of the day. That in turn leaves u to completely forget u have pancakes on the fire, thus burning it.
3. About making a normal man look like a celebrity, yeah i can give it to you as your one shining example of how you are blowing Air with your explanation :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Don't confuse me .. i'm thinking.. i've sent a PM to Rizks and Paaju to help me.
in the meanwhile : Cold air interacts with the skin of the Polar Bear to turn on its cloaking mechnism and turn the hair white. this allows it to blend in with its sorroundings.
Air gets hot and burns the pancakes , thus turning them brown.
This is the term "Air" .. as in He has an air of invincibility around him.. So someone putting on air and graces can come accross as a star.
Air bubbles in a shrink wrap or sqweezing the nose to make your ears pop.
Sorry Brit the AIR part was for you, the Pressure part was for Tallg and the others who mentioned it.
So again now brit tell me how does Air turn a polar bear white? How does Air make pancakes brown? How does Air make normal people look like celebs? How can you Squeeze air to make it pop? can you see air how will you pop?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I wasn't talking about pressure..
I was talking about hot and cold air..
By the way, I didn't Google then, but have NOW :)
Tsk Tsk Brit your not making a very good case with your answer..can i say your just blowing hot AIR out of your arse? lol
I googled it too and its also mentioned that 94% of harvard students couldnt get the answer to this riddle while 80% of KG class students got it after thinking about it for 5 to 6 mins.
"Pressure" is not a word a KG class student completely understands at that age to talk about polar bears and peeing ears popping in airplanes :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I turn polar bears white _ Air
And I will make you cry. _ Cold Air
I make boys have to pee _ Cold Air
And girls comb their hair. - Wind, Air, Draught (same thing)
I make celebrities look stupid - wind
etc etc
Google search says the answer is NO or PRESSURE.
Polar bears are white because the pressure at the poles is low, so they have to be able to absorb heat. Pressure makes you cry if it's too much. Pressure in your bladder makes you have to pee. Peer pressure makes girls comb their hair...Otherwise they wouldn't bother! Celebrities usually crack under pressure. Many normal people will shine under pressure. Pancakes turn brown thanks to pressure generated by the heat. Champagne will bubble until the pressure of the carbonation has disappeared. If you squeeze something under pressure, BAM, there it goes. If you are "looking" at pressure, you're in it, like in an airplane, and your ears pop.
Makes sense I guess.
I'm going with the idea that there is no answer, therefore the answer is No as well. There is nothing in the world that would make someone pop if you look at it, metaphorically or otherwise, so there can't be an answer.
The answer is no, if you take the last question.
But 'Pressure' can be made to fit to the riddle, as can 'Time'.
Brit now explain your answer please :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
The answer is AIR.
Its actually a tricky riddle and a dumb one. Dont go for the content of the riddle rather look at the question.
The Answer to the Riddle is NO
Its all about the last line of the riddle "can YOU guess the riddle?"
Ever heard of that joke Constantinople is a big word, spell it.. answer is "it"
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Its Snow...ICE
Can yo guess the it the answer?
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
lol FS... that was the first thing in my mind.
is it Water? lol
hmmm... nosebleed. be back in 1 hour for the answer! LOL!
i'll leave it to ash...
ash- where r u? i cant crack this one! lol!