Linksys WAG325N Internet problem
I have Linksys wireless set up which works fine, except every 15 minutes or so it disconnects from the internet and then re connects. No problem with the ADSL line. So what is up with the router and how do I cure it? Q'tel will not help as it is not one of theirs. BTW are the Q'tel routers any good and am I better off replacing the linksys with qtel? Very frustrating esp for Skype etc.
I'm using same router but for me its work fine.
Qtel is correct it is not their problem and no problem with your router either since this is a router setup issue. Try changing the setup regarding the protocol item as this will have some effect on how the router will react with the provider (qtel).
To be more technical it has something to do with the IP. Try changing those first parameter on the setup if I am still remember it right.
Hope this help.