MEN are from mars and WOMEN from venus!!!
By luvexorcist •
it seems women are getting difficult to understand everyday.what we guys think, a lady is asking us is not what it really means.heres an example.
Lady to hubby:do i look fat in this dress?
(what her hubby hears-do i look fat in this dress?)
(what she actually means-tell me i look beautiful or u're dead meat)
its us guys who end up in trouble in the end...why can't girls tell what they really mean instead of making us guys read between the lines!!
guys nd gals let me know yer take on this...ciao
>>David89 , the link explains you what bebsi me it is just a letter which pronouncing differently.
Attitudes are more important than facts...
Seriously, Bebsi... what is bebsi... I keep imagining children trying to say pepsi but spitting out the word bebsi instead, it's driving me nuts.
ooooopsssssssssssss that one slipped.........i need 1 box of BEBSI blease...........
wtf is bebsi? why does everyone say bebsi?
What! bebsi is now 1.5 riyal!! if i buy bebsi automatic with batook!.coz this country have problem in cent.
Life is short, so try to make it long!
I had started this long back with the same subject line...
Enjoy! It's fun...
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
A similar one -
it's funny how certain people talks about their nationality like they are the most professional, educated people and things like that.. then suddenly, out of the blue you drop a really inappropriate comment like that,... how educated indeed.... :/
Women return back to Venus :P
There should be a book, that has all information on what girls say and what they actually mean. It ll be better than the crap they teach at school
Women can tell from a mile off if a man is giving them a line. But for goodness sake, don't tell her she looks fat either:)
I think you should all give up. Go have fun with your mates and wait for a girl to fall for YOU. That way, she'll make excuses for you even if you tell her she needs cosmetic surgery...
1.5 riyals for bebsi is good. I spent 30 riyals for a can of bebsi at La Cigale. What a rip off!
talk about it... They just twist??
yes I agree ladies say a thing but it she ment the other thing
sheeeet! i'm sick of these dont understand women, women dont understand men, 5 things women need to search for in the guy before they date him, 10 thing guys wish girls knew, 50 things girls wished guys knew!! seriously WTF! Bebsi has become 1.5 riyals thats something we seriously need to discuss..OMG!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
ok next!
nevertheless they have a common point that both comes from space.:))men likes short statement since they only have 0 or 1,black or white in their nature ,but nothing between.and the women are in details which makes them difficult.means never ends .both sex contain plus and minus.
Attitudes are more important than facts...