How Do You Handle Stress
Take this Test to try and determine how you react in stressful situations in life:
1. When you're critised at work, how do you usually respond?
a. You react cooly
b. You are angry
c. You react calmly to critism
2. When you wish to buy a home, how do you go about it?
a. You start setting the process in motion as soon as you have the gap in your timetable
b. You rush off to view possible homes whenever you can manage to squeeze this into your timetable.
c. You plan to set aside a month for this process - arranging getting all the relevant details, viewing dates, etc - without overloading your day
3. You find yourself in a tricky emptional relationship; how do you react?
a. You feel you have reached a deadlock and don't know how to get out of it.
b. You express your feelings without considering the consequences.
c. You take a humourous view of the situation and try to downplay it.
4. In the morning, you prefer to...
a. Get up very early to ensure you won't be late, and are prepared to arrive early.
b. Wait until the last moment before getting up and have a rushed breakfast
c. Give yourself enough time to wake up and have a leisurely breakfast
5. When people around you offer to help you to complete a task, how do you take it?
a. You prefer to manage on your own rather than bother others
b. You think that it'll only be done properly if you do it yourself
c. You accept the help of others, even if different approaches might produce a less than perfect result
6. In your work/home you tend to be...
a. Ultra-perferctionist
b. Dissatisfied
c. Someone who tries to do their best with the means at their disposal.
If your responses are:
Mostly a's
You're one of those people who don't like bothering others and prefer to do everything themselves, sometimes at the risk of physiological exhaustion. Try to be kinder to yourself and have more confidence in people around you rather than wanting to control everything.
Mostly b's
You lead a hectic life, and when confronted with tricky situations you tend to rush headlong into things. Try to think things through. Take time to plan and relax
Mostly c's
You are one of those who stand back and give themselves time to weigh the pros and cons. You have positive influence on things and those around you. JUST PERFECT!
Test Source: 101 ways to Improve Your memory by Reader's Digest
got c's.
do deep breathing exercises.... inhale...exhale...
then get a knife..ooppps..^_^
"I don't go back on my words, that's my way of ninja"
Stress is State of mind.....
Thts it.... Don feel stresses...... be happy...
Don attach yourself to the problem...
Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.
i deal with stress by dosing myself heavily with high blood pressure medication...and
stress not taken ..its for given
Mostly A's but hey - I find I get stressed trying to explain and get thing done so quicker and easier to do it my self....
Jack daniels on the rocks reliefs me !!!!
mostly c's...