Tennis Partners- Beginners

By arymoceana •
I have 9 tennis balls, one decent tennis racket, my serve is rusty, well its way too rusty. But, I enjoy hitting the ball (a tennis enthusiast will understand that).
I hope there are other ladies out there, who may want to vent out their frustration with a beginner like me. Let me know, I just really, really love this game and want to play.
Are you guys still playing tennis? The weather is getting better now. Anyone interested to play? I have being playing tennis for two years. call: 55385488
lol Solidsnake.... :P
Isn't it obvious? your signature shows a ping pong ball doing a moonwalk.. no need to say more.
lol Solidsnake, careful now they might believe you hahaha....
lol mj! you smash like a guy.. in 5 sets, i never won a single match. ohh don't smile on me now..
this evite isn't exclusively for is welcomed:) we dont discriminate!
bisdak, im not an expert/professional, i only know basics.. but you're welcome to join us.. :)
mjamille28..I want to play table tennis with you..Will you teach me how to play?
lol Solidsnake, beginner my a**!! you are so not a beginner! :P
beginner here! game on..
So you might know someone who plays, and kindly spread the word.
is this exclusive invite for ladies only?
" fear always spring from ignorance.... "
lol panda i said i wish i can...
mj everyday!! naaaaa
lol blueboi i wish it was more than that.. if i could play everyday, i would... ;)
I hope there are other ladies out there,of course group will be better.Its a decent game and I hope I can encourage those who might want to try it.
i want to learn also playing lawn tennis..
i know mj your too much addict playing table tennis..
not only twice not trice but more than that!! lolz pish!
i already play table tennis, i make it a point to play at least once or twice a week... :)
Hi i play table tennis too..Actually I play both..I think you should try Lawn Tennis too coz its really fun. Well, If you want we can play tabletennis together..Im a bit good in playing table tennis..Can we play some time and get to know each other? If you dont mind..Thanks!
ok arymoceana, I'll bring my racket but I have only two balls :{
thanks but no.. im more of a table tennis enthusiast...
try it once, and I swear you'll love it
I really do want to get back to practicing again. Do you practice at Khalifa stadium, that's were I practiced last year. Wala napo kasi yata sila area for walling, kya I cannot even practice on my own.
oh in that case,.. im outta here... :(
lawn tennis please
hi.. want TO PLAY WITH US?
which tennis are you talking about? table or lawn?