jackpot question

By bellefire23 •
what u people think about sacrifice?..some people said love need sacrifice..if we cant sacrifice for someone that we love it means we actually dont love but just care..how much is it true??whats the meaning of sacrifice in love?
well..it is productive for me..n i didnt say i nt liking it..the only thing i dont like is ur comments in here..??and whats d big deal with u??i dont see i have a problem in here..and im nt disturbing anyone..they may come and go
Whats with all the duhhhs? Aren't you a little old for that, I mean you were gonna get married right?
What advice do you want? Really. You think it is productive airing all your dirty laundry on a public forum and then not liking that people find it annoying?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
im nt looking for sympathy..remember my topic is under advice n help..doesnt mean i need sympathy...and ure nt helping at all duhh..and i dont need ur help..or advice mb its only gud for u n cannot practice it on homo sapiens..and who are u to judge my life while ur life sucks??..this is normal..u also been through this b4..so..its up to anyone on how to handle it..find their own pleasure..the way to make theirself feel better..and this is one of d way that make me feel better..u have a problem with that?? duuhh
If you arent looking for sympathy belle what are you looking for? People to tell you that you made a mistake, go back to him, you did the right thing by sacrificing all your lifes happiness just for his good?
Grow the hell up, go see a shrink and get a life.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I think Amoud has found a Rock now :)
so wats d big deal??/
Yes Belle, just as you have the right to post this redundant mundane junior high crap I also have the right to post on any post I want and be as much of a b**ch as I like.
What lame song will you post the lyrics to next? Or how about you recap how you literally think you are going to die because of a guy you met once and chatted to for a year?
Yes, I am sure my life would have to suck if I am the only one seeing all this as crap.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
amoud..im nt askd ur opinion at all..ur f***ng fingers typing over here and im nt interested at all to see ur comments and i have rights to post watever i want n u also have a choice to gve a comments in another post..soooo..get ur a** out from my post...go comments on others post will ya???..im nt asking for ur sympathy..mb ur life sucks thats why u comment like that..duuhhh
bellefire I thought you are in doha, so now go and throw yourself from Petronas tower!
Too right Alexa, these dumb freaking posts about marriage, sadness, sacrifice.
You know what all this is called belle? Life, so FFS grow up and go get one of your own cause no one gives a rats ass about this stupid 7th grade BS. First post you may have got some sympathy, 2nd post you were getting annoying and now... well....
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
getting better????..im watchng full house so that im nt thinking much bout what happnd and just nw d video kinda got error to play...then i start thinking again...its 3.30 in the morning here and i still cant sleep coz usually at this hour im skypeing with him.... kill me plzzz..hahahahah
go out and get a bit of sausage action then.
belle-- check your profile.... youre confusing!!
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
celine dion is one of my fave singer....her songs are evergreen...
im a girl.
honestly, Im literally laughing.... you're a guy.. i thought you are a gurl. haahhaha.,,, i just checked your profile.. LOl.. sorry for saying, GEt that red shoes!!! I thought you are a gurl.. Anyways, you are young and you can find better lady out there...
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
Sacrifice ---- Compromise.....
come on people..i just broke up..im nt ready to b in love and have to face those stupid love words..fake promises..and heartache....i trying to forget all d memories...hey..try to hear this song called d man - celine dion
maybe amoud doesn't like full house...i tend to agree.
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
FFS sakes this stupid crap is still droning on. wat u mean by this????
You can't teach experience...
FFS sakes this stupid crap is still droning on.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
my friend askd me this question ....i told her i cant give d answer yet..and ill post the question in a website...so that i can give a better answer to her...im cool now...watching FULL HOUSE on you tube..remind me when i was a teenage..hahahahah
Love ditched as per your last post... So love is the last thing in your mind... go out and mingle.
neekkk...wrong answer...
u meannie panda,
well actually that's an option:)
bellefire, go and jump from manai tower it's a great sacrifice!
you dont sacrifice for love.....
gurl, he should sacrifice for your love...