Where to have your car mud-painted?

Hi all,
I hope everyone here is doing just fine.
I plan to go for Umrah this month. Some says that I'd better have my car mudpainted as there will be much blowing sand along the road to Mecca. If anyone knows where to get it, kindly let me know.
Thanks guys, and sorry for my poor english.
Have a nice day!
check with Teyseer Car Service Center...
& yeah,, your english is far better than many here on QL,, so dont regret..!! :D
You can do it yourself with dishwashing liquid.
I think you can have it done at any car accessories shop.
go to an open space which is a little bit muddy and drive your car around it. for sure your car will be full of mud and its for free!
Don't wash your car. After one week it looks like you want it, and it doesn't cost anything.