Labor card

Hi! Would like to ask the requirements on how to get a labor card or permit. By the way I'm under husband sponsor and planning to apply to work soon. Some says i need to bring my education certificate and others says just my no objection letter from my husband and my I.D, pictures plus QR500.I didn't bring any certificate with me from home since I wasn't sure if will work here then.Hope to hear from all of you guys. thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks Shankie! actually the job I'm applying for did not required us to submit diplomas or other education certificates. They just asked for NOC( from my husband), photocopy of my ID and passport. Now my next question is do really need these things to present to the Labor dept. to obtain a labor card?Yes it's a long process to bring those things that's why if it's not really required specially the company I'm applying for, then it's useless right? besides it's really a hassle taking care of these papers back home. What do you think? Thanks again!! :-)
Hi.. your concern is how to get a labor card? if you are a husbands visa then your husbands PRO's company (to my knowledge) will arranged it for you. and for the certificate yes you should have an authenticated certificate like your TOR etc, someone from your relative could do it for you. it's easy but not too fast. better starts now.
some company doesn't need it but some did require. There is a ramdom checking for all the companies today. so bettter had one tha caught. I'm not sure for this but my mate mentioned it that to be safe in working for the husbands visa..try to get a working permit in MOI. Much better to inquire and to ba safe for you and for the companies, just get the non-objection letter from you husband and a working permit in the immigration and the authenticated certificates zeal by our embassy and QA