MAXIMUM Visa issuance duration.
Hi Everybody,
i am new to the forum, i got a job offer with Government council about 8 weeks ago and sent all my papers (certificates and medicals ) by courier one week after getting the offer. But till this moment I do not get my visa.
My question is : How long ( maximum ) the visa takes to be issued.? I saw people on the forum got it after about 11 weeks, I need to know the answer so after that max. period I must consider no hope and forget about the visa.
Also why all of that long time to issue the visa.
Your help and answers are highly appreciated.
i do not mean the validity of the Visa, i meant the duration whioh the Visa takes to be issued.
i do not even have the visa yet. that is my problem.
you have 3 types of visit visa,
1- tourist visit, it's for 1 month extendable by another month only.
2- family visit, it's for 6 months max and not extendable beyond that.
3- tourist visit on travel agency, it's for 1 month and not extendable.
cost for 1 and 2 above is QR. 200 per month.
no. 3 is upto the travel agency
I am not sure about maximum but minimum 2 days after submit your documents