What Should I do if I can not sleep in every Friday night?

By Bluemountain •
Any one has any idea? I can not sleep every Friday night until Saturday morning 3 to 4 AM.
Same time I am too scare of sleeping alone in my house. I am worry, ghost might come in the building.
Call ghostbusters!
They are really good when it comes to this type of thing!
i mean if you have rats you call a pest killer, its just common sense that if you have ghosts in yoru house youd call ghostbusters!
Good luck as they are tricky to get rid of
I saw a very scary
movie when I was about 13 and had trouble sleeping for months. What finally helped me was realizing that the worst thing that could happen was that I would be killed. And if that happened then I would be in paradise with God and what was so bad about that? My parnoia left me once I came to peace with that scenario.
Do not be afraid, God is greater than any ghost or monster or boogie man. Pray for peace.
Don't think about ghost when you go for sleep you should read God name.If ghost will come in your house then nothin will be happen. Secondly you should trust on God.
have a walk in carniche for 2 to three hours, and go to sleep u will not get up till 6 am ok,,,dont think of ghost when u go for sleep,,,,it is supersticious belief,,,ok
Call me up and let's have a drink!
Party all night till you drop.
just eat sleeping pills and then sleep 4ever..