Islam 'Insulted' ?????

Before we get the usual "this is just another anti Islam thread" comment I happen to think that the Police should treat all suspects with consideration....But....seeing as the suspect has confessed you would think that the husband would have more to worry about! Not least the death of his 2yr old niece!!
the article states that he is under suspicion as you think he is using this tactic to divert attention away from himself?
Again not an anti Islam thread, rather a look at where the religious set their priorities...and it's often said that if it weren't for religion there would be no morality....pfff!
Islam 'Insulted' By Alleged Child Killer's Mug Shot ... ot.article
" The police booking photo of alleged child killer Nour Hadid released Tuesday is an "insult against our religion," says Hadid's husband, Alaeddin.
Orland Park police detectives say the 26-year-old Muslim woman was treated as any other suspect in a murder probe would be, and they did not intend to humiliate her when they photographed her Sunday without her headscarf and wearing only a skimpy top
Nour Hadid is accused of beating her 2-year-old niece Bhia Hadid to death over four days at her home on the 9000 block of West 140th Street. The child had 55 separate bruises and was beaten "from head to toe," according to prosecutors, who say Hadid confessed.
But Alaeddin Hadid - who insists his wife is innocent - said Orland Park police are "really going to be in big trouble" for releasing the woman's booking photo to the news media after she was charged with first-degree murder.
The Hadids are Muslims and Nour "never leaves the home without covering up," said Alaeddin, who's vowed to sue.
By custom, some practicing Muslim women wear the hijab, or headscarf, and cover their arms and legs when in public.
In the mug shot, a bare-headed and obviously emotional Nour appears to be protecting her modesty with her hands.
"It is against our religion; we do not do this in our culture," Alaeddin said.
"People have been calling me about this all day."
Bhia Hadid's funeral took place Thursday.
Suicide threats
Orland Park police Cmdr. Chuck Doll said the mug shot was taken "for identification purposes" before Hadid made her confession. Her headscarf was handed back to her after the photo was taken, Doll said.
"A matron was with her at all times while she was in our custody," Doll said. A matron is a law enforcement official who works with women held in custody. "She was wearing a tank top, and she had the headscarf when she was interviewed."
The headscarf later was taken from her after she made suicide threats, he said.
A sobbing Hadid appeared without the headscarf at the Bridgeview courthouse Tuesday and is being held without bail at the Cermak Medical Center at the Cook County Jail, where she remains on suicide watch.
Police have said her husband's possible involvement in Bhia's death still is under investigation.
Nour Hadid's attorney, Frank Celani, said he hopes to speak with her today about the mug shot.
Respecting the accused
Islamic advocacy groups seem wary of taking up Hadid's cause.
Spokesmen for the Council on Islamic American Relations, the Islamic Society of North America and the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation all declined to comment Thursday.
But Dr. Mohammed Sahloul, chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Chicago, said that while police should follow the usual procedures with all defendants, "they should respect the modesty of the accused."
Sahloul, who made it clear he was not aware of the Hadid case and was speaking in general terms about the hijab, pointed out that Muslim women are allowed to wear hijabs in photos for their state IDs.
"If it's for the purposes of identification and they cover in public, then that's going to be more effective in identifying them anyway," he said.
Former chairman Kareem Irfan said, "It's particularly humiliating because she appears to be in her underwear.
"I don't condone what she's alleged to have done.
"But if it was a nun accused of these crimes, would they treat her the same way?" "
Perfect way to hijack the thread; regarding patriarchal honour being more important than the murder of an infant.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
It is always the lost that need my guidance
RAISE A NEW THREAD and you will get the answer if i feel necessary.
You would not understand it because you are NON-muslim
You would not understand it because you are muslim.
She killed another human being so, she lost all the rights to be called a muslim woman. Even if i also think that in ID cards their face shouldn't be covered.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
very wrong and cruel, however, beating childerin in the more poorer arab countries is very normal and common. im not saying she should im just saying that she shouldnt have that kind of arab mentallity
very wrong and cruel, however, beating childerin in the more poorer arab countries is very normal and common. im not saying she should im just saying that she shouldnt have that kind of arab mentallity
Non relevant to the thread in discussion...raise a new thread about the subject and will try to answer accordingly.
...and this is relevant because?....
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
because they will have to go through all the ordeal and embarrassment until this is resolved.
Look what they go thu... untill the rapist is proven guilty....
may be she was doing exorcism
Jack how is this relevant to the thread?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Question not clear...please detail...
It is always the lost that need my guidance
It was a pure stunt to try to deflect attention from what she did, and rouse the same kind of idiots who attacked American property when the Danish let out those cartoons.
Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. (English Proverb)
To the people who don't believe in free speech - stop posting ;)
AbuSaif...nobody could harm the religion of Peace called Islam but the hypocrites/kafir get the rewards for their own deeds in this world itself for stirring such incidents.
- Due to her possible intolerable crime.
- For the way she is being handled by the authorities.
- By the comments of her husband.
- Because her pictures had to be taken.
- Because somebody released the pictures to the press.
- Because the investigating journalist decided to release this news with the caption as stated on the link.
However, the effected/inducted (in a possible crime) Muslim family should feel insulted if this act of Kufr is proven not guilty, because they will have to go through all the ordeal and embarrassment until this is resolved.
All the Muslim readers will feel sad and sorrowed by this unacceptable act/act of Kufr by a muslimah if she is found guilty.
For the mater if all the muslims decide to quit/ leave Islam, nothing still will happen to the doctrine of the Islam and of course to the Lord, Allah (SWT). Hope this clears my views on this forum.
Peace to All....
It is always the lost that need my guidance
whatsoever. Her Hijab was removed when SHE threatened suicide. It was removed for her own protection. Her shoulders showed because she CHOOSE to wear a tank top. Her rights ended when she killed a defenseless child.
I was thinking the same thing UKEng. Where were her Islamic values when she was throttling this poor child to death? It doesnt seem like this was an accidental incident as she did it over 4 days. Her husband is screaming about her rights, did she not rob the childrens parents of the right to see their daughter grow up? Where are the rights for this poor child to grow up, possibly get married, have her own children, a career, a life?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
It is actually an insult against intelligence to even consider writing an article about being insulted because of the mug shot when the person hade killed her baby by beating him to death.
She lost all rights when she murdered her child. She should be hanged or beaten to death herself
What a looner.. Call her self a Muslim when beating an harmless, defenseless 2 year old kid.. If she wants to be called a Muslim then she should be tried in Sauid Arabia and suffer the consequences.. If you cant to the time don't do the crime..
PMSL - great post mate!
and you worry about a mug shot ,,,,please get your priority right it is a insult to human right for the child. And all you worry about was she did not have a scarf,, you insult human intelligence my friend.
Orland Park police Cmdr. Chuck Doll said the mug shot was taken "for identification purposes" before Hadid made her confession. Her headscarf was handed back to her after the photo was taken,
And as alexa said ... even us here in the middle east have to follow the laws and customs applied in their country of residence.
Oh sorry rules for you and rules for me.. what an insult.
"in Rome do what the Romans do.."
Her attorney "said he believed Orland Park police had "deliberately" humiliated Hadid with the photo as part of "an illegal interrogation." He suggested he'd try to have the confession removed from evidence."
"Orland Park police said Thursday they followed normal procedure when photographing and interviewing Hadid, who is being held without bail until her next hearing April 30.",041109hadid.article
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10.",041009mugshot.article
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
what in your opinion is idiotic about the writer of the article?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
""It is against our religion; we do not do this in our culture," Alaeddin said.
What does he mean? Killing innocent 2-years old?
(I have to point out this is sarcasm, as I know some on here will misunderstand).
"It is against our religion; we do not do this in our culture," Alaeddin said.
"People have been calling me about this all day."
As if that is important?!?!!!
His wife has admitted killing a two year old!!!!!! - "The child had 55 separate bruises and was beaten "from head to toe," "
Yeah, I am sure those calling him all day just brushed that under the carpet and cut to the real injustice here!(I have to point out this is sarcasm, as I know some on here will misunderstand)
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
if only they did. Thanks for being nice.
Thanks for being nice.