Gulf Times News about Rent increase after 2 years?
Hi folks, I appreciated to hear a reliable feedback pls
1st question is it true that Gulf Times posted earlier that Landlord shall have no rights to increase rent to their tenants not until 2 years upon signing contract?
I just came back from vacation when i heard about this issue though i tried to search in Gulf Times but have difficulty seeing the edition...
Most of my friend and i myself suffered 10% increased after a year lease contract due. So my 2nd question, how much exactly the rental charges of a part of a villa, sort like a studio type, loc in West Bay with attached Bathroom and Kitchen? oh by the way an old villa too!
My friend searching for a place too so appreciate to hear
a friendly advice please.........
Thanks guys for your informative reply!
Batute, please when is the date it was published in Gulf Times? I wanted to see it myself and print it out to show to my landlord
Any landlord has a good heart and not greedy for riyals has a vacant place to offer? The classified ads still high in rent charges tsk!tsk!tsk!
Once again thanks :)
Hi there.
It is the Emir issued a law about rent freeze of 2 years from February 15, 2008 to February 15, 2010.
An excerpt of the Gulf Times news : as follows:
The majority of the population heaved a collective sign of relief when the government came out with a new rent law in February, stipulating that landlords cannot increase the rent until February 14, 2010. All the contracts have to be registered with a committee at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture. The law came as a great relief at a time when the rents were skyrocketing virtually every month.- GT Dec. 30, 2008
If your landlord ask for increase in rent try to inform here that you will move to another place. They will negotiate that you will not leave your place and give you discount. As of now lots of vacant villas & flats are newly constructed but still vacant. Qatar has more accommodation and less demand.
Good Luck...