RP Documents and How to Apply?

By rehaankhan_rotana •
Hello Everyone,
I would like to know how should i apply RP for my Indian wife My basic salary is QAR 7000 and if i leave my company accomodation Ill be paid 10800 QAR which company will show on Salary Certificate and will provide NOC.Please help me is it good to directly apply for RP and what are the documents required? Where to apply? Where to Attest the documents? Please help me and give me genuine suggestions looking forwad.Thanks.
Requirement for appliying family visa is menstioned on the back side of the form ( visa application form )
1. passport copy of your wife.
2. picture ( photo )
3. n.o.c from company ( Letter from company )
4.Marrage certificate and your education certificate.
5. 3 months or 6 months Bank's statement showing your salary credited to your account.
more information you can get from the www.moi.gov.qa site
All the best