Feel Bored?

By murderburger •
Try this AMAZING and very fun photo face animator. make it alive. Click Here you put any photo you want , of your face or a celeb or w/e you prefer. then you can give the face different emotions. happy, sad, mad, shocked. the mad emotion is ah classic. can grab your face parts and give them the image you want, then can costumize your face with age n all. you can even make them talk. add your audio by recording voice from mic or text to speach. then send to your email or others to see. ITS AWSOME. have fun
---Why So Serious?---
Yikes! I am going to have nightmares about that one! Made one that looked like the alien on the corniche!
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
Is that the photo of my Ex.. Keira Kneightly?
creepy....but its fun.