Regarding Oracle

By murali7376 •
Hi Friends,
Please help me is there anyone who are in software field in Oracle base. I need your suggestion as i am planning to move qatar and my wife was into Mainframes, as most of the companies in ME are looking for Oracle professional where now she needs to change her profession. so please advice what kind oracle she need to study whether in Oracle administration? please advice.
Thanks for your valuable suggestions.
Heya there, well, I cant help you much, I dont know nothing in Oracle, in a matter of fact, I hate it, cause my father keeps talking with me about it the whole time. Anyway, he is a computer coder and a system analysist, he works with java and oracle, mostly oracle, and believe me, he's good in what he does, he's a senior programmer in the Ministry of Justice. If you wanna ask anything about the field, feel free to contact him on [email protected]
mainframe also have vacancies. If she is experienced in it. Oracle dba vacancies always required alt least 2 year experience as Dba.
She can do OCP for 10G from any of the good training centers. Vendor certifications have very good value here.