Any simple info on starting a business?
By fresh start •
Any anyone tell me where I can find simple, FAQ on setting up a business in Qatar? - yes, have done the searches, but nothing seems to be clear, need step by step process and also details on corporate tax
Many thanks
i know investment consultants who do it professionally.can guide with their nos.pls PM if you are serious.They provide free consultations for genuine clients.i have afriend there to help.
info cannot be simple, as the process is not simple at all...and even officers sometimes get lost in all these procedures and rules.. Either you have to hire a professional, or forget about it...
One thing i know for sure: at some point you have to deposit 200,000 ryial into your business bank account... :)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
if you what sponsor o cr i can help you ..just send me an pm
starting a business in qatar is not that easy,you must have a local partner/sponsor ,what kind of business,the best move is to ask the opinion of business experts in qatar,look for an investment consultant firm to guide you...good luck ...
What Kind of Business are you Starting?
"Simple" info: Don't start it if "nothing seems to be clear!"