Which is the most effective & economical Abs exercise equipment?

By fahad_unicon •
I had been surfing internet for this, I discovered a machine named "Ab away pro" with good reviews from users. But i could not find it in various sports shop in Doha. Can anybody guide me where to buy it from? or any other suggestions about other effective abs exercise machine. Waiting for positive response.
Coming from a former personal trainer. If you must have equipment. Then the best would be the simple ab roller. Costs about 60 QR and it really works. Most important is diet though. What you eat can cover up and counteract anything that you do to build up you abdominal muscle. I simple but effective excersize would be side and front planks. Hold each plank position to failure. Each day increasing time in each position. This will tighten and strenghen the muscles and cause them to burn the fat around them. But REMEMBER DIET IS THE KEY!!!! Good Luck and let me know if you need any other advice.
Tallg is right. All those 'ab pro' machines are all gimmicks and do not give good results.
Targeting just one muscle group will not give the results you want, so machines like the 'ab pro' are not a good solution. Better to have an all round gym routine that exercises all muscles, including a couple of ab exercises.
Absolutely agree with what MissX says, No Need for any equipment. However if you are a particularity lazy exerciser then the electric pulse machines work a treat. Lost a very expensive beer Gut with one of those babies!
Most affordable way to exercise with the best results? Get on the floor and do crunches.
Work out the top abs by doing regular crunches lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor and raise the top half of your body.
Work out the lower abs by lying on the floor and raising and lowering your straghtened legs.
Work out your sides the same way as the regular way, but tip your knees to the side.