Dear QL'ers, i have been here about 6 months and i was wondering about joining the Rugby Club, bit bored with the "Bear Pit" at the Ramada etc and just needed a few questions asked;
* What are the opening times?
* Is there a dress code
* What are the fees(looked on their website and looks a bit sketchy)?
* I am from the UK, no problem?
* can i rock up Thurs evening and go for a beer (obviously signing in etc with a view to completing membership paperwork etc)?
* Not looking to play, (although did a few years ago), any problems with "studying the refreshment area"?
* Any ideas on QAR/Pint?
* RUMOURS, is it to be closed down or is this bar talk?
I thank you all in advance for your correspondence, regards
Hey.. I'm a girl and I loved it! We went last night and had a blinding time:)
Apparently they're not taking any new members til June.. but I'll be signing up for sure!!
woohoo i got a plus 1
oh be noted it's a pain in the arse to park a harley.
+1 Samael - he's got it just about right.
* Closing time - when the last drunk leaves the bar!
* I think it's only QR800/year for new social members and 600 to renew
* can i rock up Thurs evening and go for a beer (obviously signing in etc with a view to completing membership paperwork etc)? - they have really clamped down on non-member access. Try it. If you struggle let me know by PM, I'll be going on Friday at around 6:30pm
* any problems with "studying the refreshment area"? - if you don't mind the din, you can 'try' to study.
* Any ideas on QAR/Pint? - 22 for guiness and Kilkenny :o)
* RUMOURS, is it to be closed down or is this bar talk? - not a rumour, but still up in the air. It will not close but might relocate to Rawdat Rasheed - way out of town on Salwa road (near the earth station!) meaning everyone will drive there ;o(
Opens at mid-day on a friday and saturday and open 5pm all other days. Not sure about the closing times.
No Dress Code i am aware of... i think clothes are compulsory though.
1000 a year if i remember right, all memberships get renewed in May... So if you join now, it will be very cheap, but only Valid till may.
UK people are welcome seeing as it is a Rugby Club
Rock up? eh yeah? you usually need a member to sign you in, they have gone a bit strict on that now. PM with yer e-amil and i can send you a membership form, i got a soft copy floating around.
There are two types of memberships... the social one (for your interests) and the one that includes playing.
22 riyals for a pint
It will eventually be closed down, but no idea on time scale. They have found another area though to rebuild.
wants them out as they want to build a bunch of villas on the land. The rugby club will have to relocate but have only been offered sites way out of town, so are fighting to stay. Maybe with the downturn in the housing market the Sheika might put her plans on hold but who knows. This has been going on for about 2 years now and I think eventually they will lose and have to move. Same way the authorities shut down Garvey's. In this country they get what they want in the end even if it takes some time.
Thank you all for your time and some rather interesting insights!, kind regards Rich
The Rugby Club has an old-world charm about it. Every time you step inside, it’s like walking into a slice of history, wrapped and preserved in time. It’s a place where one can feel right at home amidst the hustle and bustle of life as an expatriate; Old Blighty, right in the middle of the inhospitable city. Well, that’s one way of looking at it; another, more pragmatic approach, might see you looking at it as a complete dump that has never been upgraded or even maintained. In which case, a dingy bar where the smell of booze emanates from every piece of furniture will welcome you. After a few drinks, when you want to take a leak, you will step into a very basic Toilet where chipped Urinals will greet your manhood. Perhaps, the drunken man with a particularly large bladder will strike up a conversation with you about how Liverpool was robbed by the Referee.
Ah, but, away from the strictly demarcating world of Black or White, there is the middle ground and firmly stood within the middle ground, I’d recommend that you need to go there and have at least one drink sat by the fresh grass pitch. I agree that it’s stuffy inside, but, no establishment serving Alcohol (in Doha) has that big a “lawn” for your pleasure, unless it’s the Golf Club, but, that’s outside the city and a tad or two pricier. The weather is perfect sir; go there, sit by the pitch and enjoy your drink. It’s well worth it, easy on the pocket, and something different if you haven’t been there before.
* What are the opening times?
A: Don’t know when it opens, it closes pretty late though, real late. There are “Limos” to take you home, so, it’s all good.
* Is there a dress code?
A: As far as I know: No Ties, and no Studs at the bar. It’s very laid back.
* What are the fees(looked on their website and looks a bit sketchy)?
A: It used to be around QAR 600/-, I think.
* I am from the UK, no problem?
A: Walk right in and you can be matey, matey, in no time :)
* can i rock up Thurs evening and go for a beer (obviously signing in etc with a view to completing membership paperwork etc)?
A: It’s the easiest place to get in.
* Not looking to play, (although did a few years ago), any problems with "studying the refreshment area"?
A: Most people are there for the “refreshments”
* Any ideas on QAR/Pint?
A: Don’t recall exactly, but, I’d guess it’s the cheapest in Doha
* RUMOURS, is it to be closed down or is this bar talk?
A: There have been very strong rumours from very reliable sources that The Rugby Club is on the verge of being closed down, for the past five years…
My information could be outdated as I haven’t been to the Rugby Club after new rules regarding memberships were issued; hell, I don’t even live in Doha anymore!
I would never recommend that anyone take their woman out there.
Hey Alexa! I'm killing time on boring evening. What's your excuse? Good night for now.
I rate it to be the best place to hang around in Doha... if you aint a member u pay just 20/30 QAR for entry.. no dress code - its Rugby Club, lol...
best place when compared to crap ramada or Irish harp... you will feel home in rugby club.. give a try.
Hey a lot of my friends frequent the rugby club. It is a good place maybe the cheapest drinks in Doha. Ok you dont need to play to be a member I think membership is about 800QAR for the year. You can get in without being a member but you need to be signed in and its 30QAR a time. You can just go in and frequent the bar, dont remember how much it is for a pint but it is cheap.
Hoped I helped a little but give them a call if you are interested.
try to search here for doha rugby club. good luck
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Come on QLers - I know some of you frequent the rugby club. Help the guy out!
Thank you Rich