could do any thing against mischief by qatari

One Qatari had broken my car nomper plate for parking my car in front of his house fence ,and he written on my car saying "no parking means no parking "
there was a no parking board on his fence but i was in a bussy to go to the bank there not even a single space near by and i didnt park my car infront of his gate
i felt really bad ,when he brake my nomper plate
is there anything done legally for this or this is my mistake .dont you think that parking infront of the fence is not offencive at all
Tape it on video?? That could be illegal.
and wait on the other side of the road if he will do something again to your car. If he does, tape it on video and call the police.
"Masunod nawa ang iyong kalooban!"
no he didn't do it. He's making fun of how you said "nomper plate" instead of "number plate".
r u saying you did it ...dont say that me..
u r kidding right .
sorry mate what is a nomper plate?
i think i have to make it more clear his house has a big compound wall and an automatic shutter for to get his car in and out ... i parked very near adjusted to his huge compond wall side of the road .thats it ...i parked near to his gate but not blocking his way in any mean.....hope everyone understood ... i will tell you were ..... in C ring road just Behind IBA Building
if he did this to me i hope he is doing daily as i use to wacth now a days always i see vehicle parking in front of the no parking board ....i am damn sur i am not only the one might be his daily exercise
hope everyone understood
wish everyone nice weekend
Who is saying that he parked 'on' the pavement?
All he has said is that he parked in front of a house. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn't mount the curb, destroy any pavers and kill any grass.
He stopped his car on the street in the parking lane as you would in any other country.
Who knows.
jafarnk, this is happening everywhere. My friend's car was vandalized also. The man wrote in the door using a key. Good thing my friend saw the man. in this case, it was not a Qatari, it was an Indian. my friend just let it go.
fubar, I paved my pavement, and I planted grass and trees on parts of it.
If somebody parked on my pavement, I would tow his car with my LandCruiser. He'll find it on the other side of the road (If you do this, I suggest keeping the gear in neutral and not pulling the handbrake).
There are no banks where I live, just houses.
Mandi, I appreciate your perspective. But, I'm yet to see a house in Qatar where the front fence isn't constructed on the boundary line between the resident's private property, and the public street.
And the reason there is a boundary is to demarcate the area that the resident owns and controls, and the area that is public.
It's possible that jafarnk parked on this guy's property, but I would find that exceedingly unlikely. Instead, I just think this Qatari is under some illusion that his property rights extend to the pavement AND the parking lane outside his house, which clearly they don't.
No Barking Means No Barking
"Drink Beer Save Water"
I didn't see any specific language about his parking on a "public" street, fubar. What jafarnk said was that he parked "in front of his house fence" even though there was a sign saying "No Parking", but he chose to ignore the sign because he had to go to the bank and there were no legal parking spaces. From that description I don't have enough information to determine whether or not jafarnk parked on the person's private property. Maybe he can enlighten us.
Like it or not, residents have no right to tell people not to park on a public street, provided that the car is not blocking direct access to your property.
If you don't want someone parking in front of your house, then don't live on a busy street.
Otherwise, quit your whining.
Public roads are there for everyone to use - drive on, park, walk by. You were not ON his property, so he had no right to do ANYTHING to your vehicle.
Report him to the police.
this happend yesterday ...... when i got all this posts.... the next time if somthing happens like this i would surely complain to police ....
thanks buddies atleast there are people to support me ...
I don't know guys. From what I can see, the home owner vandalised and damaged jafarnk's property, and that IS a criminal offense. And unless jafarnk was parking on the guys property, then since when does a home owner have the right to decide where someone parks on a public road, sign or no sign.
You should have gone immediately to the police station, the police in Qatar are not biased, contrary to popular belief..
No point is discussing this after 2 months...
...Avada Kedavra..
the owner of the house is about if the occupants are not Qatari...did you verify???
Although he is wrong in parking at a place marked as "No Parking" but the way adopted by the house owner is not correct.
He should have called to tow the vehicle not spoil it with a marker pen.
"No parking means no parking" reminds me of a funny email forward I got..
A picutre that says, Press UP for up, DOWN for
Anyways, you could complain and let the cops give that guy a warning, though they would walk all over you for parking in front of his house.
Just be careful next time.
No parking means no parking... isnt it tat simple to understand ??
you pissed him off... "no parking means no parking"...
Report it to the police and how do u know the owner of the house where u had parked is a Qatari?
We have arrogance and poor attitude people in all nationalities. Anyways, you should complain to the police, since he (whoever he was, even if a Qatari) should have called to tow the car instead of using a marker and spoiling the car to show his attitude.
although that person just scribbled a note and taped it to my window stating that the next time he'll report it to the police. I was pretty surprised cause it was well printed in a colour printer and written in english and arabic. But the issue is how is some supposed to know no to park in a public parking space unless there is some notification? My car was clearly parked on a public road and not infront of anyone's gate (never do that) or under someone's shaded parking space. PLEASE PUT NO PARKING INFRONT OF MY HOUSE SIGN - its that simple.
Although i'll be surprised if it was a qatari. That i'd never know unless i meet the owner of that house and check his passport - lot of guys masquerading as "Qatari's" in Qatar and when you check their id/passport/HR file they anything but Qatari :-)
Scratching on your bonnet,slashing of tires etc is childish and just plain horrid specially for a first timer who had no idea or had to dream that he is not supposed to park there in the first place
jafarnk, appology for my previous post... i assume you park outside his gate.
if you dont catch him 'in action', dont think you will have any proof. It would be your word against his ...
it really feels so bad!some qataris are really a hell of an attitude!some are also nice but only a few actually.thats another problem with them,dont know & understand,very difficult to communicate!this is it!because we live in their country!better be carefull next time,,,
this happend today afternoon ....i said i went to policestation for another accident complain of my company vehicle
i didnt go to police station to complain this happening
so u felt bad after 2 months have passed or were u sleeping for 2 months?
if u can't complain to police, why whining here after 2 months of incident?
do like Charles bronson in the movie Act of Vengeance.
after two months, nothing to do, nothing to say...
i do like the reply of stone cold
i did thought of that ,if he had done to me from my country wot i would be doing
My property also has "No Trespassing" signs posted. I will not damage your vehicle, I will simply have it towed.
Don't do anything. sure you'll loose in this game. Wait till the next time you see them in your country, it's your turn to bash them up.
Go and steal his fence.
Then park on his garden.
WTF next time don't even think of parinking anywhere... after 2 months you remember to write up your story...!!! If you don't want to go to the police as you mention above because ( they don't speak english... since you are the only one in Qatar do and don't know any arabic)....dohhhh ..... why wasting our time with this crap
report you will be the one blamed
you never park in front of any one's house whether there is a no parking board or not you should never. he just broke your nomper plate i would have slashed all your tyres.
lucky it was just the number plate... thank god you didnt park at the place where some other barbaric ppl live.. u would have found your tyre flat, broken rear view mirror and broken wiper. and yes thankfully he left a note on a paper not a DEEP scratch on the car written NO with some erotic scribblings....
i know this, as all this happened to my friends car which was parked on the parking lot in the opposite side of a home (its public parking space). remember ALL the above mentioned happened to ONE car on ONE night.....
so considering this, you are lucky..... cheers.
no novita i didnt block his access i didnt park in front of the gate at all i was parking in front of his fence thats all ...he can easily go in out with his car
if i did had blocked his way then i am wrong i knew that
no excuse parking in front of someone's gate and blocking someone's house access. Although there is no sign for 'no parking' cant you think for a second that the house ownder might want to come out or come in? Common sense ?
However ... what he did to you is rather mean ...
park a bit far wher u get parkin rather than gettin ur number plate broken
i dont think i had to Complain to police ..its not a big issue like criminal thing or somthing but i really felt very bad about it ..i couldnt even findout who is wrong .. anyway thanks for the reply .it makes me feel better ..
good idea .... i may end up in a tragedy i am afraid ,i couldnt even get a case file done from the police department ,its even two months now they dont know english and i dont know arabic
Report to the Police.. As i know police here are not biased to qataris, unless u are messing with some high profile Qatari.
-- F L A M M A B L E --
there was a no parking board on his fence ...
go n report to POLiCE
simple is THAT
or it was i did a really bad thing
why they are worse then that
he just broke my nomber plate and written with marking pen on my car bonnet that "no parking mean no parking "
he just broke ur number plate .