109 'have been killed by Viagra'

RP.. Please be very careful out there ...Y'hear!
VIAGRA has caused 109 deaths, it was claimed yesterday.
The anti-impotence drug was said to have led to 44 fatal heart attacks and 29 other sudden deaths.
Watchdog the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency added that seven people claimed it turned them blind.
Two patients said it made them deaf and another two men claimed it left them with bent willies.
The Sun..
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This man got his prescription for Viagra, and goes home to get ready for when his wife gets home. He calls her on the phone, and says, "I'll be home in an hour."
"Perfect," she replies.
The man thinks her agreement is because the Doctor told him to take his Viagra an hour before. He takes the Viagra and waits.
An hour goes by, the man is ready to go, but no wife . . .
She calls him on the phone and she says, "Traffic is terrible. I won't be there for about an hour and a half."
The man, frustrated, calls his Doctor for advice. "What should I do?" he asks.
The Doctor replied, "It would be a shame to waste it. Do you have a housekeeper around?"
"Yes" the man replied.
"Well, maybe you can occupy yourself with her instead?" said the Doctor.
The man then replied with dismay...
"But I don't need Viagra with the housekeeper..."
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
Its nothing to do with the manufacturer, but the people who use these "medicines" without realizing the dangers.
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
none of the users rolled out of bed!
I have also heard that people who take Viagra are fine upstanding people. Who are willing to tunnell in there after stiff opposition and be man enough to stand tall against the enemy and be erect and spout of their consequnces.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
viagra is bittersweet i suppose?
uh-oh...... :P
i took it one time out of curiosity and thought i was going to have a heart attack!
It's been revealed that criminals who steal Viagra will face stiff penalties.
You can't teach experience...
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
have you tried the Viagra eye drops? They do nothing to help your erection but they make you look dead hard.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
Someone did confess that he had a mild rush after swallowing half a pill.
He did pass out blindly, after stroking continuously the shift gears for three hours under the hot sun..
If God dropped acid, would he see people? -- George Carlin
What about the other figures .. I mean the affected ones due to the agressiveness of Viagra effect
There a few more dead through traffic accidents in Qatar in one year. Lol, speed.
thread or news from The Sun ;-)
And by the way 109 is not an alarming figure !
I suspect the true number is probably higher than claimed. Big Pharma doesn't like the truth known. It hurts profits, you know.
Oh my God..thanx for the information...em lucky that em still single...will never even touch viagra...hehe:D