Is it illegal to make your own homebrew? beer or wine

hi all
To start I understand that qatar has laws on buying beer/wine etc and you need a license.
What I would like to know is if it is illegal to make your own wine or beer for personal consumption only, in our own home. It is a hobby of my husbands here in the UK and he is pretty good at it.
My family is moving out to qatar later in the year and I would like to find out so I know if I can pack all his equipment.
Thank you everyone for the response, even the sarcastic ones :0)
It was exactly what I thought but it never hurts to ask a question. You are right I think he will have to take up a new hobby, god help me who knows what it will be next LOL.
Again thanks everyone.
Very interesting question. I think it's time for your hubby to get a new hobby while in Qatar. This is a hops free country...LOL...
The penalty is possibly jail, deportation, or both!
Don't even think of it. Rather than Orwell's big brother it is the people that report unusual behaviour or events. Your husband better realize that possession of unlicensed liquor is the most serious non capital offence that he could commit here. He would likely be reported by a service person or anyone stumbling across the carboys. You would be paranoid of discovery and would not be able to enjoy the golden nectar...
Well, it is nice to ask these questions before you come - as some people like to give sarcastic comments - how are you meant to know about certain things in a new place that you haven't been to yet without asking! Alcohol is only available to purchase in one place, for which you must have a license, and it is very strict with that, as you can only have that alcohol in your vehicle between there and your home. Otherwise it is just hotels which serve alcohol, and it is illegal to make your own, so would be a huge risk... Best of luck for when you move here!
your question gave me a good giggle! as you already know you know you need a license to be able to buy alcohol which you consume at home! the making of alcohol is not allowed! but good luck if you want to try and end up in jail!
Why don't you ask your employer/sponcer. They know better than us.
Where are you going to get raw materials for that production.
You MUST be joking???
In UK it's illegal to smoke grass no? Well do you have plants in your garden??????????????