Al Gharrafa area? or Gharaffa?

Hello all,
I might be getting an accommodation (possibly compound villa) in either Al Waab area or Al Gharrafa (or Gharaffa? spelling is confusing...) area. Any advice comparing these two areas would be appreciated. I will be working at QU.
I have two kids, primary and preschool. Which area would you recommend? Why?
Thank you.
If you are working in QU and plan to put your kids in compass school,Gharaffa will be the best area.
is on the edge of town. Al gharaffa compound is not far. I don't know anyone in it unfortunately. Compass is not far either and most of the people with kids there are quite happy with it. It is considered a good school.
Al Zuhoor (there is Al Zuhoor 1 and Al Zuhoor 2) is considered a very good compound. I know people in both compounds and they are very happy. They are next to each other and across the road from the American School and Doha College (British High School). This would be a long drive to work at QU each day.
One idea if you have a low educational allowance is to home school. There is a large vibrant community of homeschoolers here in Doha.
One friend who came here with QF and had a low educational allowance had to go into HR and show them the various tuitions of schools here and fight for an increase. Some places have no idea just how expensive they are.
Previous threads about compass;
I found that Compass is the only school (called more than 20 schools and found only one) which accept application now. Others either closed it or have very long waiting list. Do you think it is a good enough school? It's very expensive and way above my education allowance (QR15000 extra needed).
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with those compounds. Hopefully someone else will be.
They are Al-Zuhoor and Al-Gharaffa compounds. Thank you guys.
Al Waab and Al gharrafa are areas of town. They are not names of individual compounds. for instance Al Waab area comprises schools, compounds, stores, individual houses etc. Try to get the actual compound names and then maybe we can help you more. All compounds allow outside people (guests) in with notice from the residents.
For the reasons deedee mentioned, you'll probably be better off in Al Gharaffa.
here are lots of compounds in both areas. Do you know the names of the ones you'd possibly living in?
If somebody knows both compounds, please share more on their facilities such as pool, lounge, gym, and furniture. Are these two identical style compounds (villa/apartment, compound size)? Are these open to outside people as well as staffs/faculties of QU?
Many thanks.
have you secured placement for your children in schools? If not, start right now! It is very difficult to find open spots in Doha schools. check out the QL Qatar schools database (bottom right of your screen under Guide to Qatar)
at QU then I would advise Al gharrafa. It is much closer. There is terrible traffic in doha so you could save 30 minutes a day each way. There are many good schools close by either area. Al Waab is nice, but terribly congested in my opinion, and traffic at all times. Al gharrafa is also nice, probably not as trendy, but on the edge of town and you could get to Landmark mall in 2 minutes and there is NO traffic at all.