For Malayalis, No hard feelings :)
Name the wonly part of the werld where Malayalis don't werk hard?
Why is industrial productivity so low in Kerala?
Because 86% of the shift time is spent on lifting, folding and re-tying the lungi.
Why did the Malayali buy an air-ticket?
To go to Thoobai, to meet his ungle in the Gelff.
Why do Malayali's go to the Gelff?
To yearn menney.
What did the Malayali do when the plane caught fire?
He zimbly jembd out of the vindow.
What is a Malayali management graduate called?
Yem Bee Yay.
Why did his wife divorce him?
Because he was louwing another woman.
Who found out that?
His andy.
What does a Malayali do when he goes to America?
He changes his name from Karunakaran to Kevin Curren.
What does a Malayali use to commute to office everyday?
An Oto.
Who is a Malayali's famous yeactor end yaectress?
Moghan lal, Mammooti, Geedha, Revadhi, Zilgsmidha end Ambiga.
Why is Kerala the most highly literate state in India?
Its easily giving Degree to get rid of the peapals from Kerala.
Why are Arab countries looking only for Keralites?
They are ready to do yennything for menney.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:You should at least send this mail to:
10 Malayalis and you will receive cokknut oil,
20 Malayalis and you will receive bennena chips,
40 Malayalis you will receive appams,
Send this to 100 Malayalis and you will get free land near the rice field behind the lungi factory with additional incentive of a whole month's supply of cokknut oil and bennena chips free.
When Neil Armstrong came back from moon, till 3 days he was only speaking malayali's language.
Richierich, do not ever compare nepalese and malyalayi... there are a whole lot of differences between these two...certainly nothing resemblacing... entirely different thoughts, personality,feelings towards others,attitude, behaviour, habbits,sincerity, and whole lots......
I love kappa & meen curry...yummy!!
which is Tapioca & fish curry!!!
I m really hungry now....
Kappa = tapioca:
we always talk about what we have seen maximum, maybe you are not like those malayali
we always about what we have seen maximum, maybe you are not like those malayali
ha ha ha .....
If your name is BABY and your wife's name is also Baby...then too you are a are people from Nothern Kerala. Malayalies are the people from all of Kerala.....and includes malabaris as well.
Technically "Malabar" as a province doesnt exist now. It used to before the Independence if India.
Damm bloody malllooss !! :)
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
One Life to Live...Live It To The Fullest
44 55 where?
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
I have noticed one thing in malayalis, that if one malayali is talking to another malayali with great sound and in between other national comes and ask something he will not listen until he finished his conversation.
and in opposite of the same view, if any malayali is talking to other national and one malayali comes then the first malayali stop conversation with other national and he starts with malayali with no response and care for others.
what could be the reason.
Malabar was one of the regions in Kerala , it does not exists now, has been split up into smaller districts...
But for many people outside Kerala, Malabari is synonymous with Malayali.
...Avada Kedavra..
xpressodoc, LOL... ok then... have a good laugh... :)
Richie malayali is 44 and malbari is 55 . can you read it?
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
LOL voldemot
Is Malbari and Malayali the same?
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
funny... but it yells out 'RACISM', not good... tsk! tsk!
You might be a Malayali…
If you can fit four passengers in the front seat of an Ambassador taxi, while in the back there are eight passengers and two children with their heads stuck out of the window, chances are, you are a Mallu going to attend your cousin’s wedding.
If you can run, ride a 100 cc motorbike without wearing a helmet, and play football, all while wearing a lungi tied halfmast, Malayali status!
If your late father left you a part of an old house as your inheritance, and you turned it into a “chaya kada” yes, you’re a Malayali.
If you have more than 5 relatives working in Gulf, Big Time Malayali…
If you have the words “Chinchu Mol + Jinchu Mol” written on the rear window of your Omni car, Yes, You ARE a Malayali.
If you refer to your husband as kettiyon; ithiyan, pillerude appan, guess what? You’re a Central Travancore Syrian Christian Malayali.
If you have more than three employee trade unions at your place of work then ask no further, you are indeed a Malayali.
If you have voted into power a Chief Minister who has not passed the 4th grade then ask no further, YOU ARE A MALAYALI.
If you have at least two relatives working in the US in the health industry, Yes! Malayali!
If you religiously buy a lottery ticket every week, then you’re in the Malayali Zone!
If you describe a woman as “charrakku” Yep! Malayali!
If you constantly refer to banana as “benana” or pizza as “pissa” you’re a Malayali..
If you are going out to see a movie at the local theater with your wifey wearing all the gold jewellery gifted to her by her parents, you area newly married Malayali..
If you and your wife and three children dress up in your Sunday best and go out to have biriyani at Kayikka’s on a 100 cc Bajaj mobike, you an upwardly mobile Malayali from Cochin.
If your idea of haute cuisine is kappa and meen curry, then, yes, you are a Malayali…
If you have beef puttu for breakfast, beef olathu for lunch, and beef curry with “borotta” for dinner, yeah, definitely Malayali.
If your name Wilson, and your wife’s name is Baby, and you name your daughter Wilby, have no doubts at all, you are a standard Malayali.
If most of the houses on your block are painted puke yellow, fluorescent green, and bright pink, definitely Malappuram Malayali.
If you tie a towel around your head and burst into a raucous rendition of the song “Kuttanadan Punjayile” after having three glasses of toddy, Then you are a hardcore Malayali
If you call appetizers served with alcoholic beverages as “touchings” then you are one helluva Malayali.
If the local toddy shop owner knows you by your pet name and you call him “Porinju Chetta” then you are true Malayali.
If you’re sick and you’re wifey rubs “Bicks” into your nostrils and gives you “kurumulaku rasam” with chakkara, (grandma’s recipe) to help relieve Your symptoms, Damn!! You’re Malayali.
...Avada Kedavra..
Am around Rizky. was waiting for you at the golfcourse u chicken head and you loitering around here.
Have read this when I was in the 8th standard. lol. bring something new dude.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Rizks *&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%()&)*)(&*(&(*^&(^(^)&)&^*)^(%^(&%%*%(%& be right back u budhu
Malyalis = Mallus
Mallus = Ullu'
"Why is Kerala the most highly literate state in India" mate always said this one.
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
Nepali and Malayali have a resemblace.
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
Who is Malayali? are they People from Malaysia? lol
We know Malyalis will not find it
very old .. and i dunt thin so its funny
Funny Mone.....
Were is Arien n Pajju ??