An artificial heart for Rs 1 lakh (USD 2000)

KOLKATA: It'll be to coronary care what Nano is to cars, say scientists at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, who have devised an artificial Scientists at IIT Kharagpur have devised an artificial heart that could save lives for just Rs 1 lakh.
heart that could save lives for just Rs 1 lakh.
The research team says trials of the prototype lab—constructed heart have been successful on small animals and the gadget is being perfected on goats. The institute has applied for permission to conduct human trials.
The Total Artificial Heart (TAH) — said to be the first such in the country — has been developed by a team of scientists at IIT-Kgp's school of medical science and technology.
After four years of painstaking research, the scientists say their creation is better and far more affordable than the first artificial heart developed in the US, which showed a ``high rate failure'' and at Rs 30 lakh, beyond the reach of the common man.
The inventors hope to fit the heart into an ailing patient within a few months, once permissions from the Indian Council of Medical Research come through. The unique 13—chamber heart is working fine in small animals, said a member of the team.
Lol Ukeng - A plant in that region will fetch good money. Un breakable heart.. lol
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
Not good news for all our Pinoy friends here with there broken hearts.. Guess this one will never be broken?
come to think of it FS you have just inspired me to open a thread about this...check it out in a bit :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
My emotions are
if it can save some lives...even without emotions if they can live a normal life..its good..
WOW count on us Indians to come up with something cheaper we just love competition. However i really do hope this works for the benefit of the common man, it will save a lot of lives. Hats off to them.
NOW..FS lol emotions from the heart?? we all know emotions come from kidneys :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
FS ..Emotions worth for Rs.1 lakh
hmmm...will it really work? will they have any emotions?