South Africans in Qatar

What makes you, as a South African, happy or unhappy living here in Doha?
This is a question that has been created for a University research project so if you would be kind enough as to answer it, that would be wonderful.
I have also created a questionnaire, so if you are willing to fill that in then please send me your email so that i can send you the questionnaire.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you amnesia,
I chose South Africans because i was curious and i had to chose an ethnic group that was small enough for me to sample. and vee... why South Africans only??? Cuz thats life!
So if there are any South Africans out there, please help!
Lol what sort of a question is that? Perhaps the invidual is interested in South Africa, perhaps she's South African, perhaps if you look at what she just wrote its 'for a research project'.
Seems to me that she has to write a concentrated report on the South African nationality.
People are too sensitive and really love to de-rail topics.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Yea ! why South Africans only?
Why South Africans only