where is family dental clinic located?

By serendipity_282008 •
Hey Guys,
Could you plz let me know whr is the exact location of family dental clinic. ? Whts thr contact & your opinions regarding the clinic. Who would be the best dentist to do teeth cleaning and whitening? How much would they charge?
here's the contact number...
Family Dental Clinic
On the Cring from Ramada towards Airport. After first traffic light & petrol station, turn into sliproad and firts right. You will see the clinic on your left. I dont know who would be best for that. I go to Dr Bruni.
Yes they are the best dentists in Qatar and totally recommend them.
behind QIT after QATAR FINANCE Salata jadeed...when u turn right after QATAR FINANCE on ur left u will see the gate but the other the inrance!!!