Does anyone have any further information about the new labor law????
It seems that housing allowance for gov employees is going down.
read it today in arraya
Any more information would be helpful.
As I understand it, females who are under own sponsorship can now sponsor their husbands (previously only those working for a QFC firm could sponsor their husbands). Also the new law imposes criminal liablity on those found in violation of the sponsorship law. The Qatarisation law has also been passed; all employers (whether in public or private) must "Qatarise" 20% of their workforce by a certain date.
the only thing that new in qatar labor is that u can keep your passport original...the sponsor dont have authority to keep your passport...and the rest its still the same...
the only thing that new in qatar labor is that u can keep your passport original...the sponsor dont have authority to keep your passport...and the rest its still the same...
the only thing that new in qatar labor is that u can keep your passport original...the sponsor dont have authority to keep your passport...and the rest its still the same...