message for All....& ADMINS !
Dear all,
this has been discussed for sure many times, the reason for my post again is that this happens nearly daily. Whenever some posts a topic which considers religion or politics people start preparing for the cbyer 'fight'.
QL is really a very useful and lovely social network. Why do people start insulting each other, religions, races...etc. Alot of the members start posting comments, making fun of islam, or the race of others...which i think shouldn't be the case. One of the very first posts is labeled as 'manners...' ....i ask myself why do Admins let it come that far, where discussions touch religion and and.
I ask all memebers kindly, if you have a nice comment on the topic just post it, if not just don't insult each other just because everyone has different opinion.
member of QL
[mod note: if you have an issue with someone insulting a certain religion or race then please report it to admin using the Contact link at the top of the page, and the appropriate action will be taken]