I'm the freaking Elephant (wo)Man..

By FranElizabeth •
Hiya. Anyone else suffer from mosquito allergy? I got bitten all over whilst attempting to be serene in my garden last night and by this afternoon I really am looking like I have elephantitis :O
The Med centre gave me some antihistamines (SP?) but I'm still looking hideous and feeling worse than I look:(
I love being outdoors in the evenings... will I have to stay inside from now on? Or wear a bee keeper's suit? Boo hoo..
Really though, anyone any tips for keeping the blighters at bay? Or at least for dealing with balloonesque result of mozzy wrath? Flipping poxy gnats.
Thank you!
Where have you gone? I just googled it and it came up with 'Tough Soupy Elements' ... There's some of those?
What's a mozzie? ;-)
What's TSE?? Yikes..
Well that explains the attack of the mosquitos..Well if your in Dukhan you surely will get bitten my the flying little dracs, because there is a big TSE lake nearby the community area..
The Doha fly-ways are probably as loon as the roads:)
aha! that explains it! Mozzies don't venture to Doha...too much garlic in the blood round these parts....
Yes to both, UkEng and Dora. I live in Dukhan. I'm a hick! :)
Fran you wrote that heading into town on Saturday?,,hmm dear do you live in the desert somewhere...lol
I'm usually a target for mozzies but never here! Do you live near water? I've never seen one here yet?!
Smoke- thanks, I thinK...
Still looking swollen and hideous but it could be worse... a couple of people told me they've had the same reaction here too... one theory was that because they frequently come round to spray insecticide, the bugs are evolving into super- timberous beasties and so have more poison?
Could bee.. (groan)
Tallg- prob heading into town on Sat so I'll definitely pick some up.. I suppose I could always do the mozzy net thing but I reckon that could get quite hazardous..especially after a few cans of Heineken..and Wales are playing again Saturday aren't they? mmm, Maybe I could kill two birds with one stone and get the tailor to whip me up a padded bodysuit which will protect against the harmful effects of mosquitoes AND Heineken.. or maybe not..;)
Could it have been a....vampire?
Fran - try those oil burner wicker garden lamps that you can buy in Carrefour. You can buy oil for them that contains citronella, which repels mosquitoes.
You can also get citronella spray to apply to your skin.
Failing that, buy a big mosquito net and sit under that!
...I never see much mosquitoes around here and never was bitten by one.
Maybe some mosquitoes here wants a certain race to bite at. LOL
If ever you did get bitten by one, you won't get any elephantiasis here. Such types of mosquitoes that carry the certain bacteria live in tropical regions only.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
save your blood!! Stay away from the parasites!
Get one of those tennis racket shaped mosquito electrocutors!
So am not alone here, have killed 2 in my house (sorry Animal Rights) but had no choice and boy were they BIG! i did pick it up coz resist measuring it,,, and it was almost an Inch!!! i have seem mosquito in my home country but never saw 1 such big..
guess we need to fumigate our house once in a week!
FranElizabeth... i hope u get well soon,, and try to stay in at night!
nice! show us a picture of urself, so we can scare our children into eating vegetables :D
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
This is the first time I've had it here. I get eaten at home, too but I've never had this reaction.
I reckon these guys are taking mozzy steroids or something!
Will do a search for repellent over the weekend.. cheers:)
Ew! Mosquitos love me, ick. Haven't ever had a problem with them here, but when I travel I take insect repellent. Best if it contains DEET but not sure if you can find it here.