Opinion is needed

I would like to share story of a person I know who is in deep sorrow about her situation right now.
they were 2 ladies in her department unfortunately, the other lady has to leave the country due to personal matters and that was last year. Every February, they have to pass their annual leave request and at that time the other lady is still working, the person I know filed her annual leave to be on April 11, 2009 and it was approved by her boss. Then this year, month of filing annual leave comes and she repeated her application for the same month but this time without her knowledge, her boss make a note in her application not to allow her to go unless they find another lady to replace the one who resigned. When she knew it, she confronted her boss and it was a big commotion in her department to the extend that she presented her resignation if they will not allow her to go and with that, her boss promise her that she can have her vacation so, the resignation did not push through. Only yesterday, she got the approval from the HR dept. since they hire another lady and this time the HR dept. requested her to pass her bank statement, receipt of the purchased ticket (since she bought her own ticket for a lower price)
Today, she presented the print out of the statement with stamped and signature from her bank and the HR dept made an inquiry in her bank about her account and they found out that she had 2 personal loans and credit card. Knowing this, the HR manager ask her to clarify those loans and still wanted the statement printed in the letterhead of her bank. The problem is, her bank cannot provide it since it is already send by post and it comes from dubai not locally. Now, HR inform her that she cannot fly on Thursday 09th Apr. '09 unless she provide the bank statement printed in bank's letterhead.
Now my question is, up to what extent that the HR depart. can interfere in such situation? is it correct what the HR manager did in making such query about her account? Do you think the whole thing is logic for them to keep her from going or mainly to let her suffer since they wanted her to move her vacation until they hire a new lady.
Thanks for reading and your opinion is very much appreciated. Sorry, there is no right topic for this that why I choose Travel and Holiday.
Unless your friend gave the bank permission to answer andy enquiries about her account by the HR Department, I'd be in the bank manager's office raising hell!
The bank is not allowed to discuss any account holder's details without specific written permission from the account holder.
I'd also be filing a complaint with the Qatar Central Bank if this is what has happened.
By the way....if your friend's bank loan is from a bank in Qatar, and the bank's main office is in Dubai,....the HR of the company have all the right to make a querry to the bank. And it is a normal procedure also for the company to write a letter or inform the bank that your friend is leaving Qatar in Exit manner or Cancelled visa. They will play safe for sure and the next problem is that the bank will file a Hold Point in the airport immigration, and your friend cannot leave the country.
chichiro...i can say that if a person is having a bank loan in any banks INSIDE QATAR, the HR of the company has the right to write the bank or request for the bank clearance because no company wants to be held liable to any person's loan. But if the person is having a loan in any banks OUTSIDE QATAR, the HR doesn't have anything to do with bank and your friend's loan. In 1 point, why did she gave the HR her bank statement from Dubai? If her bank is in Qatar and she's not having any loan in Qatar, then that's the only bank statement needed. If she doesn't have any liabilities here in Qatar, she can go now, (for sure she can't get an NOC since it is resignation), and the HR doesn't have any right to interfere with her liabilities in other country.
It sounds like since she tendered her resignation her company is worried about her not coming back to Qatar after her vacation. If she does not return and has outstanding bank loans then the company will be asked to pay these out of her remaining salary/gratuity. It would seem that the company does have a vested interest in making sure that she is debt-free before leaving on vacation. I think the moral of the story is not threatening to resign before going on vacation leave (unless you mean it.)