Teach Kids Peace
Unloved Children of Palestine...
How can any mother claim to love her children when she teaches them that Jihad and death is preferable to life? How can a mother claim to love her children, when she has no compunction whatsoever in strapping a suicide bomb onto her little child’s body and sending him off to his death?
How can a parent truly love their child when they pound into their little heads, daily, that hating your neighbour is better than loving them. How can a society love its children when they create cartoons and stories to indoctrinate them with hate, rather than nurture them with love.
Teach Kids Peace has some interesting articles on child suicide bombers. Here are some quotes from parents who seem to glory in the death of their children:
“I’m prepared to sacrifice my six children,” said Mahmoud Sumara’s mother, Halima. “I’m serious. I don’t mind if I lose them if that brings back al-Aqsa...” (NBC News)
▪ “I pray that G-d will choose them (to be martyrs),” says the father of a 13-year-old. (New York Times)
▪ “I am happy that he [my 13-year-old son] has been martyred. I will sacrifice all my sons and daughters (12 in all) to Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.” (London Times)
▪ “If I had 20 children I would send them all down (to fight), I wouldn’t spare any of them. We’re not scared of death.” (Associated Press)
▪ Mother on PA TV, January 2003: (view video) “He would always dream of Shahada [martyrdom]. It was his first and last goal in life. I told him: ‘Dear, we all want to be Shahids.’ He said: ‘In this entire world, I can’t think of anyone to marry. I don’t think of any girls of this world to marry. I want to marry the Dark Eyed (Virgins of Paradise).’ I said: ‘If these are his thoughts, I wish him Shahada.’
Ah yes, a mother’s love. Obviously, not all mother’s wish Shahada (martyrdom) for their children, but a Palestinian Psychologist, Dr. Shafiq Massalha claims that “more than half of Palestinian children aged 6 to 11 dream of becoming suicide bombers.”
And quotes from children:
▪ “When I wander into Jerusalem I will become a suicide bomber.” proclaims a young Palestinian, age 9. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)
▪ “I come here to say that we will throw them to the quiet sea. Occupiers, your day is near, then we will settle our account. We will settle our claims with stones and bullets,” an 8-year-old boy announces. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)
▪ “My heartfelt conviction is to launch a Jihad war,” says a 4-year-old. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)
▪ “I want to die as a martyr. I will go straight to paradise if I do that,” said a 12-year-old Palestinian boy. (Times of London)
Dr. Massalha conducted a study that has led him to believe that within 10 years or so, with the continued indoctrination of Palestinian children with hatred and the love of Shahada, they will be unleashing upon the west a virulent army of Jihadists.
Mahatma Ghandi wisely said that
“To reach real peace in this world.... we shall have to begin with children”.
It’s obviously and sadly NOT going to happen with the children of Palestine.
Disclaimer: I just felt its very sad and unfair state of affair. Please give your views as a human and not as supporters of a particular nation/group. Maybe many of you wont agree with this.
PM I no way indicated in my post that what is portrayed in the images is Islamic. When God places no restrictions or compulsions on children before adolescense, it is wrong practice to involve children in the conflict. I join you in condemning such a practice if it indeed is taking place. But my stand on the conflict is clear. The root of the problem is Israeli incursions and the same should stop unconditionally.
Go back Israel.
Just came to state that aparently, Israel, Hamas and PA will meet today in Egypt to discuss the French/Egyptian peace project, just hope that this time things will be for real, a positive step was already made by both sides, Israel allowed 3 h for humanitarian help and Hamas has already said that the missils shot from Lebannom weren't shot by them, so, lets all just hope that God enlightens all sides.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
PM, my apologies, I misread your post. I agree with you 100 percent. Strapping bomb on an innocent child is not at all acceptable.
in principle. But we are seeking an answer to this carnage. If it is worth sacrificing your pride and step back a little to these aggressors, then maybe, we could get that ceasefire everybody wants.
But harheadedness will not bring peace. Pride will not give any good to this conflict. Do you think there are other countries who will go to war against Israel? Do you think kicking ambassadors from a certain country will mean a big thing to Israel? Can all countries who symphatize with Gazans will have the b**** to throw Israel diplomats? When will Hamas realized that its a futile cause to continue throwing rockets? Message has been sent and acknowledged, so what Hamas next move? Let all Gazans die in the conflict before they realized that no people to live with and fight for? Pathetic, indeed!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
PM, It is the duty of muslim to protect his religion, his house and his family as the primary and his community further. If you are a muslim, you won't get horrified about that. About Palastine state, it may be political, but Those who die now in Gaza is not political, its personal struggle for survival. Political play is on the side of invaders/aggressors and their supporters.
FS, such thinking among muslim, especially palestinian, mothers is triggered by the religious teachings of Islam. Yes muslims love to die for the religion. Prophet Abraham loved to sacrifice his lone son on God's command.
Protecting one's honor is a religious duty of muslim. You simply cann't stop it however absurd you may find it. Only thing you can do is to understand their plight and force Israel to revert from its path. Just blaming palestinians won't solve the problem. Instead of advocating justice just blaming the victims is not wise.
Almost all countries were colonies under some other's rule and rightfully got freedom eventually. Why not the same happening to Palestine? Why the international community is turning blind eye to the problem.
Go back Israel.
I can fully understand your statements and the emotion behind it.
As PM said you should have read my declaimer. It was really sad and heartbreaking to see these pictures...whatever the circumstances they are taken it cannot be justified and acceptable to a normal mother who gave birth to that child. If you are a mother…you will know what I mean.
I also have nothing against Palestinians and really feel for all the pain and aggression they are going through, which we can only helplessly watch on our TV screens
PM thanks for understanding the point..:)
Ok PM, then don't :)
PM, if someone owe an apology to someone else, then I think we all owe an apology "and much more" for all the Palestinians' parents who are watching their children dieing and their children's small bodies are being cut into pieces in front of their eyes, and we, from the comfort of our houses, are judging what they are teaching their own children!!! Don't you think so!
And btw, I have nothing against Formatted Soul or any other person. I was just expressing my opinion the same way he did..
I love the topic 'Teach Kids Peace' these brats have half a ton of semtex wrapped round their waists ffs.....not exactly stroking white doves and looking angelic are they PMSL........
PM: Worst than the pictures is :
"▪ “When I wander into Jerusalem I will become a suicide bomber.” proclaims a young Palestinian, age 9. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)
▪ “I come here to say that we will throw them to the quiet sea. Occupiers, your day is near, then we will settle our account. We will settle our claims with stones and bullets,” an 8-year-old boy announces. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)
▪ “My heartfelt conviction is to launch a Jihad war,” says a 4-year-old. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)
▪ “I want to die as a martyr. I will go straight to paradise if I do that,” said a 12-year-old Palestinian boy. (Times of London)"
Btw, what kind of child program makes this kind of questions? Probably created by the Hamas government?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
PM, you didn’t get my point, the mislead here is to post those photos without showing the reason and root story for why and how those photos were created and what's the reason behind it?? The way the post is shows that those photos are for young terrorists who are just going to kill themselves for the sake of being evil and because their parents wants them to be!!!
If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't post such a topic and sound as ignorant as u sounded. I can tell that u have NO CLUE about the history of Israel occupying Palestine and I think that they have taught u in school that the poor Israeli people were living in peace in the middle east, and out of no where, those bad Palestinian people came from Alaska and occupied them.. Or did they tell u that Palestinians are originally European !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This sentence grabbed my attention "How can a parent truly love their child when they pound into their little heads, daily, that hating your neighbor is better than loving them"!!! what the **** are you talking about? Which "neighbors" do you mean??? ISRAEL !!!!!! Well, as per my little information, the definition of the word "neighbors" has nothing to do with "strangers being kicked out from a country and going to another one to occupy some other people's land", it also has nothing to do with people killing unarmed ladies and children with no reason… and the list would go for pages… at least this is not what they taught me about a word Neighbor.. if this is what u call "neighbors" then u can go and love those "NEIGHBORS" as much as u want.. Just to let u know, Palestinians and so many others don't call them "neighbors", they call them "enemies" or "occupiers".. and what Palestinians pound into their children's little heads is to live with dignity, LOVE their REAL neighbors, whom they have spent their childhood watching them getting killed by the enemy "or what u call them neighbors", and to get back their own land from occupiers.. This is what Palestinian parents are teaching their children…
Well, if I wanted to reply on every brilliant sentence in what u posted, it will take me ages and honestly, I would rather ask you to go educate your self better and know the roots of the story for the photos u have posted and afterthat give your opinions… It’s a long story behind those photos and u cannot only come and talk about it without knowing the history…
For now, just do good to the world and stop sending ignorant messages to people as they might not know the whole story behind those photos!!!! We don't need more MISLEADING please…
Yes...Violence...this is not a choice..but a necessity...
I, as well as many others, would love to have peace without violence...but it is impossible given the evil powers of Britain, US, France & Israel governments
VIOLENCE. Well, I hope you can stand by it! Definitely, no peace for you! Don't even dream about it!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
As I said...Israel is implanted by the Governments of US, Britain & France who commit to its protection...This is a huge commitment that these governments would not impose on themselves if it has no benefits to them...the ultimate benefit is to keep thier grip strong on third world countries and middle east oil rich countries...Israel is used to easen and harden relations with third world countries and to keep them under control..
It is not in the interest of governments of US, Britain & France that there is peace in Palestine...as this will remove any control ability over the third world or at least weaken it a great deal....
If someone here is asking whether there is a solution to this problem, whether suicide bombers or children or others, then I would say yes...and the solution is the removal of Israel from Palestine...end it same way it is started...
I don't believe there is a bloodless peace or end to this problem peacefully...
Nice too Nice: Not only palestinians but everybody
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
I am saying that it might be wise to accept the condition when it leads to peace..no shame on this...but should they choose to respond..then it is their right to do so...
However, how would you know for certain that Israel did not break the cease fire commitment? then there is no point in remaining silent coz no peace anyway...
Remember that Gaza has been locked for considerable time, no feul, no medicine, no food...even escape is not an option..
all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip now to die in Honor rather than give-up. Do you think giving-up is cowardness and shameful? If you truly believe that Allah is just/ this world is not what we want. We look forward in the paradise He promised us. We may suffer here (and its part of life) but we can be assure of a place in paradise. Let the aggressor suffer the consequence of their action on judgment day!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
No.1, I was only pointing out the truth and historic facts about how and What Israel is...
No.2, if you slap me in the face with no justification..then you cannot blame me for slapping you back...it would be nice and charming that I forgive you if i wish to...but if i slap you in response..then it is fully justified....
No.3, Israel and Palestine had a cease fire agreement prior to what is happening now..each side claims that the other side did not commit..so why do you believe that Hamas broke the agreement and not Israel?? Maybe Hamas took your advise above and wanted to have peace in small land but had no choice because Israel broke the commitment?? you never know..in which case, the argument that Israel has no right to exist in the first place remains...
Your question of why not boming Britain is valid..however, there are priorities...first, they cannot even get to Israelies due to scarcity of weapons and resources, second, British people are not like Jews people..there are thousands of british people who are marching in London and elsewhere and condemn their goverment for implaning Israel in Palestine..
to conclude, you said above: "Won't you rather have a small land living in peace rather a big land with no peace at all?"
This is a choice that Palestinians make/made and you may compare this to the slap example I gave you above...You may think it is better to live with shame and peace in a small land while others prefer to die in honour of defending thier land and rights...
If they would accept peace in small land then it is fine..but if they will to revenge then it is rightly so
be realistic, can it be done? So you want to continue this carnage because you want them away? Is there another way rather than throwing rockets? Why don't you throw rockets to British since you claimed they are the one who gave-out Palestine to Israel? Our discussion is how to stop the aggression and you keep mentioning Israel has no right to be in Palestine. So you think these "war-freaked" people will leave now?
Won't you rather have a small land living in peace rather a big land with no peace at all?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
oh well.......
I hope you all remember this during your debates..
Israel has no right to exist in Palestine...
the argument that Israel uses nowadays in Gaza is this:" Hamas is bombing INNOCENT Jews who are civilians and therefore we need to fight Hamas back even if it meant killing the Palestinians who are civilans"..
and I say this: "well, Israel has no right to exist in Palestine anyway"
Israel was not to exist if it was not a perfect tool to keep third world divided and conquered and to protect investments and fortunes that US, France & Britain have"
Grow up people!! You have been fooled by the propaganda...
Now you are looking at Palestinians and say what you say!!
When you treat and try to solve a problem, you need to deal with the root cause of the problem then deal with its implications not the other way round...
I feel sorry for those who support Zionist and the middle east, African policy implemented by France, Britain and the Us (to name a few)...However, if you do support those policies then you are one of the following:
- Mislead by the propaganda of thos governments.
- Criminal like they are.
Search for the truth before you present your opinion..Preserve your character and human dignity and give your support only to those who need it....
I wonder why all the LOVE advocates here are teaching about love only to the opressed Palestinians? Is it is not applicable to those Jewish invaders? Why no one is talking about their lovelessness even to the infants??
Are those photographs of Israeli fanatic soldiers pointing their machine guns to those innocent babies are not irritating you?
Why those jewish fanatics are attacking Palastenians? Any one can give an answer?
PM Madam you misunderstood my post! I am calling both Jihadis and peace lovers to understand what it takes for Jihad...
"we are keen on martyrdom, as much as they are keen on staying alive"
Lol Drac.
Salax: you being ironic right?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
"Anyone that wants a bright future will never teach the children to hate but to love"
If you don't want to understand this, then I will have to use your funny logic to make you understand:
Happy now?
And for GOD'S SAKE think before you answer. You can not keep on arguing for the sake of argument.
People will start respecting you a little bit, once you recognize that ALL your theories & posts are wrong.
Golda Meir once said:
"There will never be peace until the Palestinians love their children more than they hate ours."
Nice too nice: np buddy :) Anyone that wants a bright future will never teach the children to hate but to love, if i could, i would go all over the world and spread the word, but i'm also sure that i have my own restrictions as any human being.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Let me use your own words, there is always 2 sides of an history, so, palestinian and Israelis are brainwashing children both sides of the conflict right?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Platao, don't take it personally, I am not talking about me. It was about the people who are opressed by criminals, whose houses were invaded by criminals, whose women's dignity charred by criminals. The affected one's will not have the love to pour on the enemy. They are struggling to survive, so they will look any possible way. There is no use of showing your cultural superiority when the other is acting on you barbaric way. You can write so much about love here, but when you face real situation like in Palastine, then only you will know the pain.
At last you are making some sense:
"Because the German were all brainwashed? There are reports of friends stopping to be friends because all the sudden one was jew and the other wasn't"
Which is a translation of the cartoon photo I posted in my 1st post in this thread. Go and check it again to see how the zionist boy was brain-washed. (not that we don't brain-wash our kids)
Then this concludes our discussion that sometimes people & children stop having relations with each other due to differences in their backgraounds. So 'love & peace' does not work all the time. You need to take a decent stand.
In other words:
The photos of the children of this thread are not bad, and their parents had the right to dress them like this!
Nice to Nice: If i do the same they do, than i'll be equal or even worst than them. If i'm culturally superior to my enemy, why should i try to be as barbaric as my enemy?
The key is love, the best suggestion i can give you is open your heart and leave it overflow with love, if i can help you, please feal free to PM me, i'll listen to you and try to advise you the best i can, just as i'm doing for you, i would do it for anyone truelly interested in being a peace worker or at least to help fealing some peace inside and help to fight hate.
"OK! It seems that I need to slow down to suit your IQ level. Here is my question again:
I blame the Jews (in 1939)! Why didn't these Jews (in 1939) tell their children to love the children of the Nazi party (of 1939)?"
Because the German were all brainwashed? There are reports of friends stopping to be friends because all the sudden one was jew and the other wasn't.
Btw, don't try to insult me, it leads you nowhere and i just ignore, if i would reply you in same terms i would be as bad as you. How could i support that i'm better than you if i would react as you.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Platao, Criminals and the one who is fighting to protect his house, His family and Almighty's House are totally different. Fighting for existence is not a crime, but Honour.
but sooner or later you need to develop some logic so that your post would make some sense.
"Why i quit? Because i have learned to pay hate with love."
but who told you that the 'new nazis/skinned heads' are hateful? They have good principals & goals
"Are you asking someone with 37 years why his kids don't play with the kids of the Nazi party members that should be a lot older than him?"
OK! It seems that I need to slow down to suit your IQ level. Here is my question again:
I blame the Jews (in 1939)! Why didn't these Jews (in 1939) tell their children to love the children of the Nazi party (of 1939)?
"Any anti-democratic party is forbiden in the West"
But it IS anti-democracy to forbid a party!
You should let the anti-democratic people, who want to form anti-democratic parties, enjoy your 'democratic' environmets, have their says, let the people hear them, so that the people can decide! No?
Nice too nice: I know, like i said, isn't easy, but when you have Love to give, things turn out easier, never forget, everything obeys to Allah will ;)
Don't leave yourself to be dominated with hate, whenever you feal like doing something bad think about something positive. If you can't remember, think about God's love and that he'll punish the criminals whatever belief they may have.
Allah akbar (hope to have it writen correctly)
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Platao, loving a mad animal and approaching it with your love is just suicide.......
"why to quit such a great group like the skin-heads? You should have stayed, man. They are good, with good morals & principals (that's the 'other side of the story', for you)
BTW genius, I was refering to the Nazi party in the late 30's, not now!"
Why i quit? Because i have learned to pay hate with love.
Are you asking someone with 37 years why his kids don't play with the kids of the Nazi party members that should be a lot older than him?
Any anti-democratic party is forbiden in the West.
Nice to Nice: Ever heard of friends that are "almost" familly? One of them was a former boyfriend of my sister and his sister was someone i loved very much. I never said that's easy, i needed to go to a peace camp to leurn about it, maybe i could advise it to some folks here.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
why to quit such a great group like the skin-heads? You should have stayed, man. They are good, with good morals & principals (that's the 'other side of the story', for you)
BTW genius, I was refering to the Nazi party in the late 30's, not now!
But speaking of 'illegal all over Europe'; Why? Where is the freedom, democracy, free speech rights...and all the other crap you guys try to decieve us with? Or does it stop here? Is Hitler & the Nazi a taboo issue? Then who will be willing to hear the 'other side of the story'?
dmighty; the word 'kill' is part of our holy book. It is not advisable to make it milder (defend)
An "eye-for-an-eye" or "give-the-other-cheek" are teachings of religions of God. You can chose your way in life according to either of them, and you are never wrong in doing so.
"Give peace a chance"
Sadly some of the Palestinean parties have tried that since years. They shook hands with the dirty israelis, signed 'peace' treaties, gave up a lot but got nothing. Where is the 'Palestinean State' that Arafat promised to declare soon when his signed the ill-fated treaty with the dirty israelis? Tell me what benifits did the Palestinean people gain from the treaty? Death & destruction only. And for various reasons! So if this is their fate anyway, then tear all the shameful treaties, carry the weapons, and let's take some of their souls with us while we go.
what ever u explain
some of them only wants to argue
we will never agree. I don't support violence to counter violence! I won't teach my or any child to kill whatever the reason. If the situation warrants, I might just do it myself rather than sacrificing my child. But this situation itself is debatable!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Platao, when it happends to friends and their relatives, you can think in that way. But when it happens to your closest family like father, mother, sister, brother, wife or children, you won't be able to tolerate in that level. Once you loose your eyesight, then only you will know the real value of your eyes. Reality is far from the imaginations/dreams.
Guys, whatever are the reasons and blame game but the fact remains that Israel has seized palestine and the case is not like iraq seizing kuwait so that peace lovers rush to save the seized. For whatever reasons the international community is reluctant to help palestinians. the only hope is to fight the enemy from the front not behind. declare jihad, send women and children to other islamic country like saudi, gather islamic army in palestine and declare historical war with Israel. No use in just crying over the agression and oppression.If you are strong show it up..
I will remain in Doha because I can only operate keyboard...
So international community just wake up and see the truth; don't pull me into this conflict...
Nazi party is illegal all over Europe. So, how could they play with them. You don't watch much TV do you? Ever studied World history?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
I re-phrased my statement, you should stop on the word "defend" and don't say "kill". There are many civilized and lawful ways. But if you start teaching the "eye-for-an-eye" principle, what would you gain? Was your motive is just to cause casualties even if you know that uninvolved persons will also be harmed?
As I said, what they did 60 years ago is horrible but it's already done and everybody have just to go on (actually, it's only the militants who doesn't want to go on). What is their agenda? Do they think that throwing rockets will make Palestinians live in peace? Yes, we condemn Israel to its aggressions but again, in what views will it make it bad or good? Give peace a chance!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
"this all seems one sided to me"
"As in all wars both sides are guilty"
Yes guys! I also keep telling people that they are 1-sided against that great leader Hitler. They are so blind by keep blaming him for killing the Jews. Why can't they see his side of the story? Why can't nobody realize what those people did to provoke him?
Why didn't those Jews tell their children to love the children of the Nazi party? This is a sad world
but here is your problem, and this is where we disagree:
"Teaching these kids with hatred will not solve the problem"
We never teach our children to hate. We teach them our culture, religion, traditions, beliefs...which all say:
"Defend your religion, defend your lands, defend your people, defend your honor, kill the aggressors, kill those who kill you, forgive if you want & when you can, don't be an aggressor, don't subject the people to injustice, but don't be cowards, spend your money, assests, and lives in defending your religion & lands..."
This is what we teach them dmighty. I don't see the slightest hint of hatred in all the above.
If somebody dare tells me that there is hatred in these teachings, then I am 100% sure that this person has no honor, no dignity, no religion and would just do nothing when his family gets raped/killed..whatever!
SN: As in all wars both sides are guilty
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
GPN-35, to be quite honest,I don't give a monkeys!
Another question, I'm not into politics in the slightest btw, but this all seems one sided to me, what argument do the Israelis have and surely there are some on QL that support their side? No?.......
Let me add before the backlash, I'm just asking a question out of interest.....sorry for the hijack!
Nice too Nice: Of course he would, mainly if living in peace would ask to sacrifice my proud.
Some years ago, some friends of mine and their children were killed in Angola by members of UNITA, and i dont ate Angolan people, my niece has played with some.
air supply: ""I would rather blow up myself than sending my kid.."
So you are like any other person. You have priorities."
He means that he would never sacrifice his children and would prefer to blow himself up instead of his children.
Remember that i don't think that violence is a solution to anything.
"If he had neighbours from the 'new nazis'/the 'skin-heads', will he socialize with them & let his kids play with the 'skin-head' kids?"
Ahahahahahah, of course i would, i was skinhead when i was a kid and have changed.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
you are out of hand Aboesam, your outburst of feeling will lead you to nothing!
Look, GPN, I would not even imagine that scenario happening to me. Continuing rocket attack will just inflame also the feeling of the other parties and so what do you gain about your outburst of feeling, NOTHING!
More children to die. More women to die. More civilians to die. So that's what you want!.. You are giving in to the enemy's tactics. Change your tactic. Get more money and try to buy a good backer. Maybe that's what Israel is doing, buying their ways, so try to buy your ways. Isn't it clear to both of you, the rockets have no match to the armory of Israel. Teaching these kids with hatred will not solve the problem. Build up your army and armory and don't result to human bombs.
Aboesam, if you want your way, you're pathetic!!!!!!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
here you go:
the guy is trying to understand, and we are trying to have a civilized conversation. No need for personal insults
dmigtysolomon said " Tell me GPN, why can't the Arab world .... ...
can't get the support of western world against Israel? You control the oil, so what's up? "
who ar you to talk about oil ? and who did ask you to speak in the Arab behalf? if there is no oil in this region, you wouldnt be here having a nice job and earn well, God knows best in which place you will be , have a pathetic hopless life that u might suicide yourself !! now you talking about children killing themselves to defend their homeland
funny ..
"Imagine she was your wife, and those were your kids! Then I'll leave you to answer the above questions!!!"
Would you be thinking then about all those questions and political/military gains? Final solutions?
Of course, not.
All you'd be thinking about at that moment is revenging your pregnant wife & kids....killing those who kill your people & invade your lands (as your religion orders you).
What did Brad Bitt gain when he killed the un-armed, hand-cuffed criminal in the desert, by the end of that movie called "seven"?
Would he, as a police officer, be punished by his superiors? Would he be convicted by the law? Would he lose his job? Would he spend his life in jail?
The answer to all these questions is: YES!
Did he think of all those questions when he killed the criminal? NO!!!
Was he correct when he ignored such consequences and thought only about revenging the murder of his pregnant wife? DEFINITELY, YES!
So, once again; those brave men of Hamas are sending a strong message to the zionists: your people will never be safe unless you end the occupation!
After that, come what may!
So it's not only that the missiles should continue, but there should also be lots of martyrdom bombings inside the israeli cities to cause as much as possible of casualties among the israeli citizens
continue to throw rockets? Continue to train militants to be future martyrs? If you can not convince your own people, how could you win? There are two factions of Palestinians, fighting each other? so what will you do?
Are you saying that this is the only way? Violence?
Yes I read that link and I'm horrified about what they did? But unless you can put a superior army and armory, what's your other option? Unless you convince the backers of Israel to back-off, the Hamas has no means to win against Israel.
Find a good ally who can go against your enemies and maybe, you can win back what you are saying as yours. But don't sacrifice children and women in the name of martyrdom. And let these "brave" Hamas leaders to fight themselves!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
"hate has reasons too but who is to blame?"
if somebody takes your home/house and kills your family, who is to be blamed if hate starts here?
Of course you!
The parents' interview clearly shows that the hatred in palestinians started the moment Israel started incursions into their land and its deep rooted now.
hate has reasons too but who is to blame?
if you think that the brave Palestinean resistance is 'stupid' then I hope that 1 day soon, your family would be gone in some military action/explosion, and then I hope to see you lecturing about love & peace with the murderers of your family ;-)
your arguments failed to stand against mine.
Now let's see where you are jumping to:
"Tell me GPN, why can't the Arab world get the support of western world against Israel? You control the oil, so what's up?
1.For the same reason the 4 countries in the security council are are helpless in front of the 5th member
2.For the same reason that the arab countries are not moving their armies towards israel
3.Who said that they have intentions against israel? Dont believe everything you see in the media
4.Who said we control the oil?
5.Once an arab country has patriot leadership, and has intentions of standing in the face of israel, then you either 'find' WMD in them (iraq), or they are 'committing crimes' in Darfour (Sudan), or they are kicked away/blocked from taking position (Algeria & Gaza/Hamas)
Okay, I'll go with you, what does Hamas wants now, removed Israel from Palestine land by throwing rockets? Drive the Zionist away from Palestine land?
Does Hamas really think they can win this war? Does Hamas wants to sacrifice all Palestinian to get their freedom? If all Palestinian is dead, who will enjoy the freedom, the non-Palestinians staying on the sideline and waiting?
This pregnant Palestinean woman which they killed with her 4 children yesterday. Imagine she was your wife, and those were your kids! Then I'll leave you to answer the above questions!!!
The strongest message that Hamas is sending to the israelis, is: your people will not be safe unless you end the occupation!
(No matter the casualties)
that wouldn't be an option in my opinion......better of if it was the stupid people that dressed them up with evil intention......and take their spawn with them...
I know what you said supernurse, and I gave you even a better option. They can take some israli lives with them
here is a link with some useful info for you. Read in it while I answer your last post
eerrr nope that wasn't my intention......as I said put them in a field AWAY from innocent people and blow themselves oh and the people that dressed them in that ridiculous getup too!
can't get the support of western world against Israel? You control the oil, so what's up?
Okay, I'll go with you, what does Hamas wants now, removed Israel from Palestine land by throwing rockets? Drive the Zionist away from Palestine land?
Does Hamas really think they can win this war? Does Hamas wants to sacrifice all Palestinian to get their freedom? If all Palestinian is dead, who will enjoy the freedom, the non-Palestinians staying on the sideline and waiting?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
"put those two kids in a field away fom everyone else and let them blow each other up"
we can wait for them to be adults, and they can do it among israelis. No need for a field
pictures... deeply saddening...
call me ONE.
Gawd...ok....put those two kids in a field away fom everyone else and let them blow each other up.....2 less to kill innocent people....
dmightysolmon " Don't give me that crap that these children knows what they want. That's why these children and minors are protected by special laws against abused and discrimination because they are considered minor and have no own decision. What you feed them, food and info will be absorbed by these children, so if you feed them with hatred, they will grow hating people. "
it s not about hatred .. it is about patriotism .. if u miss the sense of having a homeland that you have got to defend it , then don't blame patriot people of doing their job, stay a side and no one will hate you
as my land is my Mohter
So one point you agree that to safe your Mother or children you are ready to blow yourself up !!
You are also a child of someone :-)
you wanted an honest answer? I gave you one :-)
Let me now comment on some of your words:
"if you feed them with hatred, they will grow hating people"
and if you feed them to defend their country, kick the invader away, and kill those who try to kill you, they will grow up to be honest people & heroes
"can you lecture me about 1948? Who started the war and who won?"
actually the Zionists started the war, but that was not my intrest. It's not the war itself that I was referring to. It's that fact of what happened before the war when the English Belfore promised the Zionist that they can have Palestine for them, when they started immigrating from Europe & the rest of the world, when they formed terrorist organizations like the Hagana (later became the 'Israeli Defence Army') and started killing the Arab owners of the land to take their properties...etc. Do you see why your question about 2005 was wrong?
The mere fact that you know that "2005" thing should not be asked is you know very well who to blame in this current situation.
Actually this is called a 'mere lie', not a 'mere fact'
You want to blame Eve for eating the forbidden fruit?
This is another 'mere lie'! I am interested in facts only. The fact is that it was 'Adam', not 'Eve' who ate the forbidden fruit?
Focus on the present, Hamas should live the present situation and don't have the delusion to return to something that happened 60 years ago!
so what's the max period, or the 'expirey date' when you should stop claiming your stolen country, back?
Why was Hong Kong returened to China after a century?
If I need to blow up myself to protect my children... I would do that...
do they understand it? Its the parents that wanted to raise them in such mind. Don't give me that crap that these children knows what they want. That's why these children and minors are protected by special laws against abused and discrimination because they are considered minor and have no own decision. What you feed them, food and info will be absorbed by these children, so if you feed them with hatred, they will grow hating people.
GPN, can you lecture me about 1948? Who started the war and who won? What's the price of winning and what's the consequence of being defeated? The mere fact that you know that "2005" thing should not be asked is you know very well who to blame in this current situation. Why, GPN? You want to blame Eve for eating the forbidden fruit? If she did not, we are still all in paradise now, eh? Focus on the present, Hamas should live the present situation and don't have the delusion to return to something that happened 60 years ago!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
if not try to attend one esp juniors kids competion. Kids
dont want to dress like Mother Theresa or M. Gandhi
they prefer outfit of spiderman, soldiers
Here is an easier question to Platao:
If he had neighbours from the 'new nazis'/the 'skin-heads', will he socialize with them & let his kids play with the 'skin-head' kids? Or does he apply his rules & theories on Palestinean kids only?
will they grow up loving the " peaceful, honey dipped ppl"
formatted : "But I would never advocate my child for such an ill fate however oppressed I am. I would rather blow up myself than sending my kid. "
you seem like everyone here that u didn't get the point of the pictures ( i mean the picture itself not the thread) After they had taken a pic for a child in that army type ,they didn't send him to bomb people, i think they took that dress off and send him to a KG , but the picture itself is a SYMBOLE only , to refer to the every sense of scarification the Palestinians have , so even the little children are ready to die defending their homelands , instead of dying without dignity under the enemies occupation
here is my honest answer:
"What happened in 2005?" is the wrong question
"What happened in 1948?" is the right question (there was no Hamas then, so you'd have to find someone els to put the blame on)
what precipitated the border blockade? Was it done unilaterally by Israel? What happened in 2005 that made Israel put all this pressure to Gaza Strip? What is really the agenda of Hamas for Palestine? Is it really development or violence? Answer me honestly, please!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
I just hope this all stops soon the killing of the innocent..:(
Platao, let me ask something. If some one invade your house and occupy it and force his rule on you and your family, will your kid be able to play with the invader's kid? so, the mistake to be corrected and try to bring peace.
hmm.... unloved children ?
"I would rather blow up myself than sending my kid.."
So you are like any other person. You have priorities. You'd rather blow yourself up before this & that. Others prefer this & that before they blow themselves up. So don't blame them just because they have a different opinion.
Anyway, like I said numerous times. No Palestinean has sent such young children to war. We know that israel consideres Palestinean children as dangerous targets, and kills them all the time, but Palestineans have NEVER sent such children to war.
Yes they dress them like this to feel proud that they have future fighters, to take proud photos, to send a strong message to the zionist, to make the children aware of the enemy at the gate, to prepare them to take revenge in the future....etc. And these are all reasons that are 100% justified, due to the terrorism they are facing. They have to fight terrorism, you know!
Geez.....I just wanted to discuss about the children and their destiny…who becomes victims of such tragedy. I fully understand what’s going on in Gaza...and deeply condemn Israeli actions.
But I would never advocate my child for such an ill fate however oppressed I am. I would rather blow up myself than sending my kid.
Hope some of you didn’t read my disclaimer
Thank you Loulsy..you got my point...
""Why couldn't the Vietnamese people 'leurn' to love the American soldiers?"
Your words, not mines"
well actually not all of the words are mine, specially not 'leurn'. But what's your point?
So far you have failed to answer 1 single question/point of which I have raised.
Actually there is no person who can answer, as long as they take the side of the aggressor party (israel/usa).
And what do they do when they can't answer, they start saying stupid things like 'usa did not invade Vietnam'! This is what is called 'arguing for the sake of argument'.
I REALLY laughed about your ignorance about the 'US' embassy in Havana! How can you EVER think that the USA would have diplomatic relations with Cuba? That was my WHOLE point about the US government brain-washing its people to hate Cuba. It happened again with France a few years ago when France refused the American invasion of Iraq. There was intense american hate brain-washing against France. Welcome to the real world, buddy
"Why couldn't the Vietnamese people 'leurn' to love the American soldiers?"
Your words, not mines
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
" The American people don't hate Cubans ...
I am sure, but our government has put foolish policies"
And I asked:
"Why can't the Americans teach their people to love Fedel Castro & his people?"
Which means: why can't the american government teach its people to love Fidel/Cuban government & the people of Cuba?
"Means that the generation that could hate others is almost over, WW2 ended almost 64 years ago, the conflict Israel/Palestina started 60 years ago"
SO???What does that change? What is your point/logic in this issue?
"U.S didn't invaded Vietnam, they allied with South Vietnam to fight North Vietnam that was supported by China"
Aha...OK! Like they allied with the Afghanis & Iraqis! Then why did the world have a war against Iraq when it allied with the south Kuwaities? Why were they fighting Hitler when he allied with south of Europe?"
""GPN was saying that cubans and americans, hate each others and gave the example of Miami.""
I meant that i gave the example of Miami
That's only half the answer! Where did I say that cubans & americans hate each other, cheater?
You only argue for the sake of argument. Grow up!
WE kmow that PM, just pulling your leg...lol
As I commented on the Vol.2 of the same thread. It is criminal of Parents to use innocent kids to protray this kind of stupidity, be it strapped bombs or showing them how to use a gun. It is pure criminal..
UkEngQatar...lol...Talk about decent Hijack... lol
I think this thread was about the Kids pictures above.. where did Cuba come into all of this?
PM: Exactly, but do they hate Americans or hate American politics?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
"World war 2 lasted 6 years not 60.SO???What does that change? What is your point/logic in this issue?"
Means that the generation that could hate others is almost over, WW2 ended almost 64 years ago, the conflict Israel/Palestina started 60 years ago.
"So??? Does that delet the US invasion of Vietnam and the hatred that was generated?"
U.S didn't invaded Vietnam, they allied with South Vietnam to fight North Vietnam that was supported by China.
""GPN was saying that cubans and americans, hate each others and gave the example of Miami.""
I meant that i gave the example of Miami
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
"GPN was saying that cubans and americans, hate each others and gave the example of Miami."
This was my question:
"Why can't the Americans teach their people to love Fedel Castro & his people?"
Where did I say that the cubans & americans hate each other, and where did I mention Miami???
You only argue for the sake of argument. Grow up!
World war 2 lasted 6 years not 60.SO???What does that change? What is your point/logic in this issue?
In Vietnam, China supported the vietcongs as much as the U.S. did with South Vietnam.So??? Does that delet the US invasion of Vietnam and the hatred that was generated?
The cubans living in Miami, ran from Fidel Castro.So again you jumped to a city in america while the issue was about Cuba. What's the number of flights from USA to Cuba? C U B A...read my lips! Not to an american city?
"You still didnt answer about the aggressive statement from the US embassy in Havana!"
Politics.WRONG! PM has given the correct answer! I rest my case!
PM: yes, but GPN was saying that cubans and americans, hate each others and gave the example of Miami.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
World war 2 lasted 6 years not 60.
"There was also a Soviet-Afghanistan war! So? I dont understand your point in jumping to other wars when the question was about the US invasion of Vietnam???!!!"
In Vietnam, China supported the vietcongs as much as the U.S. did with South Vietnam.
"Ahhh..!! So Miami is in America! But Boston is also in America! So? I dont understand your point of jumping to American cities when the question was about Cuba???!!!"
The cubans living in Miami, ran from Fidel Castro.
"You still didnt answer about the aggressive statement from the US embassy in Havana!"
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
The Allied forces expelled the Germans from France, not the French alone. So I was right! The French had to end the invasion so that peace can be discussed, but NOT before that. This is the WHOLE idea of peace: get out of my land/home, then ask for peace! Don't come and question me why I shoot on you when you are in my home!
I know, Their= Hitler's/Stalin's
OK! Then go & correct your sentence:
'People love their soldiers but not their leaders'
Yes they were, just like the chinese, was there a China-Vietnam war?
There was also a Soviet-Afghanistan war! So? I dont understand your point in jumping to other wars when the question was about the US invasion of Vietnam???!!!
Ofc not, it's in the U.S.A., where a lot of cubans live, wanna ask them about Fidel Castro?
Ahhh..!! So Miami is in America! But Boston is also in America! So? I dont understand your point of jumping to American cities when the question was about Cuba???!!!
You still didnt answer about the aggressive statement from the US embassy in Havana!
I dont need to ask anyone about Fidel Castro. I simply respect any figure that is hated by the Americans.
War is always bad, but God's path is to pay hate with love
You should have told that to the Europeans when Hitler invaded their countries. At least they are Christians and believe in 'giving the other cheek'. Muslims' God orders them to defend their countries even by sacrificing their lives, specially when your enemy doesnt give a damn about slaughtering a pregnant woman with her 4 children.
"- They love each others, presently. why? because like I always say: the only solution is to end the invasion. They killed the, they kicked them out of Franec, hence justice was served, and now there is love.
There can NEVER be love & peace under occupation & invasion"
The Allied forces expelled the Germans from France, not the French alone.
"People love their soldiers but not their leaders.
I wasn't talking about people & their soldiers. I was talking about people & foreign soldiers! 'Foreign' here, means that they belong to another country!"
I know, Their= Hitler's/Stalin's
"They love them and lots of them married to Vietmanese women, remember it was a war between the North and South Vietnams? Oh sorry! I thought that it was between America & Vietnam! So the Americans were not involved, you say?"
Yes they were, just like the chinese, was there a China-Vietnam war?
"They don't love Cubans? Just check Miami ;) BTW, it's Fidel Castro.
Last time I checked, there was no city in Cuba called Miami!
If the Americans love the Cubans, then what is the reason for the latest aggressive statement issued from the US embassy in Havana?"
Ofc not, it's in the U.S.A., where a lot of cubans live, wanna ask them about Fidel Castro?
War is always bad, but God's path is to pay hate with love
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
"you should have told this to the French. Why couldn't they 'leurn' to love the Nazi soldiers when they invaded France?"
- They love each others, presently. why? because like I always say: the only solution is to end the invasion. They killed them, they kicked them out of Franec, hence justice was served, and now there is love.
There can NEVER be love & peace under occupation & invasion
"Why couldn't the rest of the Europeans 'leurn' to love Hitler's or Stalin's soldiers when they invaded their countries?"
People love their soldiers but not their leaders.
I wasn't talking about people & their soldiers. I was talking about people & foreign soldiers! 'Foreign' here, means that they belong to another country!
"Why couldn't the Vietnamese people 'leurn' to love the American soldiers?"
They love them and lots of them married to Vietmanese women, remember it was a war between the North and South Vietnams? Oh sorry! I thought that it was between America & Vietnam! So the Americans were not involved, you say?
"Why can't the Americans teach their people to love Fedel Castro & his people?"
They don't love Cubans? Just check Miami ;) BTW, it's Fidel Castro.
Last time I checked, there was no city in Cuba called Miami!
If the Americans love the Cubans, then what is the reason for the latest aggressive statement issued from the US embassy in Havana?
"Why do I need to 'leurn' to love or hate a foreign soldier, in the 1st place? He can puzz off my country, for all I care about."
If you don't care about peace why should the foreign soldier worry about it? Exactly! You tell me!
'leurning' to love the killers of that pregnant woman & her kids!
Imagine if this woman & 4 children were americans/europeans and they were killed by a muslim freedom fighter!!!
Would you still be giving us lectures about 'leurning' to love your enemis? I dont think so! Actually I believe that you would be calling for World War-3, right away.
"If you are proud of being a muslim, than show it.."
This is EXACTLY what the Palestineans/Arabs/Muslims are doing. God orders them to defend their lands, religion, homes, families, dignity...etc and to kill the aggressors. They are not going and invading western countries, after all!
Do you think that it is a strange/unaccepted deed to defend your country against aggressors?
GPN: Does that justify the eye for an eye politic? If you are proud of being a muslim, than show it by not going as low as Hamas/Israel went, show to Allah that you trust him.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
"you should have told this to the French. Why couldn't they 'leurn' to love the Nazi soldiers when they invaded France?"
- They love each others, presently.
"Why couldn't the rest of the Europeans 'leurn' to love Hitler's or Stalin's soldiers when they invaded their countries?"
People love their soldiers but not their leaders.
"Why couldn't the Vietnamese people 'leurn' to love the American soldiers?"
They love them and lots of them married to Vietmanese women, remember it was a war between the North and South Vietnams?
"Why can't the Americans teach their people to love Fedel Castro & his people?"
They don't love Cubans? Just check Miami ;) BTW, it's Fidel Castro.
"Why do I need to 'leurn' to love or hate a foreign soldier, in the 1st place? He can puzz off my country, for all I care about."
If you don't care about peace why should the foreign soldier worry about it?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
They have announced on TV now, that the israelis have killed a pregnant Palestinean women, with her 4 children.
Try to 'leurn' to love the israelis if she was your wife, and those were your 4 children.
you are advocating to guide the palestineas/arabs/muslims to a slaughter house and they should not say a word...they actually should 'leurn' to love the knife that is slaughtering them...all in the name of peace.
You are mistaken, buddy. If we are going to be murdered anyway, then why not take some of the enemy lives with us?
in one small room, for a start!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
dmigtysolomon, could you suggest a formula for the peace? (Don't say that am supporting the violence). But I will support the defence for existence. That is their right.
you advocate violence to end violence. I pity your kind. For you, no peace can be achieved!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Nice too Nice: Exactly, that's my point. I belive this world needs more love and understanding, a good example was Mother Teresa (refering the persons that have lived last century). Delai Lama also a good example. I'm sure there are also good examples in the muslim world, so, sorry my ignorance if i ain't including any of them.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
"You forgot to include the most important thing: Leurn to love"
you should have told this to the French. Why couldn't they 'leurn' to love the Nazi soldiers when they invaded France?
Why couldn't the rest of the Europeans 'leurn' to love Hitler's or Stalin's soldiers when they invaded their countries?
Why couldn't the Vietnamese people 'leurn' to love the American soldiers?
Why can't the Americans teach their people to love Fedel Castro & his people?
Why do I need to 'leurn' to love or hate a foreign soldier, in the 1st place? He can puzz off my country, for all I care about.
Platao, You can see people of different believes staying peacefully without interfering other's business. So it is not an impossible task.
GPN: You forgot to include the most important thing: Leurn to love
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
GPN: I'm not talking in His name. Have you noticed that several muslim brothers have told you the same?
Nice to Nice: How about allowing kids from both sides to grow up together leurning to love instead of hate, leurn to work together side by side and should be tought not a single human can consider him/herself superior to another, i just wish to have the chance of opening the eyes to both sides and show them that God loves us all the same way. God bless you my friend :)
Janey: I think he isn't agreeding but asking people for suggestions to solve this problem.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
the solution is very easy, and it includes ALL conflicts in the world:
Armies should stop invading countries and should go back to their own countries.
Forgein invaders/settlers should fly back to the countries they came from (Europe, Russia, America..etc).
The original owners of the country should have their homes/lands back, and are free to run their own business, and everybody is happy.
As long as there is a forgein soldier/civilian occupying a space/land that is not his own, then the patriot resistance can kill him, no justification required.
If this soldier/civilian will start killing civilians of the country he is invading, then the patriot resistance can kill the civilians of the soldier's country, no justification required.
The UN did it with the Iraqi army when it invaded Kuwait, and they should do the same with every invading army (if the UN members have a little bit of honor)
This is pure & simple justice.
nice.. are you somewhat saying in between your words that you actually support this?
The internet is our revenge machine
Dear Respected QLers, I have seen here both sides of "debate". Everyone knows what is the cause for this conflict. And claiming this is not right, that is not right blah blah blah. Can anybody suggest a solution for this problem? Can any one suggest a way to stop this killing by Israel as well as retaliation by Plastine people?
"God/Allah punishes anywhom that takes a life, as so, these parents will burn in Hell"
You should be very careful about speaking for God/Allah, my friend
but of course, there is, dmightysolomon! The Gaza news that you see on TV these days!
I figured he'd rear his ugly head again.
there is absolutely nothing to justify such!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
that when a man with dignity decides to stand up for his rights, puts an explosive belt around his waist, sacrifices his life among enemy soldiers, or civilians who are occupying his country, then he is a martyr & will end up in heaven.
These children & their parents are the same. God will reward them for defending their countries.
as I said, no one in the history of mankind, has sent children at this age to bomb themselves. You have to be more clever than that.
But yes! These parents are proudly teaching their children to carry weapons/bombs and to defend their rights when they grow up. They are making them familiar with these things.
I can't actually blame them. The enemy is at the gates.
GPN im sorry i dont agree, they are kids and dont understand anything. A muslim kid will sit next to a jewish kids and have no issues or consider them as an enemy but unfortunately as they get older they start learning all of this by what they are witnessing in this terrible world of hate.
Well, God/Allah punishes anywhom that takes a life, as so, these parents will burn in Hell, and no, because 1 makes a mistake, you shouldn't do another to pay it back.
It's really sad to see all this hate.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Feral people......nuff said....
Thses pictures are frightening. Islam and the the prophet(PBUH) never condoned killing children or women in wars, let alone used them as suicide bombers. heres an ariticle about muslic clerics condemnig these sorts of acts..http://www.rferl.org/content/article/1062617.html.
As oryx has posted in the the part two thread.
"Oryx said child soldiers ...
If you are concerned about child soldiers which can be found amongst every religion, creed and culture...and inform people
then Nelson Mandela's wife Graca Machel works very hard to help their plight.....and has written some very interesting things...
Also this will inform you more about the globalissue of Child Soldiers
However if you are just showing this photo of children handling guns to incite more hatred...then shame on you.
You too are using children as an object in wars"
Thanks Oryx for showing a balanced view..FFS kids dont even understand what the hell is going alone, lets not drag them into this mess.
Curious is not saying they should do this.. he is not saying this is the right way to be done, he is explaining the philosophy behind it. While it is easy for us to be here and say no this is not right or that is right and so on he is simply saying to put ourselves in their shoes, under their pressure and stress and we will be able to see their logic behind what they do.
there is no mother who will happily see their child die, but if they are going to die then let it be of their own free will.. u got what i mean?
I would never accept this concept, or even imagine myself sending a child of mine to death, Suicide is a sin.. but I have seen enough of these wars to understand what they mean... u dont have to accept it to understand it.
easy dmighty..we are on beautiful Doha...Israel propaganda has hit you between the eyes..remember that Israel does not have the right to exist in Palestine at all...never forget this...
Gypsy...i don't like killing to continue...but as long as the Palestinians respond.. I would always understand....because they are the opressed...no justification for Israel to do what it does...
See Europe..many Marches..you think it came from nowhere?
Read about George Galloway...read about what some famous Hollywood stars said about Israel...This is a big game and all you see is a result of this game's injustice..
Dont forgot to make your comments on the other side of the story too http://www.qatarliving.com/node/319984
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
I would never complain that Israel should have mercy on us & stop the killing (simply because they dont know what mercy means), but I would surely complain when armies are not sent to kill every Israeli, in return
signs of complaints?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
On the contrary, I always support every violent reaction to evey violent action. This is 100% fair & justice to me.
So CuriousD, you think the fighting should just continue without end?
Cartoons speak a thousand words. But then again I will play the game the way I like it, until you own this website.
you justify violence with violence and yet, you kept on complaining! Just send all the human suicide bombers and never complain about many innocent civilians being killed by these wars! That goes to you also, CBD. You are just as guilty as the Israelis, no value for life!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Simply a suggestion GPN-35, as resorting to cartoons to make your arguments, doesn't really make you look very smart.
it's a normal reaction, dmightysolomon
i say it again dmighty and gypsy..let get a professional debate and not get side tracked..
let us focus on one issue at a time..
9/11 is a different issue
Gypsy..an eye for an eye is justified...it is better to have a "fair" world full of blinds..than it is to have good looking people without justice...
do you want them to respond and defeat those Jews with thier compassionate love or turning the other cheek??
Never is the answer...
this kind of occupation never ends peacefully..tell me where has invaders left a land peacfully..
Us left vietnam after they got scared and killed..French had the same in Vietnam and Algeria...British in Egypt...
there must be blood I am afraid...believe me..they would love to enjoy the weekends and summer holidays...but they have no choice...
whatever....it's all justified, in the end!
in the US during 9/11 attack? Long preparation indeed!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
"armed these cute babies and kid and throw them to the "enemies" and blow them away"
And no one will do it.
They are just preparing them to defend their lands, homes & families, when they grow up
When you own this website, you can apply your own rules
for sacrificing their children? Just asking, I heard this somewhere else. Hope it's not true!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
GPN-35 can we keep the silly propagandist cartoons out of this coversation please.
armed these cute babies and kid and throw them to the "enemies" and blow them away! Will you do it to your children, CBD? Honest answer, please!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
God bless those children & their parents
Lots of people throughout history have seen that CuriousD. Lots of people are experiencing it now, and somehow conflicts end and there's peace. An eye for an eye only makes a world of the blind.
let us have a professional debate all..i see this turned into a comedian theatre...
the reasoning is simple dude...if i was to get killed and the only way to harm my enemy is to bomb myself..i would go for it..because i will be dead anyway!! so it is better to get my enemy too!!
Preserve your life..It is the best thing you got..but if you have to give it up..make it even Steven!!
And this is what is happening...
It is easy for you to QL from your seat on a coffeeshop in an air conditioned room with classic music on the back ground and give your thoughts on those behaviours...
when humans are put on tough conditions..you may not expect what they do...
Have you seen your father's, mother's, child's head get blown infront of your eyes? and cut into pieces? what would this make you? especially when it is not justified..and then call them terrorists?
Palestinians are seeing this to thier families ever since 1948
come on
Or Dmighty, they're afraid that if they kill themselves and their children grow up without them, the children will realize they'd rather have had a Mommy then a Martyr and see the futility of suicide bombings.
The parents are human arsenal. They can produce more human bombs as they wish. Children can not produce human bombs right away!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
We condemned the Israelis killing the children and women unintentionally (either way you view it), but you glorify this intentional killing of kids (and women in Iraq) by using them as human bombs! I think I am losing my comprehension on your reasoning!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
If they want someone to die for their cause so much why don't these parents kill themselves rather then sacrifice their children?
I hope not all of you getting the wrong point of view...this is not hate...it is only a reaction to the hate which Jews have against them...
Jews have occupied Palestine without justification..do you know how unacceptable this is?? the establishment of Israel is not justified even in thier own religion...
Moreover, Jews have been killing paletinians kids, women and elderly, see Gaza nowadays...
All you see above is a result of establishment of Israel without justication whatsoever...
In the religion of Islam, you die a martyr if your life is lost as a result of fighting to get your land when it is taken without justification...This is a believe muslims have..and i don't believe it is right to condemn people for thier believe no matter what religion you have...
Do you think those kids would be bombing thierselves had it been a fair war and had they got weapons?? suicide bombing is something they have to do..no other way...and they do it as a revenge..they did not start it...
We are against hate.....but totally supportive of fighting the Jews who are bombing Gaza...by any means necesary!
we have been seeing terrible pics OF those innocent victims who was killed by Israel bombing of Gazah .. blood blood blood blood a lot of blood , bodies . Kids bodies was blown off ..
they HAVE TO teach their kids more than that .. BE IT
King.. hmm so, you're saying you can do that to your children?
The internet is our revenge machine
we are doing fine FS, enjoying our first winter :(
Appart from the issue and solution,the pictures are really disturbing.
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.
King I completely agree with your concern...my question is irrespective or Isreal, Palestine, Pakistan or whatever
IS THIS THE SOLUTION??? is this gonna solve the issue?
King Edshel .. All that aside, do you really see nothing wrong with those pictures? I find them very disturbing.
Did you Google it first?
That's f*cked up.
The internet is our revenge machine
what does the Israeli people teach their kids? I don't care and you guys don't know ...
Do you know how people live there? No ...
Do you know what does it mean to be under occupation for 60 years, getting everyone around you killed? No ...
Do you know what does it mean to a whole nation to have someone at least in it's family between getting killed, having a disability or being imprisoned? No also ...
So I guess that on one can judge them just like that, or see them as terror to humanity ... The real terror is out there and everyone knows about it ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
So Sad.
Did you Google it first?
Hi..yea was on a short break. two weeks. Hows you and your family?
I agree Extremists are created but its cruel to make them like this ..I just dont understand why on earth are they brought to this world?
Extremists are never born, they r being created.
Hi FS.. you been lost!!! vacation?
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.
Its a terror to humanity...how can we leave it to them?
this thread going to end ...
It's their thing, so just let them be ...
No one would understand why, so questioning why is out of scope ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Id rather face any deadly weapons nor strap bombs to myself just to protect them!!!
As some people says... War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory! victory of what??? All i can say is give PEACE a CHANCE.....
Why need to broadcast it? Is that a prerequisite (the broadcasting) to a place in paradise? Really pathetic! Better do it silently if that's their conviction!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
and send him off to his death and cause the death of other people in the name of whatever cause, i'll wish he had never been born at all...
That's one of the saddest photos i have ever seen of a child, strapped with bombs and ammunition :(
"No one is born happy...
But all of us are born with the ability to create happiness..." -anonymous