Accident in Ramada Traffic Light ?
Took my son to the Tae Kwon Do grading test today, the test was delayed so we waited in Starbucks upstairs.
From 2nd floor of Starbucks Cafe we saw few police cars approaching the junction in a hurry, and saw an ambulance from afar.
Traffic was tailed back because the junction blocked. That was about 4.30pm - ish. The incident was approximately 100m from the junction on the road towards the airport.
We passed that way later on the way home, no sign of an accident, no glass or debris.
Wondering that any other QL'er in that area about that time knows what have happened?
Hope not another pedestrian getting running over this time :(
there was an accident at the time. two ambulances were there. Looks like the BMW was at fault. its right side got smashed. that was around 4:40 p.m
You can't teach experience...
I saw a black BMW over the pavement and crashed into the middle traffic light facing C-ring road between Ramada and Pizza Hut, whilst an old Nissan Pick up (with smashed front bonnet) was facing the wrong way towards the cars coming down from Salwa Road towards the Ramada signal. Yes smashed glass was everywhere and there were lots of people around both cars. The police had not come by then and I don't think there were any injuries...hope not anyway.
... legal and nav.....
enjoyed your conversations...
Thank you, but your Kung Fu is not strong, for the reality of two continuous threads by the same author.
You forgot to read
Guideline number 17
I guess the accident sorted already.
yes my life full with dramatic events ...
Thank you for your contribution on my thread. Now go and write a thread about your 'yolk'
Nothing had happened.
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
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7# If you are not interested in a topic or think someone is asking a silly question, just move onto another post instead of insulting or mocking them.
Bloody regards,
Your life is full dramatic accidents, is that the only thing you know to post about?
I rather read a recipe of 100 different ways how to cook a an egg without hardening the yolk.
It happen alot on this area, i saw couple of times in different incidents, a labor was hit by a karwa taxi and the other hit by a tahoe...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."