Jade Goody No more

By hms

Jade goody no more, a very sad news, but fact is fact, may her soul rest in peace,

By britexpat• 25 Mar 2009 18:28

Sad reflection on our society. An idiot who got famous for baring her awful body and then more so because she was dying. Max Clifford used her to make money for himself and her.

By anonymous• 25 Mar 2009 18:28

Say it as it is 'dear', don't hold back.

I agree, fair play to her for highlighting the lack of cervical screening in the under 25's.

My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.

By anonymous• 25 Mar 2009 18:25

she was awful, lets face it! shame on her kids etc etc but she was a bloody idiot the only thing that went in her favour was she highlighted the need for cervical cancer screening....thats about it........

By anonymous• 22 Mar 2009 14:37

It does not matter one bit to me what she has done or said in the past, she was still a mother; those poor little boys. God love them. I think it also sad she died on Mothering Sunday.

At least now she is no longer in pain.

For the record I think she was right to do what she did in the end. That money was needed to continue her kids education so they could have a better childhood than she did.

My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.

By mintus• 22 Mar 2009 14:32

She was a lovely girl.

Considered to be very dumb at the time, Yet 4 years after Big Brother she became the first and only reality show Millionaire.

Its been sad to watch her die a little bit more each day in the press,but understand that she did npot care of her image. She just wanted to make sure her 2 boys would never need to worry about money and would be well looked after.

RIP to Loving Mother.

By baldrick2dogs• 22 Mar 2009 14:27

No great loss to the world.

Now Jane Tomlison - there's an inspirational cancer victim - see: http://www.janesappeal.com/

She didn't look for the nation's sympathy & was so fit and active right up to the end that everyone thought she was putting it on!

By GodFather.• 22 Mar 2009 14:02

Rizk.. She was product of Reality TV Big Brother UK. By proffession she was a assistant dental Nurse. She came to stardom when she took part in UK's Big Brother reality TV show.. Since then she made most from her celeberty status..

A few years ago she also took part in the Celeberty Big Brother and became famous for her remarks about Shipla Shetty..

Anyway cutting the long story short. She was anoying at times, overall she was a human been and became one of the well known celeberty coming out of the Big Brother House.. I beleive she leaves two kids behind may god give them the strength to cope with loss of their mother..

May she rest in peace..

Cancer is not a laughing matter. Please think before you posting any silly comments as this can happen to any one of us..



By Victory_278692• 22 Mar 2009 13:58

BIG BOSS series by COLORS channel and could not continue, as diagnosed in India about Cancer and returned back to London for treatment somewhere last year July / August.

By marhabtain• 22 Mar 2009 13:56

Max Clifford - Goody Jades publicist will continue to make lots of cash from her even though she has snuffed it - watch our for the funeral pics in his Goodbye Magazine! With Pics! Zippydooooo!

By acbizgirl• 22 Mar 2009 13:50

Its a sad day for her children and family, God Bless them in this time of grief. But its also a blessing that Jane will no longer struggle with the pain of her disease. Dispite all the controvercy around her, she made a final great contribution to society by bringing to the forefront the horror of cervical cancer and the need for women of all ages to be checked regularly.

May her soul rest in peace...

By Rizks• 22 Mar 2009 13:20

Thanks for the info UkEng....

May her soul rest in peace and may God give their kids the strength to cope up with this situation...

By Rizks• 22 Mar 2009 13:02

Jade Goody Bag ?? Whos she ??

By marhabtain• 22 Mar 2009 13:00

Less rubbish to avoid in the tabloids!

By consciouseffort• 22 Mar 2009 12:51

May her soul rest in peace.


CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!

By frozen tear of love• 22 Mar 2009 12:42
frozen tear of love

I think all that media stuff she was doing to secure the future of her young ones. RIP


When the eye becomes the heart, the heart becomes the eye ... Wasif Ali Wasif

By crazy88• 22 Mar 2009 12:27

she had the media all around her these last couple of weeks. Critisizing, complaining ,discussing and all.


By anonymous• 22 Mar 2009 12:27

Millions die everyday...

Syed Qadeer

By mjamille28• 22 Mar 2009 12:16

has she died? when? coz i was reading the GT this morning, apparently, she's still alive.. or i may be wrong..oh yeah, i double checked and it's true.. may she rest in peace.

By Victory_278692• 22 Mar 2009 12:12

I heard she made a movie about her last moments struggle with Cancer.

May her soul rest in peace!

By every_mothers_nightmare• 22 Mar 2009 12:12

sad indeed............RIP

Aana free, jaana free,

Pakde gaye tho khana free.

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