I just wanna than you all...

I had no idea that the entire world spoke English....
I mean I was in Germany in the early 80s and most wouldn't speak English to you...even though they learn it in school (mandatory)...But somehow English is the way all our diff communicate...I mean there is no way I could learn all the languages here..let alone being perfect in my own...I just want you to know even if it hard to understand I respect you very much for trying to put it down in English...I just read a post and I thought what he trying to say...But at least he tried...I tried to learn other languages but it just not my cup of tea...So I'm very proud of you who use English and very jealous cause your smarter than me...
Ana alhin nohm.
mafee mooshkheella..alhen shaii-shaii baden mieea-mieea inshalla!
Mabrouck, habibti!
Vegas..I sometimes find it difficult to comprehend you...lol
Is Karin teaching you Tagalog??
Drac tata kallum aarabee? ma ahfam arabee. Ana shwai shwai Arbee maloom. Inta tamania months in Arabee?
Ana Udroop Inta.
Tamania shahar noss. Alhen, ana khalam arabik. Bass khalam!
I have seen some people with very high language Quotient.
They speak 5 or more languages with ease! And when they go to a new place they learn the new language with panache, before you start to understand a word of it.
If I can learn Arabic, that will be my 4th language.
Vegas, that's a very good point. I too admire people for trying to communicate in a language which is not their mother tongue.
Vegas, this has got nothing to do with smartness or intelligence. I can speak for myself. My aptitude for learning new languages is very poor. But it all depends on the environment you grow up in. For example, my country is multi lingual. We have so many different languages. My mother tongue is not Hindi. I had to learn hindi at middle school. So I know my own language, Hindi and can understand bits of some other languages like Gujarati, punjabi,dogri,bhojpuri, angika, maithali, assamese,oriya etc. But there are the other south Indian languages like Tamil, Telugu,Malyalam,Kannada which are as alien to me as Chinese or Korean. Then there are other languages like Konkani,Parsi,Kashmiri etc which are very difficult and as with most of these languages I wouldn't know which is which when I hear somebody speak.
But in any normal Indian school curriculum we have our own language as 1st language, the language of the state we reside,then we have a second language which is Hindi or English. Then we have a third language. And sometimes we have to learn sanskrit apart from all these.
P.S.: I had Hindi as a subject from Std V to Std VIII, and in that period of time I was forced to take 12 sessional tests on Hindi. And I have to confess that I flunked all 12 tests. My highest score was 18 out of 100. It was very traumatic. The report card having one too many red marks. Those were the days when I didn't like the idea of being burdened with an extra subject called 3rd language and completely neglected it.
But now I can proudly say that I can speak Hindi quite well and I can read basic Hindi too. So I am not so stupid as my score shows.
agree with you chinitasai....language is only a medium to communicate ...so far we can put through what we want to its good enough...
Vegas... just because someone knows english doesn't make him or her smarter... though he/she can have an edge over others at times, places or situations ...
One Life to Live...Live It To The Fullest
Thans, I know 2 Indian languages besides english. And I seldom use english in India....
the most important thing is we all understand the messages what each person wants to convey... no need to be excellent... as CYNBOB said "English is a tough language to learn.."
MyHotComments +
I agree. I am bilingual, but there are so many here that have mastered 5-6 languages!
Kudos to all the non-native English speakers. English is a tough language to learn and I admire all of those who practice writing and speaking English daily.
Vegas you rock... at least you know how to speak and write!!!!
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
looks like all are smarter then you specially so early in the morning lol
morning vegas...
"there are so many rumors about me...feel free to believe in any of'em.."
You can't teach experience...
It's not a big issue, your message is clear, but for me I think you need a baseball bat for my pooooooooor english :D....so sorry....
But who cares.....
You can't teach experience...
Morning Vegas! do you feel well?
You can't teach experience...