TP2B presents Launch Fest 2009

When: Friday 12 June 2009 doors open at 5PM until...
Where: Marina Park- Doha Marriott Hotel
What: TP2B Launch Fest 2009
Who: This event is open to all ages and will include a special VIP area for 21+ (proper ID required to drink)
Hosted by TP2B...The Place 2 Be!
Come out for a night of live music with Doha's hottest bands including United Rhthym, Glass Onion, Apache and Genocide...with many more TBA
Come help us build YOUR club!
Tickets (50QR in advance or 100QR @ door)available at:
GO Sports- Villagio
Crepaway- Salwa Rd.
Virgin Megastores- Villagio and Landmark
ASD and Doha College
[email protected] tel:693-8315 or
Sorry if this is the wrong place to announce an event.
Glassonion? yeah rokenrowwlll