Poly Cystic Ovaries

By Hyderabadi •
My wife has been diagnozed as suffering from Poly cystic Ovaries Syndrome. We are confused as to which doctor to visit. I shall be gratefull if anybody can suggest a good doctor.
My wife has her health card. Can she visit the Womens hospital without any reference from the Health center.
Thank U in advance.
If you are looking for a private doctor, there is a very good femal doctor called Dr. Fatna Omran, location in Bin Omran area, infront of Al Ahli Hospital.
she has to go to her health centre first,get a referral to womens hosp.then go to clerk in appointment section(immediate right to main entrance of womens,opposite to d female pharmacy).if u r goin to womens for d first time and u dont have a file there,bring passport copies and QID copies of both of u and copy of marriage certificate. they need these documents to open a new file.