why are women attracted to bad guys?

By shoeaddict •
last night while i was having my coffee-coffee in a cafe,i overheard a conversation between a couple, a guy and a girl.the guy was giving the girl a lame excuse after another.i could tell that the girl really liked the guy so much that she nodded everytime a lame excuse left his mouth.
the age old question is-why are women attracted to guys with a bad-boy persona?
i asked this question to a female colleague of mine,and she replied "the bad guys i date out make feel secure." meaning,if she probably dated a geek,or a nerd,or the boy next door,she might end up protecting him, not the other way around.
so time to share ladies...thanks
for both sexes.
We grow up and realise that true love is a multi facited thing.
Give them the innocence of youth and the feelings that go with it.
I really liked a lad when I was 14 and he was nothing but trouble. I did not like him because he was trouble, I liked him as he had cool clothes!!!!!!!!!!! How bad is that???????????
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!
any chance for a baT boy?
Eaglemmanuel, You may disagree with me, however NO you are not 1 in a million, in fact you are among millions of women who in your age group do not look for "bad guys" but rather the good caring, loving, thoughtful, family oriented guy. Younger single attractive girls fall for the bad guy attitude coz they are out for excitement. Women who want commitment and a family life will settle for the rest. She's done with the whole "jerk system" where she's been hurt one way or another and prefers the safety a good guy has to offer.
Take for example most school going girls, who do you think they would prefer the guy on the basket ball or football team or the guy who got first prize for the science project? 9 out 10 girls would opt for the athletic, popular guy who may be has been with 5 other girls and still want a piece of him.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
PCG - Nice to see you here... :)
I had posted this before... FYI
Miss X - But it is true the other way too...
We are absolutely ok or shall rather prefer a slutty for gal fren..... but when it comes to real relationship.. n long term thing.... We look for a very subtle, conservative n caring types.....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
be attracted to bad girls?????????????????????
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!
eaglemmanuel - its Friday Evening...
What are you Doin on QL???
Don you have a life???
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
S1m0ne said "Strong,dominant,unpredictable,untamable male is a turn-on for modern women. She goes "NUTS" for this type of jerk...it's a challenge!"
Thank you. I now realize why the guys act like jerks and they also realize why they got dumped so fast, they didn't have time to say "baloney".
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
MissX said Smoke is spot on. Make us work to get your attention, the challenge is what makes it more worth while. Treating us like you adore us from the minute you meet us will make us feel very flattered, but we will not take your affections seriously. We want to feel that if we get a mans affection, that we've damn well earned it."
Ok. Whatever floats your boat. Probably works for many women but not all. I disagree with Smokey but hey, I'm just 1 in a million, so my PoV can be ignored. ;0)
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
QS - "Bad guy … but there is always some “dark side”, some mystery in this guy… he is not as clear and understandable as the “Good One”… "
I still prefer the latter, better to have safety, stability and security rather than having to look over my shoulder every now and then to check if he's cheating on me. Transparent / translucent is good - like my dad - can irritating cos nasty relatives walk all over him but well...
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
MissX said "No Mr Paul, you don't have turn yourself into a bad boy. You just have to wait until the women with issues resolve them.^^"
- That might be a really long wait. Many women have self esteem issues.
"The truth is, it is all about confidence, if you can pull off enough confidence and reinforce it, then a girl is likely to think you are one of the guys that doesn't need them, and thus be very attracted to you."
- Haha! This one is incorrect to an extent. The self-confidence is attractive only insofar as not getting involved with a weak willed man aka a wuss. These mind games don't work for some. The one who appears unavailable, will be assumed so. Khallas.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Haven't we been through this before? Can't remember where but it's somewhere on QL. Aaahh well .. I see QL comfortingly does not change much... the advantage of repeats is new inputs.
Well said, MissX.
"Women, loaded with concealed self-esteem issues need to prove to themselves, and the world, that they are worth something, and have value to contribute."
I wonder if the same applies vice versa... "Now a nice gal poses no challenge, as friendly as she is, she does not invoke that extra passion and desperate need that men so often are seeking. "
- Case in point - a few friends who have had long time gfs who were so accommodating to them just went with the flow and didn't bother to commit but when they met a bad girl, they upped and left their gfs and married the bad girls. And then come and whine some time later that they made a mistake.
When both men and women genuinely overcome their self-esteem issues then there will be a proper balance.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
gypsy was very good on that thought..
men are the same! so girls - beware!
Yah..u r right...:-) no m0re g00d guys in this planet i guess...:-)
maybe because tough guys do the job well
Seraj_qa... no offense but you sure you are on the correct forum???
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
by the way there is one last good parking is vacant hurry up to park so many shoppers are coming it is a sale day :)
birds of the feathers flock 2gether!!!!!!!!
boys cant be bad.... girls made them wild.... by their attraction.... loose controlllllllllllll
Let others decide Mr. P.... Let the Gals tell you.... lol
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
So that anology doesnt work.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Miss X - But it is true the other way too...
We are absolutely ok or shall rather prefer a slutty for gal fren..... but when it comes to real relationship.. n long term thing.... We look for a very subtle, conservative n caring types.....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
What you say is correct ashwindoke, that women marry the nice guys.
They have found in studies, the characteristics that initially make a man attractive to a woman, are the same characteristics that predict the demise of the relationship. While women are attracted to strong, masculine, and even dominating male types, it is the kind, caring and nurturing male that is able to sustain the partnership.
And genrally Nice n Good is related with lame n weak....
n Rude is related with tough n strong... knowingly or unknowingly...
n Women like strong... they are seeking for person who shall protect them .....
but I think the nice fellows are suppose to be better fathers... hence they marry nice guyz.. n flirt with the other types...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
talk dirty and toss em' women around during boning leaving them before they even get back from the blissful frenzy they had..making em' beg for more.
...and there are no commitments too...
bad guys are kinda like for..screw and go.
It's a learning experience. When you're young you start off dating the bad boys, because for the most part they're the ones that pursue you (looking for one thing and one thing only, but you're too young and stupid to realize that) after a couple broken hearts you start to recognize the good one's and those are the one's you stick with.
Well yeah you are right infact there is a party night once in a month there in merwab cloud 9 and the name of that night is Bad Boys party night :D so that party is for us only :D
You are good if your pocket is full and have a car and a luxury apartment ...
will do!
anyone can explain what is mean good man & bad man?
hold on
where is the good guys this days!!!!we r all bad my friend
Sudhar Answer awaited,.... for the question raised....
Sorry... Image portrayed by Flan -
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
sudhar, clearly you must be a pillow biter.
woman are so disgusting thinking that way.
don't know about bad guys, but i like my women like i like my bible....innocent and bound in leather.
women still Don know wht they wan...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
I agree with miss X, lots of truth in it. I think one of the problems is that these men tend to give a wonderul impression before getting the girl, they hook you up with their passion and character. But once they're secure about the girl, things have a differnt turn and the woman is stuck, wishing for him to be like when they first met. My advise, leave b4 it's too late and damaging. if he really wants you, he'll come back...That was my mother's advise and always works. but of course, don't be a jerk thinking..let him follow me! one day he'll just leave!
I am a bad man...LOL
Don't court a girl....
seduce her...
Don't say flowery words..
instead make her laugh..
Don't call her often..
let her call you..
If she did...
Don't answer the phone..
the first call..
"clarifications can go a long way"
You can't teach experience...
for example shut up you all
be happy
i still stand by on what i said.
if u want to feel like ure a good girl-- briefly date a bad guy. that's all theyre there for.
Formatted Soul - You would have fallen for me.... had I tried....
But the Flirt Ethics Say..Leave the Married.... So lucky you.....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
BAT it's ok??
I agree with u somewhat. witchstix. lol. but not all da way. :p
sorry Rizks you lost your chance, they are all mine now :p you and Mr. P can sit down together scratching your bald heads.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
it was a good one nice figure :D
Oopsss !! Smokey !! Sarry ...
didnt knew u would comment something like tat, orelse i was badest among the BAD and ya BAD to the BONe...:)
like George Clooney or Matthew Mconahey etc.
Its only when yer get past the looks yer will find Im a nice guy.
Darudeywudey, yer still going on about that pair o' boobs pic I posted bout 2 years ago...Jeez man.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Err ok so he's a good guy which only leaves ME...and i'm very much available to take home and cuddle with.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
ask me not her.
yes you are a bady guy for posting nude pic on QL not if you havent forgotten about your first QL topic posting a pic of a chick in bikini topless washing a car :P
I am a Good BOY !!
Hav u seen me commenting or Hijacking this thread ??
NO !!
so tat means m a Goody Boy....!!:)
who said KSA was available? his ship set sail long time back lol Darude is not into good girls he likes them bad, Mr. P is a pretend "bad guy" which is why he is here wondering what he's doing wrong and sipping on beer as we speak. that leaves Rizks and Me...and we are BAD TO THE BONE!!!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Mr. P do girls like you instantly? ...then you are a bad guy..lol
Please elaborate.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Nowadays Bad guys are easily available.... GOOD guys are hard to find...
Like for example... all the available guys on QL are bad... Smoke..Darude...Sarat...Rizks...Mr. P.. ..etc
The only Good guy I can think of is Khanan and tallg they are both taken..loooooooooooool
Others please confirm their status... we can have an assessment..lol
simple isnt it.
Yer wanna cry and be made to feel worthless, then so be it.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
I like good guys too, they're less of a hassle. Get one good good and then u dont have to bother for the rest of ur life:) All this single-ready-to-migle business is a li'll too much sometimes!
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
from the past click on the link.
nothing to be ashamed of, i can be a MAN and talk about it, there was just a difference between what you said and what i was referring to ok. sheesh
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
from the past click on the link.
Well then if you love to cry i can send u to Darude he's the master of making the girls cry...u want punishment wait for this weekend you are going to be so sorry hehehe!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
errrrr... whats that smoke??? why one answer then another... i tink the little kitty ist quite sure how to defend his manhood.... no1 sed i was referring to you?! haha! you just shamed yourself on a public forum! :P
ok, ok, im sorry :s
we (girls) are suckers for punishment.... we want to get hurt coz we love to cry... bottom line... we love to cry. feeling sorry for oneself from time to time is the best therapy ever! provided it doesnt turn permanent.
Grrr. No. Uno She never saved me from anything i had it all under control she just came there and flashed a pretty smile thats now the other guy was able to piss in his panties! No. Two, i wasnt fighting over HER, she's not my girl that i have to make her feel safe with me lol hell i'll throw her to the wolves myself!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Well that man is just trying to make you feel like you saved him! Smart guys like to show their girls at times that they are in control but they are NOT. Tell me why would u even bother to get yourself between two fighting men? now get back to work.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
you saved smoke from a fight??? with whom ???
but i dont treat men like chiuauas... :P
ofcourse its possible :D
Bad guys for bad gals,...Good guys for good gals.
don't have to follow any rules & regulations. They just say & do whatever they want to.
Moreover, they get what they want!!!!!
Everybody wishes they could go to heaven but no one wants to die.
smokie?? so can you tell us what happenes when a WOMAN has to RESCUE a "MAN" from a fight? what happens after the "MAN" says, ah, thank you for rescuing me?! i dont know what i woulda done if you hadnt???!!! WHERE IS HIS MANHOOD THEN?!!!! gotcha tail between your legs?
Most of the girls i met pretend to be good girls at first then they are all BAD!
Jamille sorry but if i'm not mistaken your married with a kid right? So of course when it comes to that sorta commitment you'd settle for the good guy who will always be there for you etc etc.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
very funny smoke... :/
have you found any bad girl on QL.
i still didnt am still looking around.
someone I'm not.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Either that or she now has him wrapped around her finger. Perhaps your the type that likes men to be your chiwawas :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
dont have to...
mjamille then you are one of the women I mentioned earlier, who does not need to try and get an unattainable man to prove your worth to yourself.
maybe... :P
jamille a good guy with a bad side? the type of guy you can take home to meet daddy?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Noooo we don't want it forever. That's just what attracts us and keeps us interested and passionate in the beginning. The emotional turmoil gets extremely tiresome when he refuses to commit, and you still are not quite sure where you stand with him. That's when the feelings slowly turn to bitterness and pain. But we do it again and again because the emotional highs you get are worth the pain. The thing is though, the typical bad guy never commits to you properly, that is how he is able to be so confident and uninterested. It's not an act, he genuinely does not have strong feelings for you.
Aww Mr. P whats the matter, too much for that little brain of yours to understand? Perhaps you dont need a woman then try ur other options, you know someone with lots of tatoos and drinks like you! lol Just Kidding......................................NOT.......just kidding man..................................NOT lol
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
i beg to differ, im with a good guy... :P
would like a guy that, and I quote....
"Bad guys are more exciting because our inability to read them and know their motives, lead us on an emotional rollercoaster. We suffer from self doubt where we desperately want to gain their approval and love, and then the emotional downfall if we don't receieve it, or an emotional high if we do. Women also become "better" versions of themselves in these periods because of the strong desire to impress"
"The difference is that a "good guy" will let you know where you stand with him immediately, therefore the crush doesn't last long before it ends or turns into a relationship, but a "bad guy" will keep you guessing forever."
So basically all you want is all yer emotions to be in constant turmoil for the rest of yer lives.
Well, good luck with that then.....
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
it was a typo l_3, i know how it's spelled. thank you very much. lol
@ senorita ... Bad girls have always been a mystery to me
lol elaborate more on ur point seny0rita. and f y i the word is narcissist. lol.
Well yeah bad guyz will never made a girl getting bored..They will keep the girl exciting but when they want to leave the girl they will make some excuse and they will be gone....btw are u a bad or a good boy?
fyi, i always get the guy i see and liked so i dont have crushes, thus your post was not for me. lol.
seriously, i only have had bad boys i used to date who are hot-almost kind of narcists-can get any girl they like. it would always take a lot of mind games and growing pair of balls (re: think more like a man)and creating lots extra hotness (re: be more like a woman)for that. so i was able to relate to her post in regards to bad guys..
Yes of course it happens when you have a crush on someone. The difference is that a "good guy" will let you know where you stand with him immediately, therefore the crush doesn't last long before it ends or turns into a relationship, but a "bad guy" will keep you guessing forever.
MissX! you said "Bad guys are more exciting ...
Bad guys are more exciting because our inability to read them and know their motives, lead us on an emotional rollercoaster. We suffer from self doubt where we desperately want to gain their approval and love, and then the emotional downfall if we don't receieve it, or an emotional high if we do. Women also become "better" versions of themselves in these periods because of the strong desire to impress".
that happens when u have a crush on a guy not because he is a bad boy; because he is something different to u. this is for u too seniorita "seny0rita". lol
oh yeah? i cant wait to hear what u have to say about bad girls.
Bad guys are nasty , funny , and end up doing some shit ,
Strong,dominant,unpredictable,untamable male is a turn-on for modern women. She goes "NUTS" for this type of jerk...it's a challenge!
oh...maybe you are
Maybe I am a psychologist......
thats a good write up about my 2nd thread. u are absolutey correct on that one, missx. boy am i so glad another girl here grasps my point and writes up briefly well about it too. u sound like ure a psychologist. lol. kidding, i would write that way too..only if i wasnt so sleepy. ^^
Bad guys are more exciting because our inability to read them and know their motives, lead us on an emotional rollercoaster. We suffer from self doubt where we desperately want to gain their approval and love, and then the emotional downfall if we don't receieve it, or an emotional high if we do. Women also become "better" versions of themselves in these periods because of the strong desire to impress.
my last sentence of my last query was for the ladies.
and about your last question..i was referring to you, l_3_o_z
well (I dont think) guys will admit that they are bad. why would they wanna lose a girl? are u referring bad boys to the ones who talk a lot ?? lol.
@ l_3_o_z
hahaha, all the more he's bad!
come on, let's not complicate things here..what is bad and how bad is being bad. the main question was why women in general are attracted to bad guys. ladies, i think we all know the answer to this..generally, they're more exciting! to those who know what i'm talking about..admitt it!
Girls want a guy other girls want n
Guys want a girl other guys want...
You can't teach experience...
I guess it depends on what you consider a bad girl.
HI everyone!! I am new to this website. and came across this post. Question for seny0rita (but anybody can answer it);. its a joke yet a serious one. If a guy dates a bad girl, should the guy feel dat he is a good boy. lol
sometimes, i'd only date bad boys so i'd feel like im a good girl
Smoke is spot on. Make us work to get your attention, the challenge is what makes it more worth while. Treating us like you adore us from the minute you meet us will make us feel very flattered, but we will not take your affections seriously. We want to feel that if we get a mans affection, that we've damn well earned it.
You silly boyz still dont get it do you? Perhaps a re run of what Miss X posted.
The whole bad boy image is not getting tattoos and drinking like there's no tomorrow. If you've known your history esp in the movies you'll see the gradual change of Men's roles from being the complete gentleman to the down right smart ass guy with big guns.
Let Dr. Smoke break it down for you kids.
What do most women of today look for in a guy? To answer this question stop having this mental image of your MOMMY. Mommy always said be good to girls, Mommy always said open the door for a lady. Throw all that out the window and start taking notes.
Modern day women are well educated, and sadly yes they are more mature and intelligent than us men :( Mostly every woman make their own money now a days so they are not dependent on you to be the MAN. Now here's the catch, sure they want to be treated equally but not when it comes to the laws of attraction. To women its not mostly about your looks or what you wear. Smart pretty women want a man who will at some level mentally challenge her. To do this Smoke has one simple rule. Miss X already mentioned it, dont show the woman that you care :p
Lets say for example you meet this hot chick at a party, throw away all those pick up lines that she must have heard over a thousand times and come up with something corny and at the same time something that will snap her attention to notice you at once. She knows she's hot, she knows men want her coz she's hot, you do the opposite, you make her feel like she's just another average woman you have come across. Women are funny creatures they seem complicated and unapproachable but say the right things and you've done 80% of your work.
So then who exactly are today's bad boys? Simple, today's bad boyz consists of a mixture of keeping up to the past and present. Dont forget your manners but dont throw it out there every time. Yes she will appreciate it when you open the door for her once in a blue moon but dont show her that its what you do every time. let her get the door for you! Bar fights HELL YEAH, dont show her your a pussy, she wants to feel safe with a MAN not a boy who wont stand up for her. Do something out of the ordinary coz she's no ordinary woman to you. God i have so much to say but i'll leave you all with a very very important secret...HUMOR. Make her laugh and she's all yours. Takes practice you boys takes YEARS of practice to earn your Dr. Degree in Women. Whats that song by britney spears again? I'm not a boy...not yet a man or something like that.
Now dont be arses and use this on every female you can get your hands on...Ladies your comments please? Am i right or am I right? :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
bad guy here. run for life. if you manage to run, you will find dracula at the other end:D
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
I am the good guy - I respect women, I'm nice to them, I'm romantic etc and I guess that's why I'm still f##k##g single! Yep so now I've had enough of being Mr Nice Guy. Mr Paul I agree...get some tatoos, spike up the hair, cheat on women, treat them like shit...thats the way to go cos that's what they want! Women you get what you ask for.
someone I'm not.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Some women like "bad guys" because they think that through "love" they can rehabilitate them...
I'm a bad guy Mis X... where shall we meet....
I may choose a bad guy too :P
ur right...there are still good boys but all are taken..
It's like a Parking Spots All the good ones are taken.. the rest are handicapped...
MyHotComments +
but very well-taken! ANd the taker are really worse. Cross their line and you ready to kill! Lol!!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
"dgoodrebel is not plastic"
bad boysssss are so CHALLENGING...
and besides (do we have a choice)... as what doodlebugs was saying "there are just no good guys nowadays..."
lol ;) peace guys
MyHotComments +
tsk tsk bad habit
i dont like bad boys.....
noooo….Mr. P… BAD BOY is not the one who is having “tattoo and another piercing, drinks copious amounts of vodka thro' his nose, verbally abuses women and treats them like crap, cheats on them and generally makes them feel worthless, cos thats what they want”.. nooo... Not at all… You have described some jerk…:)
Bad guy might be very gentle, very polite, very passionate, very sweet..he makes gal feel GOOD about herself… but there is always some “dark side”, some mystery in this guy… he is not as clear and understandable as the “Good One”… you don’t own him like you can “own” a “good boy”… he is not boring… you never know what to expect... he is strong enough to say NO even if you want to hear YES… Not necessary that he is cheating.. but because of this “dark side”, and this “mystery”, it gives you feelings that he MIGHT, which makes him even more desirable..
Bad Guy is a Player, and therefore is always interesting…
Good Boy is translucent.. and therefore is boring…
..by the way, I would say, the same things apply to the girls…
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
no one is encouraging men to act in a "bad way." rather,asking why women fall for the badboy types.please read the post.thanks
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
this thread is encouraging men to be bad! MOD plz take action!
damn man you are so slow
I used to be a "bad" boy. What a hell of a time. Give the girls the feeling that they can choose. They will. If you try, they won't.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
No Mr Paul, you don't have turn yourself into a bad boy. You just have to wait until the women with issues resolve them.^^
It goes both ways though, some men target women that appear confident can treat them like dirt. And to be honest every one of us has both the bad side and good side within us, but it depends on the people we are interacting with. I have been both the woman obsessed with a man who has not needed me, and the woman who has not needed the man, and thus didn't treat him as nicely as I should have.
The truth is, it is all about confidence, if you can pull off enough confidence and reinforce it, then a girl is likely to think you are one of the guys that doesn't need them, and thus be very attracted to you.
chelsea smile ya mappet ! (In a cockanee accent)
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
you are a very very good decent mature boy so dont try to act as an A$$ here now :P
For me, i cannot just ignore that "Birds of the same feather, flock together."
You would rather have a bad boy and be not quite sure where his feelings lie, than a good boy who you think is boring........Well that sucks ! :(
Im off to get another tattoo and another piercing, drink copious amounts of vodka thro' my nose, verbally abuse women and treat them like crap, cheat on them and generally make them feel worthless, cos thats what they want..........
Oh hang on, no, Im not gonna do that cos Im not like that. Im a nice guy who was raised to respect women.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
The adorable bad guys image comes in at the adolesence age when thrills must comes first. At marriage stage is always the Good Guys.
shut the &%^%&^*( up
even girls fool boys idiot.
didnt see any one posting around in the morning so your comment caught me
now if you are not bad girl you better be because i dont like polite girls at all :D
lol Darude. That was so sleazy stalkerish of you haha....or maybe it was just the way I chose to read it.
All is fair in love and war....????
and we all know that guys like bad girls..dont we? real bad bad gals.. so everyone loves the 'bad'!
how about bad girls
are you a a bad girl
If you are prepared to read, then here is the basis of it all.
First I have to clarify something. Bad guy does not necessarily mean a criminal or someone who is associated with violence or other such acts. Bad guy is the term we give to men, who although can be quite nice people and good citizens, tend to think of women as a "take them or leave them" kind of accessory. And that, therein is the challenge. Women, loaded with concealed self-esteem issues need to prove to themselves, and the world, that they are worth something, and have value to contribute. Now a nice guy poses no challenge, as friendly as he is, he does not invoke that extra passion and desperate need that women so often are seeking. But a bad guy, a guy that could just as easily do without us, is the ultimate challenge. What can prove that you're a valuable person, more than making someone who doesn't need you or want you, into falling in love with you and wanting to spend the rest of their life with you. Only then can we maybe finally accept that we are not the worthless creatures deep down some of us believe we are.
The catch 22 is, trying to make a man who does not need or want you, to need and want you, is pretty much an impossible task. Thus our feelings of worthlessness and not being wanted, are reinforced. Therefore the pattern is repeated over and over again as we desperately need the confirmation of value. When a woman overcomes her self-esteem problems, it is only then can she accept a mans love that is not tied to her own issues.
Thus, we accept the love we think we deserve.
i am bad,i am bad..la.la.lala.la.traaa.laa.la!
who's bad?
You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in!
Hey, I know a lot of ladies like that... they would rather be with the guy that cheats on them and gives them a lame excuse then kick them out...when you ask why - they say cause I love him....Its not something I would accept but I meant it as an observtion....
im not patronizing,but heck thats a good one.
You cant help who you fall in love with and sometimes a woman would rather be with a "bad" guy than no guy if she love him enough....
guls will stay guls alwayyyyyyyyyyyz
Mc Steamy is... a bad boy gone good or good gone stale?lol
there are just no good guys. they all are bad either in a good way or a bad way .. hehe :>
dark side?do you pry to know?
Oh God most women have had their fair share of them. I dare say a few men have had their fair share of bitchy women too.
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!
i like a dark man with pointed nose and tantalizing eyes....
do good guys bore you?
they just love the "bad-good" guys eh?lol
i know... have to confess, this is my weakness..i get bored with "good boy" in no time..Bad guys keep you excited and alert..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry