Non Vegetarian
Dear All,
Last evening after the working hours when i went home all my family member together had dinner. When everone where busy in eating the delicious food suddently a question was asked by my son .
Son : Dad , Why Does God Create Animals To Be Eaten By Us ?
Dad : I was not in a position to this answer .
please help me answer this question . Thanking you in advance.
There is something called the food chain pyramid of nature...The Pyramid is topped by the biggest predators and followed by the smaller ones... This is all to maintain balance in the nature... Each animal and creature is created to perform some duty to the nature and thats how the balance is maintained...
Since humans began dwelling on this planet, they've been eating animals. It's therefore genetic. Nobody can claim to be genetically vegetarian. The concept of vegetarian food arose and spread mainly from Buddhism which considers it wrong to harm or slaughter any animal.
Eating veggie food or meat etc has nothing to do with any religion. In all holy texts,you'll find that eating other animals is more or less justified. Even Hindus who profess to be vegetarians forget that their holy book, the Srimad Bhagwad Gita specifically mentions Lord Krishna as explaining there are 3 types of food- Satvik, Asatvic and Tamasik ( or food obtained by violence, meaning slaughter of animals. I mention Hindus here specifically since most of them claim that harming animals or eating flesh is "banned" by their religion, when that's not the case.
The use of meat as food can be found in the Holy Quran, the Holy Bible and other texts of major faiths.
Humans, for the sake of economics and ease, consume only those animals or birds that can be bred fast and in captivity. If we did not eat these animals, there could be a boom in their population. And, in case such animals...for example, a chicken, got bird flu....the consequences would be disastrous considering the millions of chicken that would be around. Or, the mad cow disease...
Humans need to eat animals ( including birds and fish) because they are a rich source of protein and other nutrients, are easily available and renewable source and affordable as well.
Please dont bring in issues such as cruelty to animals to justify vegetarianism. Even plants feel pain and have, killing a plant is no less a sin than killing a lamb. Eating meat can cause cancer, high blood cholesterol levels etc. But that's also true in the case of vegetables. Health problems dont arise from food. They arise from unhealthy lifestyles.
We must thank the supreme, the creator, the only one, who has made human to survive on Plants & animals and clearly prescribed in Holy Books before and inthe last words in form of Quaran, what to eat & what not to eat, Halal or Haram, and Hadith of our beloved Prophet(PUBH) inregard to Quantity, time .
The teeth structure, the stomch chemistry make human to be both veg Or non Veg. and survive
Hussain: the answer to your son shall be that all the creations are for the benefit of human beings certain to use as transport, breeding (good for environment) and also for eating (directly or their bye products such as Eggs) as well, to give strength and required vitamins, proteins and Iron to Human being.
There can never be any creature in the nature which doesn't depend on other living thing for its existence. One Living thing depends on other Living thing for its existence. This is rule of nature. Even vegetarians eat plants. Plants also has life in it. Killing an animal for the purpose of eating is not wrong.
Killing for fun or killing without reason is absolutely wrong & according to me sinful.
If we muslims read QURAN with translation, almost all our questions will be answered by it.