Japan's Generation XX

A Very Interesting Read.........Could it happen elsewhere.. Is the "Real Man" doomed to become extinct ????
They are known as the grass-eaters: effeminate young Japanese men more interested in perfecting their looks than finding a job or starting a family.
In Japan some call them herbivores, and on Saturday nights they come out to graze: a perfumed army of preening masculinity. Groomed and primped, hair teased to peacock-like perfection and bodies wrapped in tight-fitting clothes, their habitat is the crowded city where they live in fear of commitment, and the odd carnivorous female who preys on them.
Japan's twenty- and thirtysomething males seem disinterested in careers and apathetic about the rituals of dating, sex and marriage. They spend almost as much on cosmetics and clothes as women, live with their mums and sit down on the toilet when they pee. Some have even been known to wear bras. "What is happening to the nation's manhood?" wonders social critic Takuro Morinaga.
Now they have their answer: Japanese males are transforming into grass-eaters.
Coined by columnist Maki Fukasawa, the term soshoku-danshi (herbivorous male) has become one of those cultural buzzwords that hijacks the Japanese media every couple of years. Her company claims that roughly two-thirds of all Japanese men aged 20-34 are now partial or total grass-eaters, and a very long way from the classic twin stereotypes of 20th-century Japanese masculinity: the fierce, unyielding warrior and the workaholic salary-man.
"I noticed these major changes taking place between my father's generation, the 58 to 63-year-olds who are retiring now, and the under-35s," she explains. "This is just a very different breed."
Ms Ushikubo believes that the post-war corporate samurai is increasingly a carnivorous dinosaur, whose legendary dedication to the company – at the expense of family – is as much a relic as dawn calisthenics on the factory floor.
"Grass-eaters" by contrast, are uncompetitive and uncommitted to work, a symptom of their epic disillusionment with Japan's troubled economy. "People who grew up in the bubble era (of the 1980s) really feel like they were let down. They worked so hard and it all came to nothing," says Ms Ushikubo. "So the men who came after them have changed."
About one third of the Japanese workforce is now casual or part-time, and confidence in the future is at rock bottom. For many young men, the post-war dream of lifetime employment, home and family, with all the sacrifices it entailed, is fading. In response, some have turned their energies elsewhere, toward the once feminised sphere of consumption – or away from life altogether.
Millions remain at home as "parasite singles", meaning they live with, and off, their parents. The pressing need to find a partner has been alleviated by the ubiquity of porn, sex toys and virtual sex on bedroom computers – one reason, say analysts, why consumption of condoms has been falling for a decade. Even those who opt for conventional marriage find their old role of main breadwinner is no longer available: men and woman increasingly share the roles of work and home.
Many of these complex changes are also occurring elsewhere, and are not unwelcome, points out sociologist Yuko Kawanishi. "Japanese men had it good for a long time. They were macho and sexist, and neglected their wives, so it's good that they're discovering their feminine side, and learning to cooperate."
Ms Ushikubo also hails the rise of the ojyo-man, or ladylike men. "My generation expected that sort of traditional man to pay for everything, to get the good job and support us," the 41-year-old author recalls. "But that system put a lot of pressure on men. They don't know when they'll be fired, or restructured. The idea that they had to carry the burden by themselves is fading and I think we're seeing more equal relationships."
Full article : http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/japans-generation-xx-170415...
I must start exploring my feminine side. mind you I don't want a Posh spice in my life.
I see your poitn Keith. For my money, I thought there was something much more masculine abotu Adam Lambert than Kris Allen, and yes I know one is gay and the other is married...
Perhaps there's a generation of guys that feels if they can't meet social expectations of masculinity then they won't try, and instead they'll try to swim against the tide?
No wonder there is a whole generation of guys out there who are getting a bit confused.Wearing"Manliner" and "Malepolish"(Adam Lambert), granted he is gay but forget that for a moment.
The modern male is expected to be sensitive,emotional,gentle,passive,have regular facials Man-icures and pedicures,and look like David Beckham and have big manly tattoos. Its a lot to live up to.
im getting dizzy LOL.
but i think i catch your drift ;)
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
Sorry! Gen X was a term that was used to describe baby boomers - people born directly after world war 2.
Not sure of the exact origins of the term, but I'm sure someone will provide it!
Gen Y became the commonly used term for the generation that followed Gen X - ie their children. Gen Y is usually said to include children born after the mid 1980s.
In this article it seems the term XX has been used in place of Y - ie X+1.
You can't teach experience...
Vegas I have had a buddy request from a new Redpope. He is not dead but just has gone in hiding?..lol
fubar I am "Lost in Translation" here? :)
Generation Y, hmm Genration XX.. What next Generation Z..lol
You can't teach experience...
Gypsy is right - you first need to look at Generation Y before thinking too heavily about Gen X/Gen XX.
My experience in Japan seemed to be that most men in their 50s (ie the fathers of the Gen X'ers) were workaholic alcoholics. They work long hours and then got drunk every day on the train home each evening. Overall the population seemed to be constantly exhausted, sleeping in restaurants, cafes and standing on trains.
It's easy to see why Japanese guys probably don't want to buy in to the whole working lifestyle that they can see has brought their parents no joy. Perhaps life is more about deriving more frequent happiness from a range of simple pleasures (clothes, cosmetics etc) than investing in the bigger things in life which aren't guarenteed to bring happiness - marriage, a career etc.
Where is RP anyway?
I think the article is blowing things a little out of proportion myself, Brit. Unless things have changed drastically in 4 years the He-Man was still alive and well in Japan when I was there.
Anyway He-man is more about attitude then it is about dress style. After all, back in the day "He-Men" wore tights and puffy pants. It isn't even about jobs. It's about your attitude of what a man's role is, and well these guy's may be lazy arses, I bet they still think a man's role is as provider and a woman's is in the kitchen.
You can't teach experience...
Vegas - You're talking about a mansiere!
The article whilst funny does give insight into the changing roles of the male and the gradual demise of the "He Man: :(
those popular panty-briefs. =)
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
thanks for the idea i will gift Red pope with one on his birthday
What did they call it???
The Bro???
Of course it will impact society, but what I wonder is if these men will continue like this or will they "grow up" at around 40 (like most men do) and take on some responsibilities.
Also there's nothing to say that the women can't take on the burden left by the men.
On the whole though, men are still expected to "take the burden".. This is where the emergence of this new "breed of man" may really impact society.
I have to agree with the author in regards to Japan though. Japan has been a strictly patriarchial society for centuries, and it's about time the women are getting a chance to show what they're made of.
The values are definitely changing. Men are no longer willing to commit to lifelong work . They want to enjoy themselves also.
Where is this world heading to?? scary...
Its those people at "Agent Provecauter" who have a lot to answer for..:)
Wearing bra's that a bit like you me old BritExpat..
I think it is happening elsewhere. I see it a lot from the men of my own generation. Perhaps they aren't wearing bras (or maybe they are :P) but sitting on their parents couch, refusing to get a real job, commit to a relationship etc, Oh hell ya.