Obama ... Holocaust ... Israel
The day after the day when he was in Cairo
President Barack Obama went directly to visit
the ex-concentration camp of Buchenwald in Germany
Arriving to the camp he laid a white flower and said :
This place is the ultimate rebuke for those who would still deny the Holocaust....
If I may answer on behalf of the revisionists
which never was my task, nor my duty I would reply to Obama ............ two things :
1- revisionist do not deny the existence of the concentration-camps but they doubt and deny what has happened in them !!
2- Buchenwald is 6200 kilometres away from Cairo
and has been out of business for the last 64 years,
so why not having visited , instead, the Gaza Strip
which only 263 kilometres from Cairo and is still in business....
OK Gaza is not a "Death-Camp", as such.......
but it is surely a huge "Concentration-Camp"
but if you would add the boycott and the starvation and the siege and the bombardments .......Gaza would then qualify as a "Death-camp".
Why to dig in past ,
when the present is equaly so rotten !!!
Why to go look inside a 64 years old closed kitchen (Buchenwald) and to try to convince us, whether or not, it has had chicken-soup when a modern, contemporary and still active kitchen (Gaza) has, still on fire, hot-boiling-chicken-soup ??
Are there also US-double-standards.......
in Chicken-soups ?? and in Holocausts ???
Germany houses a VERY large US military presence and is safe for a US president to visit. Palastine doesn't and isn't. Go figure.
You make valid points, but they are two different issues.
History helps us understand the mistakes we made in the past and must never be forgotten.
The Holocaust DID OCCUR. Ok, we can argue about the numbers who died, but it is still a stain on humanity.
Other genocides have also occurred , namely in China, USSR, Turkey, Cambodia and more recently Yugoslavia. The holocaust is given prominance because the jews work very hard to keep it in the media and Obama , like other world leadfers and presidents before him knows that he has to keep the Jewish lobby happy.
The plight of the palestinians is there for all to see. Perhaps this visit, by this U.S President can give new life to the peace process and help end their suffering.