Top 10 nosy questions — and quick retorts

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I believed that Qlers can beat/surpass below retorts;
1. “How much money do you make?” (“My mother told me never to discuss money, except with my accountant.”)
2. “Did you make a killing when you sold your house?” (“We did just fine, thanks.”)
3. “How much did you pay for that suit?” (“Why, does it look expensive?”)
4. “Is your child adopted?” (“He really does have his own unique personality, doesn’t he?”)
5. “Do you dye your hair?” (“That’s between me and my hairstylist.”)
6. “Have you had work done — like a facelift?” (“Hey, do I look younger? It must be all that clean living!”)
7. “Why are you going to the doctor?” (“You don’t want to know.”)
8. “Are you feeling okay? You look tired.” (“Actually, I feel great!”)
9. “How old are you?” (“Twenty-nine and holding.” Or: “Today I feel about 93.”)
10. “What are you two talking about?” (“Nothing to write home about.”)
(they thought I was pregnant)
Quick as a flash, I said, 14 days, I am mid cycle at present. They went red.
Lol......... gotta luv ya!
1. “How much money do you make?” (Not much actually but I'll be opening up a Smoke Relief Fund shortly care to contribute?)
2. “Did you make a killing when you sold your house?” (Yes had to sacrifice a goat to the House Gods)
3. “How much did you pay for that suit?” (I didnt, came free with the mannequin i stole.)
4. “Is your child adopted?” (No he just looks my neighbour)
5. “Do you dye your hair?” (Hell no, i'm a natural born Grey.)
7. “Why are you going to the doctor?” (I feel great, need a second opinion)
8. “Are you feeling okay? You look tired.” (I'm fine, need to cut down on Viagra though)
9. “How old are you?” (Old enough to drink)
10. “What are you two talking about?” (We are discussing how we have morons amongst us asking nosy questions.)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
You can't teach experience...
I have a fixed answer when asked about how much I make:
Q. “How much money do you make?”
A. Well enough.
Q. “something like QRXXXXXX/mo?”
A. something around that amount.
Q. “something like QRYYYYYY/mo?”
A. something around that amount.
Q. “something like QRZZZZZZ/mo?”
A. something around that amount.
Q. “something like QR1,000,000/mo?”
A. something around that amount.
Q. “something like QR100,000,000/mo?”
A. something around that amount.
Q. “something like QR10/mo?”
A. something around that amount.
Q. “!#$%^&* you.”
A. Thanks.
11. Why are you still single?
12. When are you going to find someone to get married?
13. When are you going to get married?
14. When did the last time you go to church?
15. Why do you now get so much grey hairs?
1) My accountant takes care of all that
2)Didnt have to kill anybody
3) do you want to buy one as well
4)Not yet,they keep sending him back
5) no , its naturally grey
6)if I had how bad do you think it must have been before to still look like this
7) he needs my advice on something really complicated
8)That means the speed is wearing off now , I hate when that happens
9) as old as most of my teeth
10) its top secret and I can tell you but I would have to kill you immediately after