Is this salary alright??
By Tenista2182 •
Hi i have been offered a job in Doha at a big hotel they just offered me $1800 this is tax free, includes housing, includes flight tickets, cargo, food bonus of $850 is this alright?? is this too little?? or for a bachelor like me is this salary ok??
Its a very good offer,just grab it because you will never find similar to it in this period of time!
I thnk it a good one, This is a best offer, you will never find an offer like this in current job market.
think and do it!
Is the food bonus monthly? If it is, then your monthly salary will be $2,650. With housing provided, I think it is ok for a bachelor. I'm not sure where you are from, but also consider the experience of living in another country, that is also a benefit. Compare it to what you are making now. Best of luck!
This is a best offer, you will never find an offer like this in current job market. current job market is very danger in worldwide. so make a decision by youself, do not listen to others, make a calculation for a bachelor expense in Doha and decide it.
Good Luck
Do u think u have a chance of getting a better job soon. If yes, then why should u go for it .But if not, why don’t u try to get anything doing while looking for a better opportunity
Good offer and the going rate for this kind of work.. Especially if the housing is provided..
I would'nt even get out of bed for that , stay home mate!
Its good offer. Accept it!
its a good offer for a bachelor i say..
best luck !
well it depends on what the job they offered you is and working hours? it depends on the way you live and what your expenditures are, it also depends if they will provide you with accomodation or they will just give you an allowence.
In general its low, but it depends on your position. break it down more so people can give you better input!
good luck
An advice of Brotherhood: forget it about this offer.The packaged proposed is not at all worthwile.Regardless of where you live it is definitely a bad operation to relocate to Doha for such an offer.If I were I would drop this offer
Good luck
just imagine the fast food restaurant staff getting their salary $360 a month compare what your getting now....if they can survive,,, how about YOU!!!!
They pay you less than 3000$??? You'll never be able to save anything from that and will work like a slave... I wouldn't go for that...
My friend, this is too low. You shall barely survive with this.
it is good
but if they pay u for house allowance and you select the house is way much better
go for it