Live and Become (2005-Israel)

Directed by Radu Mihaileanu
(in Amharic, Hebrew and French language with English translation)
An Ethiopian Christian boy was brought to Israel from the Sudanese refugee camp at the time of "Operation Moses" in 1984, raised by a Jewish family, and grows up and faces the 'odds' and successes (mostly intellectual) of his new religion and new life in his new home.
It was nice to see a 'background information' of the history of the exodus of the Ethiopian Jews (which were called 'Falashas') in the opening scenes of the movie and how a boy who's so used to living a refugee life finds it difficult to adapt to his new way of living, both modern, religious and racial, and yet grew up successful and had kept his Christian virtues intact 'til he returns to his motherland.
At least he has tasted life with the choosen people, and may the mark of adam is wih him forever
Not all Falashas have found success in Israel. Many have voiced concerns at racism and even returned home. :(
I see, its a retrospective of Israeli movies- By Heero!
You are digging up quite a treasure for us. Thanks will try to watch it.