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Hi everyone, once again one of my friend suffer from unjustifiable postponment of Annual Leave.
He filed last Feb '09 for Annual Leave to be on April 25 '09 then, his vacation form was kept for long time in his boss table and when he ask for the status he was replied that if he knew someone personally to replace him and since he doesn't know anybody, he propose to him to train one of the staff in customer service dept.(Arabic)to replace him and with that suggestion he is not quite satisfied and instead he respondent not to worry and he will take care of his vacation. Last week, one of his collegue left for vacation and his vacation got affected by that. He was informed by his boss that his vacation did not approved by HR dept due to that person who just left because they wanted that person only which is his native "Filipino" to replace him once he go for vacation. When he approached HR Manager the same she said, you have to wait for that person and your vacation is not urgent but, in the first place when she send email to all managers requesting for plan annual leave she did not mentioned that all secretaries should not leave at the same time. Only mentioned is to plan carefully in order not to have a conflict with team members.
Because of this he is so upset that they did not inform him before hand. Supposedly at first he filed to have his leave on Mar. 30 to attend his son pre-school graduation and his supervisor advise him to move because of the internal audit happening on the same date so, he did because he realize that the real reason why his here is to work. But, what he really feels bad is that his immediate boss cannot justify to HR dept that he have to go and his job can be cover by anybody as long as he will train the replacement.
Now he felt that, in his company only his native has to have the hardest job and those (Arabic) will have the least though they were paid highest compare to them. In this situation, racial discrimination is very obvious and sabotage of personal plan for your upcoming vacation. Those filipino's working in that company felt the this is their way to terminate their contract it is more likely "take it or leave it"
What do you think of the HR Manager, is it really fair to hold his vacation due to that person even he is not in the same dept. and he was not inform earlier about their plan. Isn't it that HR Manager is the one should understand and hear employees plead.
Your feedback is much appreciated.
I don't know about the racial discrimination side that you mentioned. But it is typical practice for companies not to let employees take time off work at the same time. The person who is awarded the time off, is simply the person who requested the time off first. Employees sometimes have to request days off 6-12 months in advance to make sure it doesn't clash with other requests, especially in the high peak holiday seasons.
well he can quit the job if he is frustrated. or go the Human Rights