visaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa isuance :(:(
Hi Everybody,
i am new to the forum, i got a job offer with Government council about 8 weeks ago and sent all my papers (certificates and medicals ) by courier one week after getting the offer. But till this moment I do not get my visa.
My question is : How long ( maximum ) the visa takes to be issued.? I saw people on the forum got it after about 11 weeks, I need to know the answer so after that max. period I must consider no hope and forget about the visa.
Also why all of that long time to issue the visa.
Your help and answers are highly appreciated.
Thanks for Help
hello everybody,
Thanks very much for your advice and help, today i got my Visa finally, i am happy.
last Q as a matter of curiosity, what was the security clearance stage that visa should pass.. i do not know what that stage is.
thanks for all of you , i really appreciate your valuable answer and help.
it has to go through long channel maximum time is been taken by ministry of labor and foreign affair to give an approval, which could be from 1 to 3 months depending upon the nationality and position applied for (to see from Qatarisation angle)...then transfered to immigration to issue visa.
there is NO answer.. as there is no limit for it.. it's not about Immigration department terms, it is entirely up to your company.. Once visa application is submitted, it takes max 3-4 days either to be approved or to be rejected..
Our department is in the process of hiring someone for the last…4 months by now.. I mean it passed 4 months since he has been interviewed.. we are still “in the process”… it got stuck somewhere in the endless HR tunnels and passes…
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
hi khorshd, did you submit attested copies of your my case that was the cause of tool 3months for me.