Women Helping in Abuse Of Women!!!

Each time i start to beleive in american society as the best one, something like this turns up. Watch with caution, has some disturbing images.
Each time i start to beleive in american society as the best one, something like this turns up. Watch with caution, has some disturbing images.
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PM, i dont think comparison with Taliban isjustified here, but i just saw the video with these titles, but what struck me was women police officers were not protecting the rights of another woman but were involved in abusing her. I had always been pf the view that even teh presence of females is a deterrence for males to act like this.
Seems everyone forgot this woman was first called in because it was a suspected RAPE!!! Her sister's license was taken by accident and she got upset...ok, how many of you who had just been raped, had some of your scalp torn out and lost your dead sister's personal item, wouldn't be upset at the officer? I would and most likely not be thinking rationally.
Things like this are NOT a common occurrance in America but it does happen. Men SHOULD NOT be present at female strip searches..goodness sakes, even gynecologists are required to have a nurse present when examining a patient!!! Something went terribly wrong in this situation at the police station...plus WHY was she left naked without something to cover her up for SIX hours and no access to a phone???
I can understand why she needed to be strip searched...to protect herself from doing any harm...but not by men and certainly not in the manner in which it was done. The woman had enough mental anguish with perhaps getting raped, but I think that the officer went overboard when questioning her and then placing her in cuffs....makes you wonder WHY they send male officers to a suspected rape in the first place. Why not make sure they can have a female handle all the questioning as they are much more sympathetic to the situation.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.
-Mark Twain-
Could someone tell me please when did this incident shown on the vedio happen? Exact date please
I wud have loved to see the comments of bigots if Michelle Palmer was strip searched by Dubai police.
PM, where did you read my negatove comments about americans, i do still beleive that american society is probably best among teh ones around today, but if america does sometthing wrong, i wud say so.
For me the most shocking thing was to see the women being absolutely fine seeing another of their own being humiliated by men, as this woman's husband described, its like rape without penetration.
If Alexa gets drunk, who will volunteer to search her for her own safety?
Men should not have had to take part of the stripping of this woman.
According to the video, she answered the question of whether she was suicidal or not with, "Now or ever?"
The law enforcer (sheriff?) said that they did it for her protection. I took that as meaning to keep from hanging herself. Perhaps, had she answered the suicidal intention question with "no" this would not have happened. Regardless, men should not have been involved and female officers should been called in.
She has good case.
you'd better find a part time detector job
:0) Just rememember that there are 300 million people living in the United States and incidents like this happen with frecuency. The media eat up a good story and this is clearly a great one for them. There are always two sides and you all make some good points.
There are also many GOOD things happening everyday (maybe even more than bad) in the United States. And this "racist" nation just elected a BLACK president. Ease up on the generalizations. No place is perfect!
May be hapy is always against negative on America.
but the video speaks loudly who did the abuse ?
And the narration clearly says - she was denied telephones !!!
Was she really a non-cooperative convict ? still, she should have been handled by the same sex cops.
by the way, how come the videio clippings ? Is it mandatory in US jails to be all on camera ? someone may put on some light
PM: Probably they would prefer Taliban :D
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
I love when people THINK they know the native American situation. Kunta Kinte LOL.
These are the type of people who burn down american embassies when european countries draw cartoons.
you did know about extermination for natives Indian amiricans who wiped out by english newcomers to us? you never heard the name Kunta Kinte, Roots ? come on guys.. who is racist if not americans? when I state a fact it doesn't meat I'm racist.. I have friends english and american..check my profile pic. also there is large difference between punishment and abuse..keep cool.
Lol - el bueno - on mixing up Australia and America - you haven't got a clue!!
The difference is that in america the woman will be punished and arrested by the authorities - now is this the same situation in the GCC?
be wary of El bueno - had a ton of their racists posts removed from a thread as they were harrasing wolfjack i think.
I see a police officer doing her job..What is this non-sense headline of yours "Women Helping in Abuse Of Women!!!"
...Avada Kedavra..
Oh, too bad, El Bueno, you mixed up Australia and America!
hapy..that is the real ugly face of america. they always want to show what they don't have. not all of course but you need to refer to the origin to predict and never trust or believe on america. if you refer to the history of america you will find that England sent groups of criminals out of prisons to start the life in the new land. you will see their ugly face earlier against natives and next against blacks from africa and later on against all world. now it doesn't surprise any and we expect more from uncle sam..